1/30/22, 12:46 PM Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3

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Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric


Congratula�ons! You are off to a good start. You successfully completed an analysis of the company’s internal business environment.

To quickly recap, as the director of strategic planning, you are crea�ng a new strategic planning proposal to help the company

explore at least one new growth opportunity and increase its revenue or market share in the industry.

As you con�nue crea�ng your proposal, in this assignment you will analyze your company’s external business environment and

explain its influence on revenue or market share.


Perform an external environment analysis of your company to iden�fy the company’s compe��ve environment and find an

opportunity the company can u�lize to grow its revenue or market share in the industry. Use resources such as the company

website, which will have per�nent informa�on including its most recent sustainability report, and other relevant sources to help

complete this presenta�on. You can also use the resources in the MBA Library Research Guide to conduct further research about

your company.

Create a Microso� PowerPoint presenta�on to show the results of your analysis. Use both on-screen text and speaker notes to

convey your informa�on effec�vely. For example, you can use brief bulleted lists summarizing the highlights of your analysis on the

slides, and include more detailed explana�ons where needed in your speaker notes.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

A. Compe�tors (slide 1): Iden�fy at least two of your company’s top compe�tors and explain how they compete with your


B. Compe��ve advantages (slides 2–7): Evaluate your company’s compe��ve advantages.

i. Assignment Help – Summarize the unique skill sets, products, loca�on, and values of your company.

ii. Use Porter’s five forces to analyze your company’s compe��veness and growth poten�al in its industry. Assign a ra�ng to

your company for each of Porter’s five forces as very high (VH), high (H), low (L), or very low (VL). Jus�fy your ra�ngs.

iii. Area of opportunity (slides 8–9): Iden�fy one area of opportunity that will help your company increase its revenue or market

share over the next five years. Explain how this opportunity can lead to an increase in revenue or market share.

Guidelines for Submission

Create a PowerPoint presenta�on with 9–12 slides. Sources should be cited according to Ace homework tutors – APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library

Ace homework tutors – APA Style Guide for more informa�on on cita�ons.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement

(70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Compe��on Exceeds proficiency

in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or

crea�ve manner

Iden�fies two or

more of the

company’s top


explains how they

Shows progress

toward proficiency,

but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may

Does not a�empt



Milestone Two Rubric


MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3 TM

1/30/22, 12:46 PM Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/948990/viewContent/16870889/View 2/4

crea�ve manner explains how they

compete with the


improvement may

include iden�fying at

least two top

compe�tors or

explaining how they

compete with the

company using

sound reasoning and

relevant data



Exceeds proficiency

in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or

crea�ve manner

Assignment Help – Summarize s the

unique skill sets,

products, loca�on,

and values of the

company; assigns a

credible ra�ng to the

company for each of

Porter’s five forces

with relevant


Shows progress

toward proficiency,

but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may

include summarizing

the skill sets,

products, and values

correctly or assigning

credible ra�ngs using

sound reasoning

Does not a�empt



Area of


Exceeds proficiency

in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or

crea�ve manner

Iden�fies one area of

opportunity that will

help increase

revenue or market

share over the next

five years; explains

how this opportunity

can lead to an

increase in revenue

or market share

Shows progress

toward proficiency,

but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may

include iden�fying a

valid area of

opportunity or

explaining the

impact on revenue or

market share


Does not a�empt



Ar�cula�on of


Exceeds proficiency

in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or

crea�ve manner

Clearly conveys

meaning with correct

grammar, sentence

structure, and


demonstra�ng an

understanding of

audience and


Shows progress

toward proficiency,

but with errors in

grammar, sentence

structure, and

spelling, nega�vely

impac�ng readability

Submission has

cri�cal errors in

grammar, sentence

structure, and

spelling, preven�ng

understanding of



Cita�ons and


Uses cita�ons for

ideas requiring

a�ribu�on, with few

or no minor errors

Uses cita�ons for

ideas requiring

a�ribu�on, with

consistent minor


Uses cita�ons for

ideas requiring

a�ribu�on, with

major errors

Does not use

cita�ons for ideas

requiring a�ribu�on


Total 100%

1/30/22, 12:46 PM Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/948990/viewContent/16870889/View 3/4

1/30/22, 12:46 PM Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/948990/viewContent/16870889/View 4/4

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12:46 p.m. on January 22nd Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/948990/viewContent/16870889/View 1/4

Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric


Congratula�ons! You are off to a good start. You successfully completed an analysis of the company’s internal business environment.

To quickly recap, as the director of strategic planning, you are crea�ng a new strategic planning proposal to help the company

explore at least one new growth opportunity and increase its revenue or market share in the industry.

As you con�nue crea�ng your proposal, in this assignment you will analyze your company’s external business environment and

explain its influence on revenue or market share.


Perform an external environment analysis of your company to iden�fy the company’s compe��ve environment and find an


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Research Helper
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