See full work assignment attached
You will create a Folio that includes redesigned activities from prior coursework in your program (MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE, or MATLT) that demonstrate your competency with your Programs Learning Outcomes, which are also the Course Learning Outcomes for EDU 696. Additionally, you will write a narrative reflection of your experience with the program and the Folio construction. The overarching goal of this Final Paper and Folio assignment is to showcase learning from your Master’s Program in a consolidated, web-based format that can easily be shared with anyone: colleagues, potential or current employers, friends, family members, and others. Within this Folio, you will tell the story of your educational journey and value of your personal Master’s experience as it applies to the labor market. Remember, the Folio is your chance to show what you know and are able to do in the practice of teaching and learning with technology. You will submit a link to your Folio and attach your paper portion of the assignment in a Week Six discussion for preliminary feedback by peers and the instructor before the final submission. The earlier you submit in the Week Six discussion the more opportunity you have for input from your peers and instructor to improve your work before the final submission of this assignment.