Topic: Conversion & Optimization Strategy Plan Part 1
Paper details:

The Internet marketing Conversion and Optimization Strategy Plan Part 1 will be a minimum of 1500 words. It will contain an introduction of minimum of 150 words, a detailed Lead generation strategy plan that addresses each of the below concerns, and a reference page. You will use the book chapter and the included guidelines. At least 3 scholarly references must be used. In addition, you must also quote the textbook. Current Ace homework tutors – APA format must be followed. You will submit to a SafeAssign link to be checked for plagiarism.
I need help writing my essay – research paper see the Professor’s notes at the end of this document and the chapter. The chapter provides detailed information on how to complete 1 & 3 of the assignment.
The company we will focus on is Acme Glass and mirror. I need help writing my essay – research paper visit their website at

Lead Generation
1. Describe the lead generation process in this case study and perform a critical thinking analysis using a SWOT analysis on the approach taken in this case. Using the lead generation model, what do you recommend as a better approach than the one used in the case and why?
2. Calculate the ROI for lead generation using the formula found on this website:
3. Apply the 4 approaches that clarify strategic options in lead generation for this strategy plan.

Chapter 13 of the textbook must be used for guidance.

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