eActivity: Read the articles: “Wal-Mart Japan to focus on remodeling stores, no plans to exit market.” Located at http://www.reuters.com/article/us-wal-mart-japan-idUSKCN0WH0MD and “Walmart aims for Japan turnaround” located at http://www.campaignasia.com/article/walmart-aims-for-japan-turnaround/407980  

From the e-Activity, assuming you are currently a store manager at  Walmart and due to your fluency in the Japanese language, the company  has assigned you to manage one of their Seiyu-brand stores in Japan.  Determine the skills, strengths, or qualities that you possess, relative  to the seven (7) dimensions of the Global Leadership and Organizational  Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Model, that would help you successfully  manage your store. Predict two (2) cultural differences that may  challenge your current management style, and suggest the key actions  that could help you address them.

Imagine that your friend Teresa have worked in several capacities in  different departments within her present company. This week, her  company has promoted her from department manager to CEO, just as it  begins to participate in international business. Devise at least five  (5) rules that address conflict of interest for Teresa within this new  context. Provide a rationale for your response.

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