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Signature Assignment: AZELLA Report Analysis and Lesson Modifications
Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.
Part 1 – AZELLA Student Report Analysis
Scenario: Mauricio is a 4-grade English learner (EL) student in Ms. Hendrix’s class whose Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) scores are as follows:
Proficiency Level
* Reading
* Writing
Language (Conventions/Vocabulary)
Comprehension (Reading/Listening)
*Total Combined Score
*To be considered overall proficient, students must achieve Proficient in the Total Combined Score as well as the Reading and Writing scores.
The chart below explains the AZELLA Proficiency Levels and Descriptors.
Overall Proficiency Level
Overall Proficiency Level Descriptors
· The student consistently understands and produces social and academic English.
· The student independently reads and comprehends key information in grade-appropriate texts.
· The student writes paragraphs in various writing applications using grade-level vocabulary and simple, compound, and complex sentences with a variety of verb tenses.
· The student has a moderate ability to understand and produce academic English.
· The student has a moderate ability to independently read and comprehend grade-appropriate text.
· The student writes sentences demonstrating some control of conventions, grammatical structures, and academic vocabulary.
· The student has a limited understanding of academic and social English and produces short phrases and simple sentences with common construction patterns.
· The student has limited ability to decode and comprehend text read independently.
· The student writes simple sentences with limited control of conventions, grammar, and vocabulary.
Pre-Emergent / Emergent
· The student has an extremely limited and inconsistent understanding of social and academic English.
· With instructional/environmental support, the student can formulate simple phrases and sentences orally and in writing.
Create a diagram that includes the following information based on Mauricio’s student report. Complete the following in your diagram:
· Identify his strengths, challenges, and resulting instructional needs.
· Identify examples of assessments you could use to help him improve in those areas.
· Describe examples of home activities to support in all the challenging areas.
Part 2 – UDL Lesson Modifications
Scenario: Mauricio’s 4th-grade teacher, Ms. Hendrix, will be teaching a lesson to the class about Regions. You are the school’s EL coordinator and Ms. Hendrix has come to you for ideas on how she could modify her lesson plan to support Mauricio’s language needs based on his AZELLA results.
Using the table below, modify Ms. Hendrix’s traditional lesson about Regions into a lesson that incorporates the 3 UDL guidelines:
1. Multiple Means of Representation (What)
2. Multiple Means of Action and Expression (How)
3. Multiple Means of Engagement (Why)
Incorporate at least 1 technology tool or resource in your modifications.
Traditional Lesson Plan
UDL Lesson Plan
Goal: Students will read the “What is a Region?” chapter in their textbook and answer the review questions at the end of the chapter in handwritten responses.
Goal: <insert text>
Focus: Understand what a region is.
Focus: <insert text>
Materials: Textbook, lecture, Microsoft© PowerPoint© presentation, and worksheet
Materials: <insert text>
10:00–10:30 — Whole-group: The teacher summarizes the main ideas in the textbook chapter using a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and lecture.
10:30–10:40 — Independent work: Students complete the True-or-False worksheet that describes examples and non-examples of regions.
10:40–10:50 — Independent work: Students start working on the review questions at the end of the textbook chapter and will complete for homework.
Instruction: <insert text>
Assessment: Textbook review questions will be graded.
Assessment: <insert text>
Write a 350- to 525-word rationale on your chosen modifications for each section. Explain how your modifications support Mauricio’s language needs and exhibit the 3 UDL guidelines. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include any possible standard assessment accommodations available to Mauricio.