Unit 3: Community Assessment
My survey will consider Jacksonville, North Carolina, situated in Onslow County in the United States. There is a huge military base located in the city; thus, the community’s security is enhanced. Jacksonville city has a presence of clean water from the new river and instant access to large water like the Atlantic Ocean (Phillips, 2022). The main economic activities of the people living in the city are water sports lovers and fisher. Living in Jacksonville society is full of fun and gives double the experience of living in other parts of the United States.
The value of the owner-occupied housing is approximated to be $ 153,200, while the median household income is approximated to be $40,918. The city’s income has been enhanced to effective ethnic background and diversity. The Jacksonville city is essential for business and personal experience since people can access entertainment experience, shopping, and unique dining that embrace culture and values of different communities. The security is enhanced due to many militaries based that include the New River Air Station, Camp Johnson Marine Corp base, and Camp Lejeune Corp Base.
Number and density of population
Jacksonville city has a population of 949,611 with different ethnic communities. The city is the 12th most populous city in the United States. It is also the fourth largest metropolitan in Florida. The city has freshwater also from the St. Johns River and other water bodies, thus providing the city with enough water to advance their agriculture and planting trees to conserve the environment and enhance fresh air in the city (Shuja, Harris, Aldridge, Malespin & De Melo, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). The population in the city is aggressive in planting trees to promote the eco-systems. The city is situated 528 km north of Miami and 40 km south of George city.
The city spans over 857 miles with 1,256 people per square mile. The population also contains the largest ancestry groups that may include Italian 3.5%, English 8.5%, Irish 9.0%, American 9.3%, and German 9.6%. Jacksonville is the tenth-largest Arabic-populated city in the United States. Most of the Filipino community is recruited in the military. There are various denominations in the city, where approximately 365,000 are Evangelical Protestants; the Mainline Protestants are about 76,000. The Black Protestants are the least with a 1,200 population. The Baha’is are 650, Buddhists are 3,500, Hindus are 4,500, Jews are 6,000, Muslims are 8,500, and a population of 15,000 members of LDS church.
The demographic structure of populations
The city embraces diversity; however, most of the population is a white population, consisting of approximately 67.7% of the entire population. The second-largest community living in Jacksonville is African American, with a population of 20%, the American Indian population is 0.7%, while 2.5% are Asian (Tertulien et al.,2022). The other large population is Latino or Hispanic, with a population of 13%. The Asian population is 2.5%, thus making Asian and American Indian the smallest group in the city.
The population growth rate has been approximately 2% every year. The growth rate will continue to grow due to major economic activities and political stability that attracts investors from across the globe. The city has already recovered from the recession and housing crisis. The quality of education has increased the job opportunities since most graduates are establishing their businesses and employing other people who might be jobless. More than 90% of the population above 25 years is high school graduates, while 22.2 percent of the population above 25 years is University graduates.
Community Health Status
Vital statistics
The vital healthcare statistic about health is that the city is more aggressive in providing care to the marine soldiers, thus providing less attention to the public. The outlying clinics located on the base and Hospital Camp Lejeune is fully equipped medical facilities that offer medications mainly to the marine soldiers. The healthcare facilities are designed to provide healthcare facilities to the soldiers and their dependents. The healthcare facilities have various departments to ensure soldiers are physically fit to fight any global battle. The previous statistics show that when soldiers are injured during wars in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Vietnam, Korea, and Pacific Island access their critical medication from the military-based hospitals in Jacksonville city.
The most vital statistic is that many cases of chronic illnesses in the city. Approximately 66.2 % of adults above 65 years are obese, and 29% of universities, colleges, middle and high schools are obese. The ministry of health indicates that the main cause of obesity is lack of access to quality food, poor nutrition, and physical inactiveness. Obesity has increased vulnerability to stroke, hypertension, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart disease.
Leading causes of mortality and morbidity
There are wide differences of diseases in Jacksonville city. The main cause of mortality is drug abuse, such as high intake of alcohol and chronic illnesses due to poor diet. A recent study shows that the healthcare disparity in the city is the main reason why minorities are more vulnerable to chronic illnesses. The employment rate is high among the whites; thus, they can subscribe to various private and public healthcare insurance policies. The minority groups are less likely to access decent jobs thus not able to subscribe to healthcare insurance policies (Winne, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). The minority are exposed to high out-of-pocket charges preventing them from accessing early medical intervention.
For instance, based on 2021 statistics is that 64.4% of total death occurred because of unintentional injuries, which amounted to 15 987 citizens in the city. The injuries resulted from road accidents, injuries of the marine soldiers during the war, and injuries from criminals in the streets. The second cause of mortality was a stroke of 44.4%, amounting to 15,356 deaths. The stroke was mainly caused by high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Eleven thousand seven hundred eighty-six people died due to chronic lower respiratory diseases with a death rate of 34.2%, while the last cause of most deaths was diabetes 23.2% leading to 7,516.
Healthcare facilities
There are approximately twenty-two primary care medical facilities and hospitals in the city. The healthcare facilities’ value of assets is approximately $8 billion, and the healthcare personnel earns revenue of about $5 billion annually. The healthcare facilities in the city employ approximately thirty thousand and five hundred people. The general hospitals are nine and have revenue of about $4.5 billion annually. The community health and hospital systems are seven with a revenue of USD 200 Million, and the speciality hospitals have annual revenue of $3 million.
