Primary Source Analysis

Formatting-Failure to follow these rules will result in points taken off
• I will provide the primary source
• Papers must be written and submitted in a WORD document, please DO NOT submit PDFs, TXT, or TIFF files this messes up formatting and you could lose points.
• 12 point Times New Roman font (for everything)
• 1” margins all around (please check your default to make sure it is correct)
• double spaced (please go into paragraph settings and not just the drop down. No spacing before or after.)
• 300-500 words
• Heading (not a header) should be single spaced with the following on the FIRST PAGE ONLY (this does not count in your word count):
Name (Left justified)
Class-Section (Left Justified) two spaces between this and the Title
Essay Subject Title (Centered)
• NO need for page numbers or the date
• Hit the space bar twice between sentences
• Indent the first line of each paragraph

• You must have an opening paragraph
• You must have an introduction and a conclusion, please do not label them as such or start with “In conclusion…” That is just bad writing.
• DO NOT use first person (I, Me, We, etc.)
• DO NOT start your paper with “I am writing this paper because…”
• DO NOT use contractions (can’t, won’t, it’s, etc.)
• DO NOT include graphics
• DO NOT use abbreviations or text speak
• SPELL CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

• Dates should be written as: July 16, 1865 not July 16th, 1865 (th sound is implied)
• There= a place
• They’re= is a contraction for they are
• Their= is possessive
• Two= 2
• To= directional
• Too= also or excessively
• Your= possessive form of you
• You’re= contraction of you are
• Then= a point in time
• Than= a comparison
• Were= past tense of are
• We’re= contraction of we are
• Where= a place
• To lay= to put something down
• To lie= to rest or recline
• Laid= past tense of lay
• Lay= past tense of lie (tricky I know)
• Know= to have knowledge of something
• No= to decline something
• Should’ve= Should have (should of is never correct!)
• Could’ve= Could have (could of is never correct!)
• A lot= is always two words meaning many
• Allot= to distribute or given (past tense allotted)
• Affect= verb (influence; produce a change)
• Effect= noun (result of a cause of an agent)
• Accept= to receive
• Except= apart from; excluded
• Allusion= an indirect reference
• Illusion= false idea; misleading
• Loose= not tight
• Lose= unable to find
• Principal= head of a school
• Principle= a law; doctrine; motivating force
• Stationary= not moving
• Stationery= writing material
• Nouns and proper nouns should be capitalized.
• The beginning of every sentenced should be capitalized.
• A is used before words that begin with a consonant and an is used before words that begin with a vowel.

War of 1812….
Reported to the House of Representatives, June 3, 1812 Mr. Calhoun, from the committee of Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the message of the President of the United States of the 1st of June, 1812, made the following report: That, after the experience which the United States have had of the great injustice of the British Government towards them, exemplified by so many acts of violence and oppression, it will be more difficult to justify to the impartial world their patient forbearance than the measures to which it has become necessary to resort, to avenge the wrongs, and vindicate the rights and honor of the nation. Your committee are happy to observe, on a dispassionate review of the conduct of the United States, that they see in it no cause for censure. If a long forbearance under injuries ought ever to be considered a virtue in any nation, it is one which peculiarly becomes the United States. No people ever had stronger motives to cherish peace; none have ever cherished it with greater sincerity and zeal. But the period has now arrived when the United States must support their character and station among the nations of the earth, or submit to the most shameful degradation. Forbearance has ceased to be a virtue. War on the one side, and peace on the other is a situation as ruinous as it is disgraceful. The mad ambition, the lust of power, and commercial avarice of Great Britain, arrogating to herself the complete dominion of the ocean, and exercising over it an unbounded and lawless tyranny, have left to neutral nations an alternative only between the base surrender of their rights, and a manly vindication of them. Happily for the United States, their destiny, under the aid of Heaven, is in their own hands. The crisis is formidable only by their love of peace. As soon as it becomes a duty to relinquish that situation, danger disappears. They have suffered no wrongs, they have received no insults, however great, for which they cannot obtain redress… From this review of the multiplied wrongs of the British Government since the commencement of the present war, it must be evident to the impartial world that the contest which is now worked on the United States is radically a contest for their sovereignty and independence….The control of our commerce by Great Britain, in regulating at pleasure, and expelling it almost from the ocean; the oppressive manner in which these regulations have been carried into effect, by seizing and confiscating such of our vessels, which their cargoes as were said to have violated her edicts, often without previous warning of their danger; the impressments of our citizens from on board our own vessels, on the high seas, and elsewhere, and holding them in bondage till it suited the convenience of their oppressors to deliver them up, are encroachments of that high and dangerous tendency, which could not fail to produce that pernicious effect; not would those be the only consequences that would result from it. The British Government might, for a while, be satisfied with the ascendency thus gained over us, but its pretensions would soon increase. The proof which so complete and disgraceful a submission to its authority would afford of our degeneracy, could not fail to inspire confidence that there was no limit to which its usurpations and our degradations might not be carried. Your committee believing that the freeborn sons of America are worthy to enjoy the liberty which their fathers purchased at the price of so much blood and treasure, and seeing in the measures adopted by Great Britain a course commenced and persisted in which must lead to a loss of national character and independence, feel no hesitation in advising resistance by force, in which the Americans of the present day will prove to the enemy and to the world, that we have not only inherited that liberty which our fathers gave us, but also the will and power to maintain it. Relying on the patriotism of the nation, and confidently trusting that the Lord of Hosts will go with us to battle in a righteous cause, and crown our efforts with success, your committee recommend an immediate appeal to arms.

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Ace Tutors
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