1. The primary function of financial accounting is to
provide relevant financial information to parties external to business
True False 2. Accrual accounting attempts to measure revenues and
expenses that occurred during accounting periods so they equal net operating
cash flow.
True False 3. The FASB is currently the public sector
organization responsible for setting accounting standards in the U.S.
True False 4. The Public Reform and Investor Protection Act of
2002 (Sarbanes-Oxley) changed the entity responsible for setting auditing
standards in the United States.
True False 5. A rules-based approach to standard setting stresses
professional judgment as opposed to following a list of rules.
True False 6. Under federal securities laws, the SEC has the
authority to set accounting standards in the U.S.
True False

7. The primary responsibility for properly applying
GAAP when communicating with investors and creditors through financial
statements lies with a firm’s auditors.
True False 8. Auditors play an important role in the resource
allocation process by adding credibility to financial statements.
True False 9. Materiality can be affected by the dollar amount of
an item, the nature of the item, or both.
True False 10. Conservatism is a desired qualitative
characteristic of accounting information.
True False 11. Equity is a residual amount representing the
owner’s interest in the assets of the business.
True False 12. Revenues are inflows or other enhancements of
assets or settlements of liabilities from activities that constitute the
entity’s ongoing operations.
True False 13. Gains or losses result, respectively, from the
disposition of business assets for greater than, or less than, their book
True False 14. Comprehensive income is another term for net
True False

15. Determining fair value by calculating the present
value of future cash flows is a level 1 type of input.
True False 16. The FASB’s framework for measuring fair value
doesn’t change the situations in which fair value is used under current
True False
Matching Questions
17. Listed below are ten terms followed by a list of
phrases that describe or characterize five of the terms. Match each phrase with
the correct term by placing the letter designating the best term in the space
provided by the phrase.

1. Predictive value

Information is
useful in projecting cash flows.


2. Relevance

Pertinent to the
decision at hand.


3. Distribution to owners

Information is
available prior to the decision.


4. Confirmatory value

Decrease in
equity due to transfers to owners.


5. Timeliness

confirms expectations.


18. Listed below are ten terms followed by a list of
phrases that describe or characterize five of the terms. Match each phrase with
the correct term by placing the letter designating the best term in the space
provided by the phrase.

1. Gain

Along with
relevance, a fundamental decision-specific quality.


2. Materiality

Results if an
asset is sold for more than book value.


3. Completeness

contains all information necessary for faithful representation.


4. Comprehensive income

The change in
equity from nonowner transactions.


5. Faithful representation

Concerns the decision-making
impact of both the amount and nature of an item.


19. Listed below are ten terms followed by a list of
phrases that describe or characterize five of the terms. Match each phrase with
the correct term with their phrases by placing the letter designating the best
term in the space provided by the phrase.

1. Neutrality

Important in
analysis between firms.


2. Comparability

information should be unbiased.


3. Consistency

The process of including
data in financial statements.


4. Cost effectiveness

Applying the
same accounting practices over time.


5. Recognition

Considers the
value of using information relative to cost of providing it.


20. Listed below are ten terms are followed by a list
of phrases that describe or characterize five of the terms. Match each phrase
with the correct term by placing the letter designating the best term in the
space provided by the phrase.

1. Monetary unit assumption

consensus among different observers.


2. Verifiability

Assumes all
transactions can be identified with a particular entity.


3. Economic entity assumption

Assumes an
entity will continue to operate indefinitely.


4. Going concern assumption

reporting the financial life of an entity in discrete time frames.


5. Periodicity assumption

Ignores the
possibility of inflation.


21. Listed below are ten terms followed by a list of
phrases that describe or characterize five of the terms. Match each phrase with
the correct term by placing the letter designating the best term in the space
provided by the phrase.

1. Historical cost principle

Basis of
measurement for fixed assets.


2. Materiality

Recognition of
revenue only after certain criteria are satisfied.


3. Matching principle

Guide to expense


4. Full-disclosure principle

Reporting of all
information that could affect decisions.


5. Realization principle

Application of
GAAP sometimes avoided under this constraint.


22. Listed below are ten terms followed by a list of
phrases that describe or characterize five of the terms. Match each phrase with
the correct term by placing the letter designating the best term in the space
provided by the phrase.

1. Financial Accounting Standards Board

It is a
practical justification for choosing among alternative accounting


2. Accounting Principles Board

It established
GAAP before the FASB.


3. Conservatism

Issues are GAAP when entered in the Accounting Standards



It has the
authority to set U.S. accounting standards.


5. Securities and Exchange Commission

It is the
national organization for CPAs in the U.S.


23. Listed below are ten terms followed by a list of
phrases that describe or characterize five of the terms. Match each phrase with
the correct term by placing the letter designating the best term in the space
provided by the phrase.

1. Expenses



2. Equity

Outflows of
resources to generate revenues.


3. Distributions to owners



4. Investments by owners

Claims of
creditors against the assets of a business.


5. Liabilities

Transfers of
resources in exchange for common and preferred stock.


24. Listed below are ten terms followed by a list of
phrases that describe or characterize five of the terms. Match each phrase with
the correct term by placing the letter designating the best term in the space
provided by the phrase.

1. Losses

Net outflows
from peripheral transactions.


2. Assets

Increases in
equity from the sale of goods and/or services.


3. Revenues

Results if an
asset is sold for more than book value.


4. Comprehensive income

All changes in
equity except owner transactions.


5. Gains

Probable future
economic benefits controlled by an entity.


25. Listed below are ten organizations followed by a
list of phrases that describe or characterize the organizations. Match each
phrase with the correct organization by placing the letter designating the best
term in the space provided by the phrase.

1. SEC

auditing standards in the U.S for public companies.



Primary national
organization of accountants working in industry.



Sets accounting
standards in the U.S.



Provides timely
responses to financial reporting issues.



The FASB’s
parent organization.



organization of the IASB.


7. IMA




Regulates the
financial reporting for public companies.


9. APB

organization of certified public accountants.


10. FAF

Sets global
accounting standards.


Published by
Ace Tutors
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