Analyzing Logistics Costs

One of the challenges in managing supply chains comes in  integrating operations when firms merge. In this assignment, you will  analyze logistics cost in such a situation. Further, you will consider  the challenges in merging systems.

Assignment Directions
To complete this assignment:

Review Case 6, “Western Pharmaceuticals (A),” and Case 7, “Western Pharmaceuticals (B)” on pages 453–457 of your Supply Chain Logistics Management text.

Ace my homework – Write a 3–4-page paper with supporting appendices, answering  questions 1, 2, and 3 on page 457. In answering these questions, utilize  Excel data referenced in the case. In addition, assume that Western  Pharmaceuticals and Atlantic Medical use two different ERP systems.  Also, discuss management challenges in the systems area in merging the  two firms, along with opportunities for innovation and growth. For  example, how might management use this merger to upgrade technology and  add new competitive capabilities? In your paper, be certain to:

Analyze the costs of a logistics system using cost data.

Evaluate the challenges and opportunities that come when merging systems from two organizations.!/4/[email protected]:0

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