Unit 3⢠Question 1 The inception of _____ was used as a trial balloon for the idea of government-sponsored universal health insurance.⢠Question 2 Which of the following factors was particularly important in promoting the growth of office-based medical practice in the postindustrial period?⢠Question 3 The beliefs and values that form American ideology represent the sentiments of ⢠Question 4 Initially, what was the main purpose of private health insurance in the US?⢠Question 5 Historically, which interest group was the most powerful in opposing national health insurance?⢠Question 6 E-health has resulted in⢠Question 7 Hospitals in the United States evolved from⢠Question 8 When hospitals first emerged in the United States, they were used primarily by the wealthy. ⢠Question 9 In its historical context, which of the following has played a major role in revolutionizing health care delivery?⢠Question 10 The private medical sector in the US has been heavily regulated by the government mainly because⢠Question 11 In the preindustrial era, _____ often functioned as surgeons.⢠Question 12 What was the function of a pesthouse in the preindustrial period? ⢠Question 13 In the US, public health and private practice of medicine developed separately because ⢠Question 14 Wage freezes during World War II helped promote employer-based health insurance in the United States.⢠Question 15 The US Supreme Court decision in Olmstead v. L.C. directed US states to ⢠Question 16 As the health care delivery system developed in the US, right from its inception primary care physicians were assigned a gatekeeping role.⢠Question 17 Middle-class Americans have historically opposed proposals for a national health insurance program.⢠Question 18 During the World War II period, the US Supreme Court ruled that⢠Question 19 On what grounds have middle-class Americans generally opposed proposals for a national health insurance program?⢠Question 20 What main purpose was served by an almshouse in the preindustrial period?Unit 4⢠Question 1 The main difference between Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs) is:⢠Question 2 Patients requiring services from occupational therapists need help with performing tasks in their daily living and working environments. ⢠Question 3 Which of the following is a major criticism of managed care?⢠Question 4 When patients have multiple health problems, this is called: ⢠Question 5 Primary care is: ⢠Question 6 Which type of health care facility employs the most people in the U.S.? ⢠Question 7 Physician maldistribution occurs by: ⢠Question 8 There is an imbalance between primary and specialty care services in the U.S. health care delivery system.⢠Question 9 A major factor influencing growth in the health care sector of the U.S. economy is: ⢠Question 10 Nonphysician practitioners (NPPs) include: ⢠Question 11 The number of specialists is increasing because:⢠Question 12 The number of active nurses has steadily increased over time. ⢠Question 13 MCO stands for: ⢠Question 14 The health care sector constituted what percentage of the U.S. gross domestic product in 2005?⢠Question 15 The principal source of funding for graduate medical education is: ⢠Question 16 More than half of MDs are specialists. ⢠Question 17 There has been a decreasing number of international medical graduates (IMGs) in the U.S. since 1980. ⢠Question 18 The roles and responsibilities of health services administrators include: ⢠Question 19 Fill in the blank: Compared to metropolitan and suburban areas, there is a/an _____ of physicians in rural areas. Unit 5⢠Question 1 What is the main function of the National Institutes of Health?⢠Question 2 Cost-efficiency evaluates marginal benefits in relation to⢠Question 3 What is the main intent of the Stark laws? ⢠Question 4 Telemedicine technology that allows a specialist located at a distance to directly interview and examine a patient is referred to as ⢠Question 5 This made additional resources available to the FDA, and resulted in a shortened approval process for new drugs.⢠Question 6 The utilization of technology has a greater impact on total health care expenditures than the cost of acquiring technology.⢠Question 7 The ACA of 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer places some restrictions on the licensing of new biological products.⢠Question 8 What is the main advantage of interoperability within an electronic health records (EHR) system?⢠Question 9 The asynchronous form of telemedicine uses _____ technology. ⢠Question 10 The point at which marginal benefits equal marginal costs. ⢠Question 11 What is the role of an institutional review board (IRB)?⢠Question 12 Which of the following has the greatest impact on system-wide health care costs?⢠Question 13 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act requires ⢠Question 14 What main purpose do Clinical Practice Guidelines serve? ⢠Question 15 Supply-side rationing. ⢠Question 16 Which department of the DHHS supports research on health care quality, cost, and access?