power Point presentation: 7 slides (minimum 100-150  

In the course scenario, the following was stated:  The CEO has hired you as an external organizational development  consultant to help him identify problem areas and to understand where  changes should be made within the company. Over the next few weeks, you  will also be working with the CEO and managers in all four divisions of  the company to help establish these changes. Your various  responsibilities will also include talking with employees at each level  of the company to get a better understanding about underlying problems.
So far, you are seeing inconsistencies in leadership practices in  each of the departments, and you are concerned that while the company is  trying to improve its communication protocol, the different leadership  styles may be creating confusion. For example, when you talked to one of  the production employees, Sonja Diaz, she explained that she had many  ideas for helping to streamline the production process, but feels she  cannot share them because of the transactional leadership. In the  marketing department, one sales rep, Jerry McVie, felt that he was not  being challenged with his current goals and is even considering leaving  the company to join one of the competitors. Lack of communication  between the divisional leaders might also be the cause of conflict  between the departments because they operate in silos. This separation  between divisions may also be having a negative effect on middle  management staffing issues.
Your meetings with managers on conflict resolution are going well.  You and Jared the CEO meet after he gets back from his business trip to  finish your discussion about leadership styles.
Your CEO Jared says, “Maybe we should talk to the vice presidents and  managers about leadership styles. “I was hoping you’d say that,” you  say. “I’ll have a presentation that defines a minimum of 4 leadership  styles, and then compares and contrasts a minimum of 4 leadership styles  in order to discuss strengths/weaknesses and pros/cons of one  leadership style over another.  I need help writing my essay – research paper have this ready for meetings next  week. Thanks.”
If there are any questions on any of this, reach out to your  instructor and also be sure to attend or listen to the chats as that is  where you will be able to ask questions and gain many insights in what  is being asked for here.

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