
Criteria Ratings Pts

20.0 pts

Submit report on time, i.e. by the due date.

10.0 pts

Submits report late, i.e. after the due date.

0.0 pts

Fails to submit report.
20.0 pts

20.0 pts

Report is well organized, i.e. is divided into sections corresponding to each of the posed questions. Each section contains a heading. Each response is minimum two paragraphs in length.

10.0 pts

Report is poorly organized, i.e. it does not always contain clearly identifiable question sections with headings. The two paragraphs length response rule per main question is not consistently observed.

0.0 pts

There is no discernable organization at all. The report is a random collection of thoughts. The two paragraphs length response rule per main question is not observed at all.
20.0 pts

40.0 pts

Report contains ample evidence of familiarity with the course readings. Each response is based on the careful and throughtful reading/interpretation of the course material. The report also gives specific details from the course readings mixed with one’s own ideas.

20.0 pts

Report is somewhat superficial. It glosses over, without much reflection and care, important terms and concepts discussed in the readings. Gives specific details from the readings only sporadically. Responds without consistently mixing one’s own ideas in the response.

0.0 pts

Report contains little or no evidence of familiarity with the course readings. It is written in haste, provides no specific details, presents ideas not related to the readings or posed questions.
40.0 pts
Style (grammar/syntax)

20.0 pts

Report is spell-checked, with no more than 2-3 grammatical/syntactic errors. Very little or none colloquial English has been used.

10.0 pts

Report is not spelled-checked and contains more than 3 typographical errors. The grammatical/syntactic structure of the writing is flawed on many occasions. Colloquial use of English is more a norm than an exception.

0.0 pts

No effort has been taken to proof-read and spell-check one’s own writing. The responses abound in typographical, grammatical and syntactic errors. Colloquial use of English language predominates.
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Essays Scribe
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