⢠Question 17 The FDA was given the authority to review the effectiveness and safety of a new drug before it could be marketed.⢠Question 18 Limitations on the diffusion and utilization of technology generally result in harmful effects on a nation’s population. ⢠Question 19 Evaluation of the appropriateness of medical technology. ⢠Question 20 American beliefs and values favor the development and use of new medical technology despite its cost.⢠Question 21 At the flat of the curve, ____________________________________________Unit 6⢠Question 1 _____ reimbursement is based on the assumption that health care is provided in a set of identifiable and individually distinct units of services. ⢠Question 2 To receive payment for services delivered, providers must file a ____ with third-party payers. ⢠Question 3 To finance Medicare Part A,⢠Question 4 The phenomenon called ‘moral hazard’ results directly from ⢠Question 5 A set monthly fee per enrollee. ⢠Question 6 Medicare Part B premiums are ⢠Question 7 People in older age groups represent a higher risk than those in lower age groups.⢠Question 8 A copayment is generally paid⢠Question 9 What is the central role of health services financing in the United States? ⢠Question 10 What is the main advantage of group insurance? ⢠Question 11 The amount of reimbursement is determined before the services are delivered.⢠Question 12 Preferred providers are paid⢠Question 13 What was the main conclusion of the Rand Health Insurance Experiment ⢠Question 14 Major medical plans do not include dental coverage.⢠Question 15 Under the DRG method of reimbursement, an acute care hospital is paid ⢠Question 16 State governments are required to partially finance the Medicaid program.⢠Question 17 The majority of beneficiaries receiving health care through Medicare are ⢠Question 18 Under the Medicaid program, eligibility criteria and benefits are consistent throughout the US. ⢠Question 19 Medicare provides comprehensive health care services.⢠Question 20 If national health expenditures amount to 16% of the GDP, what does this mean? ⢠Question 21 Under the Medicare program, eligibility criteria and benefits are consistent throughout the US. ⢠Question 22 The primary criterion to become eligible for Medicaid is ⢠Question 23 The government plays a significant role in financing health care services in the United States.⢠Question 24 A health insurance plan pays for medical care only after the insured has first paid $500 out of pocket on an annual basis. The $500 annual cost is called ⢠Question 25 What is the primary mechanism that enables people to obtain health care services? ⢠Question 26 Tax policy in the U.S. provides an incentive to obtain employer-paid health insurance. ⢠Question 27 A DRG represents ⢠Question 28 CHIP is available to children without any health insurance in families whose incomes are at or below ____ of the federal poverty level.⢠Question 29 Public (government) share of the total health care spending in the United States is approximately⢠Question 30 What is the primary reason that a segment of the U.S. population is uninsured?⢠Question 31 Health insurance increases the demand for health care services.⢠Question 32 In a general sense, what is the primary purpose of insurance?Unit 7⢠Question 1 One reason womenâs health centers were created is: ⢠Question 2 The demand for home health care services is likely to decrease in the future.⢠Question 3 The proliferation of health care delivery through managed care created a decreased demand for primary care physicians. ⢠Question 4 Which of the following is a reason for the growth in outpatient services? ⢠Question 5 Compared to tertiary care, primary care services are more complex and specialized.⢠Question 6 Which of the following is an example of a secondary care service? ⢠Question 7 The most prominent reason for the decline in the number of procedures performed in hospitals is:⢠Question 8 There is little distinction between the terms âoutpatientâ and âambulatory.â⢠Question 9 Men report more chronic illness than women.⢠Question 10 Fill in the blank: Historically, inpatient care developed ________ outpatient care. ⢠Question 11 Countries whose health systems are oriented more toward primary care achieve: ⢠Question 12 What is gatekeeping? ⢠Question 13 Outpatient care accounts for what percent of gross patient revenue for all US hospitals? ⢠Question 14 Hospice services are primarily for people with: ⢠Question 15 Emergency departments, in most cases, are equipped to provide: ⢠Question 16 What does âPPSâ stand for?