Computer science
Topic: The ethical issues and moral impact of the development of artificial intelligence
Paper details:

I need help writing my essay – research paper read all materials I post and please write this paper strictly in IEEE format. The output-1 which I post in materials is a example of IEEE format.

1. The paper should address an opinion on an ethical issue or other related course topic in which you present current research. You want to persuade with some type of evidence on what will be addressed or further studied or done on the topic (your proposal or discussion). Alternatively, the topic could also be in any novel area of computer science.
2. Paper should include the following sections and in the order listed below.
Author’s information and affiliation
i. Introduction
ii. Review of Literature
iii. Proposal (Online assignment help tutors – Discussion)
iv. Conclusions
v. References
3. The title of the paper should be clear and long enough to identify what would you be discussing or arguing about a given ethical technological theme or other related course topic.
4. The abstract is a 100 to 300 word summary of the paper. It should include the topic, its issue, your proposal, how you will justify your proposal and want you want us to conclude.
5. The introduction should give a general description of the topic, its issues, its relevance (motivation to discuss it or impact to society), your idea on how to overcome the problem with some justifications. An ideal introduction should include references to claims stated. It could also describe what to expect on the rest of the paper or how you would prove your hypothesis.
6. The review of literature should include state of the art publications related with the topic. It should start with a short explanation of the section (paragraph one). Every paper reviewed should be addressed in a paragraph, and it should summarize the ideas discussed, its strengths and weaknesses. It should end with your identification of what was missing to cover your proposal.
7. The proposal section should be your main discussion session in which you present your ideas, opinions about the topic and how to address its issues and references or evidence to support your reasoning.
8. Your conclusions section should be some learning statements after discussing and working with your topic. It could also include a description of future work.
9. References should be a list of at least five peer reviewed papers, this means that they were published in a conference or journal. IEEE and ACM conferences are good source of quality papers. Additionally, all references should be cited in the body of the paper.
10. Paper needs to be in the IEEE format (fonts, indentation, style, size, etc.). Do not insert additional spaces. Unrelated sections of paper template need to be deleted without altering the format of the rest of the document. Corrections or additions need to be adjusted whenever needed like in the case of author’s information. Papers can be formatted as indicated by computer science conference approved by the instructor.
11. Each section should be of appropriate length. Approximate minimum length per section as follows: introduction (half to one full page), review of literature (one to two pages), proposal (0.75 to 1.5 pages), conclusions (0.3 to 0.75 page), references (0.25 to 0.6 page). The minimum number of pages for the complete paper in the IEEE format is 4 FULL PAGES.
12. Smooth transitions. For example, do not start paragraphs with “In reference [1]”.
13. Copying and pasting from any source is not allowed even if referenced. A general rule states that copying more than 3 consecutive words from another source is plagiarism. The penalty for copying and pasting is zero in the final grade of the paper.
14. Ideas should be fully elaborated.

I need help writing my essay – research paper read all materials I post and please write this paper strictly in IEEE format. The output-1 which I post in materiabptls is a example of IEEE format.

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