TOPIC: Buddhism Response Paper

SUBJECT: Religion and Theology

TYPE: Critical Thinking / Review

The concepts that you are asked to define in this response questions are difficult and require some thought and reflection on your part—use the attached reading to assist you but please give explanations in your own words (i.e. do not give extensive quotations in your response). Must be at least 300-350 words. PROMPT: What is “Buddha-nature” (also known as the tathāgata-garbha)? How does Bassui Tokushō explain this concept
Answer the six response questions listed in the document titled “Buddhism Response Questions”. There should be 1-2 sources used for each question. The titles of the sources that will need to be used for each question will be listed under the question and will be under attachments. Each question must be AT LEAST 150 words

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Research Helper
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