Reorganizing at GM
GM has gone through a great
deal of change in reorganization efforts in the past several years. Part
of this restructuring was the result of the company’s near collapse several
years ago, and the bailout by the government. GM’s leadership has started
on a major reorganization effort in this large but troubled organization.
It is one thing to organize a
small- or medium-size business, but reorganizing a global organization is quite
another issue. In a 3- to 5-page paper answer the following questions in a
well-thought-out argumentative essay:
What changes has GM’s
leadership made since the government bailout which fall under the “organizing”
functions of management?
Which aspects of this
reorganization will be the most challenging for GM’s leadership? Note: Only
discuss aspects of organizing that will be a challenge, not challenges in terms
of planning or controlling.
What additional aspects of the
organizing function of management do you think GM should change?
Remember to focus on these
specific questions rather than general background information, and focus only
on the organizing function of management at GM.
Higgins, T., Green, J.,
(2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). GM Seen Planning Global Reorganization Against
‘Fiefdoms’ Bloomberg. Retrieved from: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap-08-17/gm-seen-planning-global-reorganization-against-fiefdoms-.html”> 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap-08-17/gm-seen-planning-global-reorganization-against-fiefdoms-.html
Vlasic, B., (2013).
G.M.’s Profit Rises Despite Weakness in Europe. The New York Times.
Business Day. Retrieved from:″>
Higgins, T., (2013). GM
Considers Brazil Options With Akerson’s Global Reorganization.
Bloomberg. Retrieved from:”>
Eisenstein, P., ( 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). GM
Readying Another Major Reorganization. The Detroit Bureau.
Retrieved from: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap/08/gm-readying-another-major-reorganization/”> 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap/08/gm-readying-another-major-reorganization/
This document may provide some
useful historical context regarding GM’s most recent restructuring efforts to
address the loan security agreement with the US Department of Treasury:
General Motors Corporation,
(2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). GM 2009 – 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay Restructuring Plan. Presented to U.S.
Department of the Treasury As Required Under Section 7.20 of the Loan and
Security Agreement Between General Motors and the U. S. Department of the
Treasury. Retrieved”>
Please also visit GM’s site and
conduct further research, for instance by reading some of the latest news about
the company.
Assignment Expectations
Read the Background materials in depth.
Identify key concepts (main aspects of organizing, such as
design/structures, teams, etc.), make a list of them, and study them.
Study the case presented in the reading materials in depth
and conduct additional research if necessary.
Identify facts in the case that match the
“organizing” principle of management.
Apply these concepts to facts in the case in order to develop
your arguments.
Make sure to have an introduction, a main body with as many
sections as identified concepts of reorganization design, etc. (see my hints),
and conclusions.

For this segment of the Session Long Project, we focus on
This is a very important function of management.
Brief reminder:
Main elements of organizational design are:
Work specialization/job enrichment
Chain of command
Span of control
Organization Design Forms:
Team based
Human Resources
Organizing is another important function of management. It
selects the appropriate design and structures, which allow strategies to be
SLP Assignment Expectations
Write a 1- to 3-page paper analyzing aspects of Organizing at
your selected organization.
Read the Background Materials in depth and apply concepts to
facts of organizing.
Please do your best to format your essay according to APA
formatting requirements. Here is a good information source to help you
with that:”>
There is an Introduction (providing a roadmap to the paper), A
Main Body with subsections (one subsection per item), Conclusions (summary) and
a List of References.
Please use titles and headings per each section and subsection.

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