Due: Sunday 11:59pm EST – Unit 6
According to the course text, Total War/Unrestricted Terrorism is indiscriminate force applied
against non-combatant targets without restraint. For this assignment, you will choose a current
terrorist organization and discuss the history of terrorist activity by this group and how the group
uses the Total War/Unrestricted Terrorism concept to their advantage. The cultural, political,
and/or religious implications of the terrorist group’s environment will also be explored.
The requirements for your paper are:
1. Choose a current terrorist organization.
2. Write a page paper – Describe the terrorist organization, including their location(s), objectives, methods of
attack and targeted interests. The student must discuss if any of these implications do not
3. Explain the cultural, political, and/or religious implications of the terrorist group’s
4. Explain in full detail how the group you chose uses the Total War/Unrestricted Terrorism
concept to their advantage, including examples of terrorist activity carried out by this
The paper must adhere to these standards:
APA formatting
At least four (4) primary source references must be used.
Length of 4 to 5 pages (page count does not include the title page or the References page)
Refer to the next page for the grading criteria.
Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated,
before you write, and again after you write.
Total War/Unrestricted Terrorism Assignment
EMH360 – History of Terrorism & Homeland
Security in the U.S.
Grading Rubric for Total War/Unrestricted Terrorism Paper Assignment (100 points possible)
CRITERIA Deficient Proficient Exemplary
(0 – 10 Points) (11 – 20 Points) (21 – 30 Points)
Terrorist Group
History or description is
missing or inadequately
demonstrates terrorist
group activity.
History and description
is mostly complete and
addresses at least one
instance of terrorist
group activity, but lacks
History and description
is thorough and
complete and
addresses in full detail
multiple instances of
terrorist group activity.
(0 -10 Points) (11 – 20 Points) (21 – 30 Points)
Cultural, political, and/or
religious implications
Explanation is missing
or inadequately
understanding of the
cultural, political,
and/or religious
implications of the
terrorist groups
demonstrates adequate
understanding of the
cultural, political,
and/or religious
implications of the
terrorist groups
environement, including
the documentation of
at least one example.
understanding of the
cultural, political,
and/or religious
implications of the
terrorist groups
documentation of
specific examples.
(0 – 10 Points) (11 – 20 Points) (21 – 30 Points)
Total War/Unrestricted Terrorism
Concept Explanation
Explanation of the
concept is missing or
understanding of the
concept and
applicability to the
terrorist group’s
demonstrates adequate
understanding of the
concept with supporting
description of the
terrorist group’s
activities, but lacks
some detail and specific
complete and thorough
understanding of the
concept and provides
specific detail of the
terrorist group’s
(0 – 3 Points) (4 – 7 Points) (8 – 10 Points)
Clear and professional writing
and format. APA guidelines.
Errors impede
presentation; APA
guidelines not followed.
Few errors that do not
impede professional
presentation. APA
guidelines mostly
Writing and format is
clear and professional.
APA compliant and
error free.
Access Control Methods
Security Question (60 points) Research some of the access control methods that are utilized within your organization. For example, does your organization leverage public key infrastructure (PKI), key card authentication, or login hours? If you are not currently working, what access control methods have you seen, and how effective were the control methods? Explore the […]