Assignment to be submitted
with complete accurate answers.
A. What is coral reef?
B. What are the conditions
necessary for the formation and growth of coral?
C. Explain the development of
different coral coast
D. What is the significant of
coral in the areas it has developed?
A. What is a vegetation
B. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the factors that
account for the vegetation distribution on the surface of the earth.
C. Explain the significance
of the vegetation.
A lake may be created for one or more of the following
-To generate hydroelectric power
-For irrigation
-To control floods
-To supply water to settlements
A. Briefly explain how they
B. Cite the problems any two
of the above have faced. Suggest ways through which these problems may be solved.

A. Name any six natural
vegetation found in Africa.
B. Briefly describe the
characteristics of any four of the vegetation types you have named in (a)
C. Choose two of the four types
you have named in (a) above and for each, explain how the characteristics you
have described in (b) above reflect the influence of climate.

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Essays Scribe
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