1. RDSJ4: Catalano, Blumenfeld, & Hackman, Introduction (pp. 341-353) 150 words
2. RDSJ4: Johnson, Patriarchy, the System (pp. 362-367) 150 words
3. RDSJ4: Kimmel, Masculinity as Homophobia (pp. 381-386) 150 words
4. RDSJ4: Marcotte, Overcompensation Nation: (pp. 386-388) 150 words
5. RDSJ4: Kirk & Okazowa-Rey, He Works, She Works (pp. 373-374) 150 words
6. RDSJ4: National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Statement on Healthcare for All (pp. 446-447) 150 words
7. RDSJ4: hooks, Feminism (pp. 359-362) 150 words
8. RDSJ4: Katz, Violence against Women is a Men’s issue, (pp. 425-429) 150 words
9. Video: Tarana Burke on Why She Created the #MeToo Movement — Where It’s Headed 100 words
10. Video: Panel of accomplished men discuss the #MeToo Movement 100 words
11. Video: Yee Won Chong, Beyond the Gender Binary 100 words
12. Video: The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies 100 words
13. Video: Sexism, Strength and Dominance: Masculinity in Disney Films 100 words
14. Video: Dove Evolution 100 words