TOPIC: Spiritual Health

SUBJECT: Religion and Theology

TYPE: Coursework

Spiritual Health Assessment Presentation Grading Rubric The purpose of this assignment is for the student to collaborate within a team in preparing a presentation on nursing spiritual assessment, activities that promote spiritual health, patient focused care, and care planning. Read all chapters in Taylor: Chapter 1, 2, & 3. Prepare a presentation on the chapter assigned to your group. a. The presentation is to be approximately 5 minutes in length. b. Audiovisual aids should be used; students must make arrangements for needed supplies. c. Grades will be based on written materials and presentation. All members of the team must submit their assigned portion, outline format in Sakai. d. Team leader will submit the entire presentation with the list of team members Criteria Points Possible Points Awarded Comments Presentation Preparation 5 Presentation Format 15 All nursing process elements included: Assessment, Nursing diagnosis, Implementation, Evaluation (As applicable for your group) 20 Total Points 40

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Research Helper
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