TOPIC: History of U.S Labor

SUBJECT: History

TYPE: Essay (any type)

The emergence of a retail market in the first half of the 19th century dramatically altered the lives of working Americans, both free and enslaved, as the divisions within society deepened. The early expansion of industrial and agricultural development—the cotton gin and the division of labor, in particular—involved different types of labor and economic organization, and transformed the nature of work itself, a process for which Alexis de Tocqueville and Adam Smith offered competing observations. In what ways did industrial and agricultural development change the nature of work for urban artisans and journeymen in the North and southern slaves and Native Americans in the South, respectively, and how did each group respond to these changes? Conclude your paper by evaluating the degree to which workers shared in the nation’s prosperity. Support your paper with relevant evidence from class readings. Use proper attribution, citing the author’s last name and page number when quoting directly and paraphrasing from the readings. Follow ace my homework – Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA style for in-text citations and works cited page. When citing Smith and Tocqueville, state their last names and the paragraph number from the readings. Use the format below for your works cited page. Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations De Tocqueville, Alexis. How an Aristocracy May Be Created by Manufactures All papers must be typed, double-spaced throughout and five (5) pages in length, each numbered with standard one-inch margins and size 12 font. Respect the page limit. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation matter. Use only those sources that have been assigned and discussed in class; do not use any other sources, especially those from the Internet.

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Research Helper
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