UbD Practice: Stage 2, Assessment.
- Stage 2 of the backward design process considers the ways in which we assess learning—the desired results identified in Stage 1. It is important to include a variety of ways to assess as to provide valid, reliable, and sufficient evidence that learning occurred (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005).
- Remember: think like an assessor, not an activity-planner. A tight alignment should exist between the desired results in Stage 1, particularly the skills and knowledge (objectives) and the ways in which assessment will occur.
Ace my homework – Write (Post an initial response by Day 3.)
- Attach: UbD Unit Plan Template: Stages 1 & 2– Align at least two different authentic assessment approaches, performance tasks (T), and other evidence (OE) with the information from Stage 1 you transferred over. The assessments should provide evidence of student understanding and allow learners to demonstrate mastery of the lesson objectives.
- Subject-line: Share the subject-matter and age/grade level covered in your plan in the subject line.
- In your post,
- Online assignment help tutors – Discuss how your assessment ideas support what Lopez says about assessment being about the students, not about you as a teacher.
- Describe how the process of thinking like an assessor rather than an activity designer supported you in the process of aligning assessments with the desired results in Stage 1. Refer to Figure 7.3 on page 151 in the Wiggins and McTighe (2005) text.