Reading Reflection Chapters 26 & 27
Reading and objective reflection, in one to two paragraphs, reflect on the objectives and what you have learned from your readings. How do you anticipate the use of research?
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Chapter 26: Patient safety and quality research
What are the reasons for quality and research initiatives? As per Tappen (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service) states, there is not much imagination required to understand the reason for these research initiatives. Patient safety and improvement can lend itself to many concepts. Drug improvement, practice initiatives, mitigation of practice errors, and the list continues. Two immediate concepts that come to mind are safety as well as infection control. In conducting these studies, we must remember that we are responsible for safeguarding the well-being of our patients in the study.
The formulation of a design is not always easy, there are considerations that must be accounted for you. As per Tappen (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service), one issue is design formulation where one must look at defining the content, looking for an occurrence in existing records, the sequence of events, population comparison, baseline adherence rates, complex interventions, encompassing a complex system transformation, and complex data analysis. To add the list of requirements it is imperative to consider ethical considerations. Page 496 of your text highlights the guidelines for publishing safety and quality study results.
Article/Website Link:
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Medication Reconciliation
Chapter 27: Developing a program of research
Tappen (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service) states that this concept is a series of studies that are aimed at filling a knowledge gap in research. This is an area where there are insufficient studies to address an issue encountered. Additionally, this could also be viewed as purposeful construction of new knowledge to address a problem where scientific knowledge is lacking. One example is when a new disease surface. There is value in construction of new research, the methodology for its implementation involves a process, if you refer to page 501 of your course text and see how this development evolves or unfolds.
Article Link:
Basic Steps to Building a Research Program
Developing a Program of Research in Nursing