It has already passed more than one year since I entered this university. Now, I think that it is good for me to talk about my university life. I want to focus on an aspect this time. It is also relevant to my aim which I had had when I entered this university. It is the language study. I am majoring in English, so I have many English classes every week. At first, I got very nervous whenever I have to give my opinion and make a presentation in class, because I had not had such experiences before. However, I think that it is the valuable exercises to get accustomed to express my own opinions and feelings.
Besides, I am challenging to get a high score in TOEIC. It is also an important target. My second foreign language is Spanish. I feel that all of European languages are very difficult in grammar and paradigms. I like Spanish, however, because it has a cheerful mood. However, I think my true second foreign language is Chinese. It is also spoken by so many people. I have Taiwanese friends and got interested in it. I took Chinese lessons last year. This year, I am planning to start a private lesson by a native Chinese next week.
I think that I can make such an effort because I got incentive to study Chinese from the meeting with my Taiwanese friends. By experience, I learned that the language study needs an incentive. A pleasant part of university life is long vacations. It is very good to consider a plan. I am considering about staying in Australia in next summer vacation, and I also hope to stay in Taiwan in next spring vacation. I think it will be an enjoyable vacation and an opportunity for me to get an incentive for the language study. I should have such unforgettable experiences in my university life.

It is a great use of vacations, isn’t it? However, I have sometimes lost my original aim in my university life. In my curriculum, there are not only languages but also other various subjects such as social subjects and sciences. I have to take those classes too. When I am plowed under with homework for the classes and work to the deadline of reports, I often failed to attend to studying of languages. I was content with only finishing those assignments in time. In order not to waste the lesson, I am trying to set the order of priority this year, so that I can get satisfied when I graduate.
My aim is not to write reports for sociology and history. I came to this school to improve my English, study other languages, and become able to orient myself to life in other countries. As a conclusion, I am determined to enjoy learning foreign languages. I really appreciate I can do so. I think that my university life will be fruitful, no, I will make it meaningful. Of course, I do not have to become a perfectionalist. As long as I came to this university, I want to achieve my original aim. I really hope that I can enumerate what I gain in my university life, when I am asked, “What have you got in four years? ”

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