Additionally, special hospitals are set for marine soldiers and their dependents. The common marine hospitals include outlying clinics and Hospital Camp Lejeune. Therefore, the total revenue from the entire medical sector is approximately $10 billion. The healthcare facilities in Jacksonville city are mainly overwhelmed by chronic illness among the elderly. However, the elderly and vulnerable can access quality health from the facilities due to the federal healthcare insurance such as Medicaid and Medicare. Medicaid provides easier access to the vulnerable such as pregnant women, orphans, children, and low-income earners. On the other hand, Medicare provides accessible healthcare services to the elderly above 65.
Healthcare providers
The healthcare personnel are divided between the public, the marine, and their specialists. The marine hospitals are staffed by professional civilian and navy medical professionals (Li et al., 2022). The navy medical professionals mainly provide care to the marine soldiers when injured on the battlefield. The navy medical professionals are mobile personnel who move with the troops during the war. Although the navy medical professionals are not involved in the battle, they are situated in a place they can be accessed easily if there are some injuries. The navy medical professionals also take additional responsibilities to make the soldiers safe, fit, and healthy ready for any battle they are deployed to fit.
Most marine soldiers are always psychologically stressed after an operation. Some may develop suicidal thoughts, particularly when they have lost most of their co-workers during an operation. Therefore, the navy medical professionals also ensure that the marine soldiers are counselled and guided after an operation. Nurses mainly manage general hospitals to manage normal diseases such as T.B., common cold, and chronic illnesses (Kisacky, 2022). The speciality hospitals are established with full ICU infrastructure to cater for chronic illnesses at a critical stage, such as cancer in the 4th stage.
Significant themes or threads
The main theme at Jacksonville city is that good health is paramount, and the healthcare personnel should take proactive measures to minimize or eradicate chronic illnesses such as obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes. Based on the increase in the population and high cases of chronic illnesses, the healthcare system at Jacksonville city is more likely to be overwhelmed in the future. Racial discrimination is another factor that haunts the city’s healthcare system. It is almost impossible for the minority to secure decent and permanent employment in the city.
The healthcare personnel should establish community-based programs to encourage the local and federal government to promote diversity and eradicate racial discrimination to ensure any person from any ethnic group has equal chances to get a good job and access enough resources to cater for their health. The other community programs should also aim to educate the local members to exercise their bodies and consume healthy food to eradicate chronic illnesses such as obesity. The local government should develop enough sports fields to ensure every person has the chance to exercise their body and eliminate calories that may lead to obesity, high blood pressure, stroke, and other critical illnesses (Jin & Sanders, 2022).
If Jacksonville city can take advantage of the available resources, they can enhance their health and live a more comfortable life. First, due to the accessibility of clean waters from various rivers that draws their waters from the Atlantic Ocean, the community can use the water to glow foods that reduce vulnerability to chronic illnesses. The city has grown more threes, thus promoting clean air that reduces the vulnerability to respiratory diseases. The other advantage of the city is the political stability and high security due to the military personnel; the city is conducive for businesses that can provide extra resources to buy healthy food and cater and medical expenses.
Jin, A. S., & Sanders, K. T. (2022). Analyzing changes to U.S. municipal heat response plans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Environmental Science & Policy, 128, 347-358.
Kisacky, J. (2022). Consequences of Migrating U.S. Contagious Facilities Into General Hospitals, 1900–1950. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 15(1), 75-96.
Li, Y., Chen, S. H., Guniganti, R., Kansagra, A. P., Piccirillo, J. F., Chen, C. J., … & Starke, R. M. (2022). Onyx embolization for dural arteriovenous fistulas: a multi-institutional study. Journal of neuro-interventional surgery, 14(1).
Phillips, J. D. (2022). Geomorphic impacts of Hurricane Florence on the lower Neuse River: Portents and particulars. Geomorphology, 397, 108026.
Shuja, A., Harris, C., Aldridge, P., Malespin, M., & De Melo, S. W. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Predictors of no-show rate in the G.I. endoscopy suite at a safety net academic medical centre. Journal of clinical gastroenterology, 53(1), 29-33.
Tertullian, T., Roberts, M. B., Eaton, C. B., Cene, C. W., Corbie-Smith, G., Manson, J. E., … & Breathett, K. (2022). Association Between Race/Ethnicity and Income on the Likelihood of Coronary Revascularization Among Postmenopausal Women with Acute Myocardial Infarction: Women’s Health Initiative Study. American heart journal.
Winne, M. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Jacksonville, Florida. In Food Town, USA (pp. 131-160). Island Press, Washington, DC.
Unit 3: Community Evaluation
My survey will take into account Jacksonville, North Carolina, which is located in Onslow County in the United States. Because the city is home to a large military base, the community’s security is enhanced. Jacksonville has access to clean water from the new river as well as quick access to large bodies of water such as the Atlantic Ocean (Phillips, 2022). Water sports enthusiasts and fishermen are the city’s main economic activities. Living in Jacksonville society is exciting and provides twice the experience of living in other parts of the United States.
The median owner-occupied housing value is estimated to be $153,200, while the median household income is estimated to be $40,918. The city’s revenue