Using your course materials and the internet, research a speech that you feel is particularly effective, then analyze each speaker’s style and language strategies.

Who was the speaker, and what was that speaker’s main topic?
What CORE style(s) does the speaker use in his or her speech? Cite the choice of word phrases and other clues from the speech to justify your answer.
What you believe is the speech’s specific purpose?
What strategies did the speaker use to achieve the specific purpose of the speech?
Do you believe the speaker was successful in achieving the specific purpose of the speech?
How does style and word choice in this speech impact the effectiveness of the message?
How can you incorporate some of these techniques into your own speeches?


Research a particularly effective speech using your course materials and the internet, then analyze each speaker’s style and language strategies.

What was the speaker’s main topic, and who was he or she?

In his or her speech, the speaker employs which CORE style(s)? To justify your answer, use the choice of word phrases and other clues from the speech.

What do you think the speech’s main point is?

What strategies did the speaker employ to achieve the speech’s specific goal?

Do you believe the speaker was successful in achieving the speech’s specific goal?

How does the style and word choice in this speech affect the message’s effectiveness?

How can you incorporate some of these techniques into your daily routine?

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