Concept:You will submit aPowerPoint⢠presentation and slide notes on a Word⢠document,whichhighlightsignificantcontributions ofthe subject to thefilm industry. This is not simply a report on the subject; you must prove significance.That means you will look for evidence outside of the subject itself. You will choose one topic only from the FIP Selection List (updated as approved under Content>Week 1>Film Industry presentation module), which includes the following categories: (a) a critical film, (b) a film studio (c) a film director, (d) a cinematographer, (e) a film editor, (f) a screenwriter or (g) a film process or equipment (sound effects, film editing, lighting styles, etc.)You must email your selection from the list to seek confirmation. No topic or subject may be repeated by another student.You will make the case that your subject has made a significant contribution to the film industry.Listing history will not be enough.Listing awards will not make your case.Listing box office numbers will not always prove significance.Do not write about story or themes. They are in the script and off topic.Do not write about cultural or societal influences on the subject.Do not write about cultural or societal influences created by the subject.You have to prove your case.10. If your topic is a person, you will not deal with his/her personal life. Your focus will solely be on the film industry and why that person, company, process or equipment has made a significant contribution to it.Length:12 slides minimumâ15 slides maximum. Your presentation may include video and/or audio; however if you decide to include those, make sure that you understand how to embed the files. More than half of all submissions donât work and are thus penalized.Project Selection:All subjects must be approved.No subsequent stage will be accepted without approval of the previous stage. That means Stage 2 wonât be accepted without a prior submission for Stage 1 and Stage 3 wonât be accepted without a prior submission of Stage 2. Do not begin this assignment until it is approved!Once your topic is selected and approved, it may not be used as a subject by any other student. Subjects will have made a significant contribution to the film industry. Be aware that an Academy Award does not necessarily qualify as a significant contribution. As in your papers, you have to make your case with evidence.Usage:Your PowerPoint presentations and notes will be used for Week 8âs online discussion and therefore viewable by everyone. Yourworkwill be identified for this project.Grade Value:30% of final gradeCriteria:Your PowerPoint⢠presentation should be manageablebyLEO, though it could easily exceed the limit of your email. Do not wait until the last minute to determine that need. Your materials should go to your assignment folder, but again do not wait until the last minute because issues at that time tend to be insurmountable. Large files will take time to upload. Late submissions for any reason will incur penalty point deductions.You may includeaudio or video in your presentation. Make sure it is properly embedded to play on a different computer than your own. You should send it to someone else to make sure any video and/or audio plays before submitting it for grading. Each semester, several come through that arenât successfully embedded.Your first slide will include your name, date, course and the subject of your presentation with image(s) establishing the topic. This slide is included in the total count requirement and is subject to the same formatting requirements as the other slides.You will incur a pro-rata point deduction for a slide total less than 12 (this total includes your title slide). You will also be penalized for over 15 slides (even if they are buried behind other slides).Your corresponding slide notes on the Word⢠document will carry the bulk of your textual information. Though each slide must have some PowerPoint text highlighting key words or ideas, your slide notes will form what would otherwise be the oral element of your presentation were this an f2f class. Consider the slide notes as an argument for significance, you might give to the class, were we presenting these live.They must be in sentence/paragraph form. Donât simply repeat material thatâs on each slide. The slide is the visual highlight of your textual presentation. Expand on that information in your slidesto make your case about the significance of your topic to the film industry.Your slide notes must be a minimum of 1200 words and a maximum of 1500 words. This does not count citations. It only refers to the body of your notes. Over or under will result in a maximum possible score of 70 on the slide notes portion of Stage 3.Research sourcesfor Stage 2 (minimum 5differentpublished sources â no blogspots; no Wikipedia) cited (per MLA format/12 pt. Times New Roman Font) âYou do not need to provide a citation for any image file youâve used. Just cite your significant research sources on aWord⢠document to submit as Stage Two.Do not include citations on a slide. Home pages and search engines do not count as proper sources.Use