Time Capsule
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Time capsules are created with the intent of being opened in future; they are meant to shed light to archaeologists about a certain age; they contain monumental artifacts which archaeologists use to study the way of life of ancient societies. Time capsules from the renaissance and age of Baroque would provide a lot of enlightenment to historians about the way of life of communities in those ages. Through study of capsules historians are able to establish how culture and art changes through time. Capsules from the Baroque and renaissance age containing objects of art, music, description of drawings or architecture, philosophy and literature would provide a lot of first hand information about culture of communities in both ages.
The renaissance age spans from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century; the term ‘rebirth’ can be used loosely to refer to this age in which communities underwent vigorous changes beginning from Italy. Items of art contained in a capsule from the age would provide vivid insights about art of the renaissance age studied today but without practical examples. In the renaissance age artists had mastered the skill of using light and shading to depict the aesthetics of nature (Francesca, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Works of art sealed in the time capsule would provide first hand information about art in the renaissance age; it would most likely include paintings and drawings from the age which would make it possible to study the renaissance art with ease.
Music artifacts included in the capsule would provide a picture of music in the renaissance age. Music would be probably represented by a collection of some music instruments used in the time. This would be of high value to archaeologists since they would not have to do guess work about how music developed in the age of renaissance. The type of musical instruments used would directly translate to the type of music composed in the age. Before the age of renaissance, religious music dominated the communities, however, during this age, secular music started to gain ground. It is expected that the instruments included in the capsule were used mostly to play secular music. Music is a crucial part of the society and therefore the type of music in a society reflects significantly on the way of life of the people. In this age, several artists became popular; for example, Leonardo da Vinci, therefore, it is expected to find some of his works in the capsule (Francesca, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Music instruments in the capsule can be used to compare music from the renaissance age with music in the current age to see how the genre has developed through time.
Architecture and the art of drawing developed significantly during the renaissance age; therefore it is imminent that the time capsule would contain these works. Linear perspective in drawing developed considerably during the renaissance age, the work of Giotto di Bondone and the like would be expected to be found the capsule (Francesca, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). The archaeologists would be able to appreciate the contribution of the renaissance age drawing to the modern day status of the art; it would enable them realize how the art has grown from the renaissance age to modern day. Architecture also developed substantially as an art during this period, it is expected that the time capsule would contain works of architecture from the likes of Filippo Brunelleschi. The works of architecture would paint a vivid picture to archaeologists on the status of the art during the renaissance age.
Philosophy was also a paramount aspect in the renaissance age. Philosophers during this age included the likes of Leonardo da Vinci; therefore, some of his works of philosophy would be expected to found in the capsule. During this period, classical works of Aristotle and Plato and Copernicus were held in reverence hence it is expected to find works of philosophy of three key philosophers in the capsule (Francesca, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Literature also grew considerably during the renaissance age with the availability of paper to write on, it is, therefore, expected to find pieces of works of literature from the capsule. The pieces of literature can be used ton gauge the current day literature with that of the renaissance age.
The age of Baroque spans from the 1590s to 1725. Development of work of art during this period was largely motivated by the church. The Catholic Church through the council of Trent had issued a decree that works of art of the age be used to depict religion. In a struggle for fame, artists came up with various types of works of art during the age. The period used exaggerated motion and clear detail tom produce works of art (Francesca, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Works of art expected to be found in the capsule would include sculptures from the likes of Pierre Le Gros, for example the sculpture of Stanilas Kosta on his death bed. Majority of works of art during this period largely depicted religion; hence sculptures expected in the time capsule would be that of the time’s religious figures. They would paint a clear picture of the way of life of communities during this age.
Music in the age of baroque was in the larger part religious, therefore, musical instruments or composition expected from the time capsule would be religious in nature; this is owing to the fact that music in this age was used significantly for religious purpose; however, the capsule will paint a vivid picture of music in the picture to clear any discrepancies. Drawing and architecture were also major composition of Baroque age. One of the famous painters in this age includes Marie de Medici and hence her paintings are expected to be found in the capsule. Artists of the age used intense emotions; exaggerated lighting and artistic sensationalism in their drawings, these aspects of drawings of the age would provide a vivid picture of the state of drawings in this age. Architecture also developed significantly during the age of Baroque, this is evidenced by key architectural pillars such as the age’s Trevi Fountain in Rome (Michael, 1966). Notably most works in this age were used for religious purposes as a means to counter the time’s protestant uprising and majority of works of architect would be expected to be religious in nature. The works would be used by archaeologists to compare and contrast architecture in the age with its state in the modern day world.
The fields of literature and philosophy did not develop significantly during the age of Baroque since majority of works in the period revolved around the church (Michael, 1966); therefore, works from the two genres are not expected to be found in the time capsule. The church was against philosophy, and being the motivator to works of art; philosophy had no impetus to grow. Literature did not grow significantly during the age; however, if traces of both genres are found in the capsule they will be used to provide clear state of affairs of both genres during the period.

Francesca, T. (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). “Renaissance Italy and the Muslim Mediterranean in Recent Historical Work,” Journal of Modern History, Vol. 82 (1): 127–155.
Michael, K. (1966). The Age of Baroque. Landmarks of the World’s Art. New York: McGraw- Hill.

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