Douglas College
Geography 1100: Introduction to Human Geography
Fall 2020
Voluntourism Assignment
Voluntourism Assignment
Due via Blackboard by midnight on Sunday, October 11th
The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on the concept of neo-colonialism by applying it to the
example of ‘voluntourism.’ In addition to the textbook, you will be drawing from online sources.
Read the following sections from the textbook:
• Chapter 2: “The Third World and Neo-colonialism” (pp. 55-56)
• Chapter 9: “Imperialism and Colonialism” (pp. 331-337)
Watch the following documentary and video clips:
• Quenville, Brad (Producer). (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, October 10). Volunteers Unleashed [Video File]. Retrieved from
• Volunteers Unleashed: suppressed Me to We clip # 1
and clip #2 Note: these clips edited out of the
documentary after the Me to We CEO Craig Kielburger found out his organization would be profiled in
the documentary and threatened to pull out as a guest judge on CBC’s 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service Canada Reads program
halfway through recording.
Read the following blog post and newspaper article:
• Biddle, Pippa. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online, February 18). The Voluntourist’s Dilemma: What is the Cost of Giving Back? Go
Overseas. Retrieved from
• Rosenberg, Tina (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, September 13). The business of Voluntourism: Do Western Do-gooders
Actually do Harm? The Guardian. Retrieved from 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online/sep/13/thebusiness-of-voluntourism-do-western-do-gooders-actually-do-harm.
Next, write an essay in which you apply the concept of neo-colonialism to the example of voluntourism. Use
the guiding questions below to focus your discussion while providing a clear introduction, body, and
conclusion. While you may use brief quotes from the sources, the majority of your answers should be in
your own words. In other words, I want you to explain your own understanding of the ideas, not simply quote
the sources. You may choose to focus on some topics more than others but are expected to address all of
the questions and draw from (and cite) the film and both of the articles.
As many of the issues overlap, do NOT simply answer the questions one-by-one or as a bulleted list
and do NOT summarize each source one-by-one. Instead, use the questions to guide your written analysis
of key issues and organize your discussion into a single, cohesive essay. A strong introductory paragraph
that outlines our main points can help you keep your paper focused and guide the reader through the whole
argument. Be specific and explicit in your responses: someone with no prior knowledge of this topic should be
able to read what you’ve written and gain a reasonable understanding of the issues being discussed. This
means you need to explain key terms in your discussion.
Guiding Questions
• In your own words, define neocolonialism and voluntourism, making sure to include clear
examples to illustrate your ideas.
• Explain at least three ways that voluntourism might be considered a form of neo-colonialism. Make sure to
draw from concepts from readings as well as the textbook and video lectures (e.g. ‘White man’s burden,’
ethnocentrism, core-periphery relationships, transnational corporations, globalization, etc.).Your
discussion should refer to specific examples from the assigned sources.
• According to the sources, are voluntourists doing more harm than good? Do you agree or disagree? Do
you think voluntourism an effective form of development aid? Why or why not?
• Is it possible to reform existing voluntourism programs to avoid their neocolonial characteristics? If so,
• What additional questions or unanswered concerns do you have about this topic? Are there sources,
perspectives, or information missing from the assigned readings and videos that you feel should be
included? If so, explain what these are and why you think they are important.
Douglas College
Geography 1100: Introduction to Human Geography
Fall 2020
Voluntourism Assignment
• Your entire response should be typed, have a length of approximately 900-1200 words (not
including your works cited list), in 10- or 12-point font, and be double-spaced. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a word
count at the end of your discussion. Do NOT include a title page. Instead, include a title at
the top of your discussion.
• Do NOT include your name on your assignment. Instead, include your student number
at the top of the first page.
• You must cite all your sources correctly (preferably using Ace homework tutors – APA style), both in your text and in
a works cited list (bibliography) at the end of your discussion. See below for tips on citing
• This is an individual assignment. Do NOT copy the work of other students or other sources and
do NOT use an online paraphrasing tool. Plagiarism will result in you receiving a zero on the
assignment and will be reported to the College. Students caught plagiarizing will not be given
the chance to rewrite the assignment.
Citing Sources
Both paraphrased and quoted material should be cited, preferably using Ace homework tutors – APA style. This means you need to
include in-text citations as well as full bibliographic entries in a works cited list at the end of your discussion.
Examples of in-text citations:
• Knox, Marston, and Imort (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service) argue out that “the Internet is effectively reorganizing space” (pp. 66).
• The Internet has led to a reconfiguration of relationships between different places (Knox et al., 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service).
Example of works cited entry:
• Knox, P., Marston, S., and M. Imort. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global
Context, Fifth Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Canada.
If you are unsure about how to cite material, please talk to me and/or have a look at the library’s extensive
website at
Checklist 
I followed the guidelines and did NOT include my name on this assignment.
I provided my student number.
I followed the guidelines and did NOT include a title page.
This paper has a clear title.
This paper has a useful introduction that outlines my main points.
This paper analyzes at least three clear examples of how voluntourism relates to neocolonialism.
This paper clearly addresses all the guiding questions.
This paper provides clear definitions of key terms, in my own words.
This paper draws from and cites all the sources assigned for this topic.
This paper draws from concepts from the textbook and video lectures.
This paper has a clear conclusion or summary, even if short.
This paper provides in-text citations and a works cited list that includes all sources used for my paper.
This paper is within the minimum and maximum word count.
This paper includes the word count (not including the title, works cited list, etc.) at the end.
This paper relies mainly on my own words rather than multiple, lengthy quotes.
This paper uses a standard citation method consistently (Ace homework tutors – APA preferred).
This paper moves beyond summarizing what the authors have said and provides my own analysis.
This paper synthesizes key points from the different sources into a cohesive discussion.
This paper has been edited for spelling and grammar.
This paper has been edited for to include clear, concise language.
This paper has been edited for organization so that it flows from start to end.
I worked independently and did not copy from another student or source.
I followed the guidelines by NOT using an online paraphrasing tool.

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