the MLA Style Guide found under Content>Course Resources>Writing Resources.Know your subject and do the scholarly research necessary to make a meaningful contribution to the class. You are not writing a simple report about your topic. You are proving significance. That means you have to investigate sources outside of your topic. Youâll research other films, filmmakers and studios. Do not reply on the opinions of other film reviewers or essays on film criticism. Those are still opinions and not evidence. Go to the sources. Go to the films, filmmakers and studios. Also remember that cultural, societal or filmic influences on your subject may be background, but they are not significant to this task.This is not about influences on the subject; this is solely about the significance of your subject on the film industry.No more than 25% of your total notes content may be quoted. Slides notes will be submitted to Turnitin for a similarity index rating. Material exceeding that number or material that is not adequately attributed with quotations, internal citations and complete endnote citations, will receive a zero for the Slide Notes portion of this assignment.Accidental omission is still omission and will be scored a zero.PowerPoint⢠Guidelines:No sentences â Use phrases and brief notes.60 pt.minimum text. Ideally, it should be largeenough to fill the space. If I can make it larger, than 60 pt. then it is too small. Fill the space.No vertical text. That is words that are spelled vertically on the slide.All slides should be graphic rather than text intensive though each slide must display both image file(s) and independentPowerPoint⢠text. This means the majority of the slide area should be graphic (image or drawings) space. Text preexisting on an image or text placed on an image outside of PowerPoint will not satisfy this requirement. The text must be available on the slide to readily check for size.Maximize content and minimize empty space.Fill the slide with visual information. The majority of the slide canvas should be image.Check your spelling and grammar.Strong contrast â Donât let the background colors or templates conflict with the readability of your text. Text over image is usually a problem.If you use an image that includes embedded text â that also has to meet the 60 pt. minimum; otherwise select another image.Image files must be at least300kb (uncompressed) andmust not be pixelated if enlarged in your slides. This usually appears around the edges of an object in the image.That means if you meet the minimum file size and itâs still pixilated, the image will be penalized. Also, each image will be individually assessed. Ganging pictures together to make the minimum wonât work.No watermarks on any images.Do not alter the aspect ratio of your images. No stretch distortion. For instance, people shouldnât appear skinnier or fatter than they naturally are. The last sample slide will show evidence of this. Even if you didnât stretch the images, they may not exhibit any stretch distortion.All slides must be content relevant to your topic. No slides indicating âIntroduction,â âThe End,â âQuestions,â etc.No borders or templates serving as a border. Exposed templates equate with empty space.No repeated slides or imagesAll images must be foreground and may not simply serve as a background for text. Though PowerPoint text could be placed on an image provided the image isnât blocked and there is sufficient contrast between the text and image.All images must be relevant to the subject. No generic images or clipart.âForm follows functionâ â Your slides have to communicate. Artistic value will never compensate for a failure to communicate.Sample PowerPoint⢠slides with audio critique are posted under Content>Week One>Film Industry Presentation.Formatting Criteria for Slide Notes on a Word document:· No title pages1â margins top, bottom, left and right.Number your pages in the lower right corner12 pt. Times New Roman font(normal, not expanded or condensed).Do not place anything in headers or footers (aside from page numbers)Upper right corner â Your name, course & date single-spaced (0 pts. before and 0 pts. after, under paragraph formatting in Word)Skip one lineSubject (centered)Skip one lineBegin your Slide NotesDouble-spaced(0 pts. before and 0 pts. after, under paragraph formatting in Word)Begin slide detail numbered. For example, print âSlide 1:â at the 1â left-hand margin followed by your notes relevant to that slide.Skip a line and print âSlide 2:â and repeat for all slides.Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite all sources per the MLA standardsposted under Content>Course Resources>Writing Resources. Do this manually and do not employ services to automatically format the citation. Do not use a citation block provided in Word. Citations must be manually entered. Citations copied and pasted that prevent Word comment isolation will be disallowed and penalized.In addition to the MLA citation, include the complete URL (not just the home page) of any Internet sources.Spelling checked with”>
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