⢠Question 17 Fill in the blank: The percentage of medical school graduates choosing careers in primary care is ______________. ⢠Question 18 Community health centers serve primarily:⢠Question 19 Primary care may play an important role in mitigating the adverse health effects of income inequality.Unit 8⢠Question 1 Inpatient care consists of ⢠Question 2 The first hospitals in the United States served mainly ⢠Question 3 A nonprofit hospital is prohibited by law from making a profit. ⢠Question 4 The first voluntary hospitals in the United States were financed⢠Question 5 The proportion of a hospital’s capacity that is actually utilized. ⢠Question 6 The CEO has the primary responsibility for defining a hospital’s mission and its long-term direction.⢠Question 7 What did the swing bed program allow rural hospitals to do?⢠Question 8 The biggest share of national health spending is used by ⢠Question 9 Which of these hospitals is not likely to serve the general public?⢠Question 10 Which ownership type constitutes the larges group of hospitals and hospital beds in the United States?⢠Question 11 What is the main drawback of a living will?⢠Question 12 How did the PPS based on DRGs lead to hospital downsizing in the United States?⢠Question 13 What has been the effect of intense consolidation in certain hospital markets?⢠Question 14 Which entity in hospital governance is legally responsible for the hospital’s operations? ⢠Question 15 Most multihospital systems in the United States are operated by nonprofit corporations.⢠Question 16 The Hill-Burton Act was passed to⢠Question 17 Which principle of ethics requires caregivers to involve the patient in medical decision making? ⢠Question 18 Which entity overseas the licensure of health care facilities? ⢠Question 19 The downsizing of hospitals in the United States began in the mid-1980s.⢠Question 20 ALOS is an indicator of ⢠Question 21 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage d care has emphasized the use of alternative services to acute hospital care whenever appropriate. Quiz 11⢠Question 1 A disease is considered chronic if it is observed for at least how long? ⢠Question 2 Lack of insurance can result in: ⢠Question 3 Which racial/ethnic group has the highest rate of uninsurance ⢠Question 4 Among women, which racial/ethnic group has the highest percentage distribution of AIDS?⢠Question 5 Rural areas are particularly good places for managed care implementation. ⢠Question 6 What does the federal Ryan White CARE Act fund? ⢠Question 7 The health status of American Indians no longer lags significantly behind other racial/ethnic groups.⢠Question 8 Which racial/ethnic group is growing the fastest? ⢠Question 9 Many Hispanic families who immigrated to the U.S. may not qualify for Medicaid. ⢠Question 10 Educational attainment varies very little among Asian American subgroups. ⢠Question 11 Most uninsured adults are employed but are not covered because:⢠Question 12 Which racial/ethnic group is least likely to use mammography? ⢠Question 13 Which racial/ethnic group has the highest rate of low birth weight infants? ⢠Question 14 Approximately how many Americans are uninsured? ⢠Question 15 More women than men will suffer from major depression in their lifetimes. ⢠Question 16 The 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer U.S. Census allowed respondents to choose one or more races when they self-identify.⢠Question 17 Uninsured people are more likely to postpone seeking medical care, compared to insured people. ⢠Question 18 What is the primary purpose of the National Health Service Corps? ⢠Question 19 Approximately how many adult Americans have a mental disorder in any one year? ⢠Question 20 What does âMUAâ stand for?Quiz 12⢠Question 1 What is the purpose of clinical practice guidelines? ⢠Question 2 A service is cost-efficient when: ⢠Question 3 Compared to other nations, the U.S. uses a larger share of its economic resources for health care. ⢠Question 4 Prevention and lifestyle behavior changes to promote health are not major foci of the medical model. ⢠Question 5 Whether payment for health care services is made by the government or by a private insurance company, individual patients pay a price far higher than the actual cost of the service. ⢠Question 6 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage d care increased the rate of growth in health spending between 1993 and 2000. ⢠Question 7 Health care costs for the elderly are nearly 3 times more than those for the non-elderly. ⢠Question 8 What is meant by the term âhealth care costsâ? ⢠Question 9 What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)? ⢠Question 10 What is the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS)? ⢠Question 11 The U.S. has never imposed price controls on the health care industry. ⢠Question 12 Approximately what percentage of GDP is spent on health care? ⢠Question 13 What are administrative costs? ⢠Question 14 What are the main activities of risk management?⢠Question 15 What is the main reason for the lack of success of health care cost control efforts in the U.S.?⢠Question 16 The Donabedian Model includes all of the following elements except: ⢠Question 17 Why should rising health care costs be controlled?
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