Week 3: Social Structure in Slack

1. Create a Slack account: https://slack.com/

2. Create a Slack Workspace (you can work with other students)

3. Set up your Slack Workspace with some areas for discussion or file sharing

4. Spend a bit of time exploring both the admin and the user interfaces on Slack. Invite a friend and have a public discussion, private chat, upload files, etc.

5. Document examples of UxD Principles that you believe will influence SOCIAL activity (replying, discussing, sharing, working together). Compare slack to Discord.

:exclamation: Turn in on Discord (as a PDF or Word doc):

2-3 page technical paper reporting your experience setting up Slack and using Slack. Discuss the discoverability of Slack Workspaces as they relate to: affordances (visible and hidden) signifiers, feedback, and constraint. Can you find instances of mapping? Discuss how you thing these UXD principles effect how people might use Slack in a social (working together with others) setting, and compare and contrast Slack with Discord.

Use screenshots of your Slack server to illustrate your paper.

Write this paper as if you are describing Slack to a design client. Stick to facts, use zoomed-in illustrations, give specific critique of the elements, and the overall discoverability. Focus on how the design elements allow social user interaction.

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Ace Tutors
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