Problem Statement-
What are the routing protocols that can be used in Time-Sensitive Networking? How these protocols are impacting the network or how the distribution is in the network. I need help writing my essay – research paper use the metric MSTL( Maximum Scheduled Traffic Load) to measure distribution load in the network. Ace my homework – Write code and Implement these protocols using a simulator tool (OMNeT++ is preferred) and generate conclusions out of it. Finally plot necessary details in the graphs.
Already done part-
I have already submitted 3 routing protocols but I don’t have code for them to simulate and generate results/data. I need help writing my essay – research paper help me in doing the code part.
1) SPF – Shortest Path First and wt-SPF – weighted Shortest Path First
2) ECMP – Equal Cost Multi Path and wt-ECMP – weighted Equal Cost Multi path
3) Tabu Search (Heuristic based approach)
Pseudocodes and all the necessary details can be found here – Routing Algorithms for Time
Sensitive Network

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Research Helper
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