This assignment is an introduction to research that is currently being used in many aspects of criminal justice. It is referred to as “ACEs” or Adverse Childhood Experiences.
For this first assignment watch a video then answer questions relating to that video.How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris (Links to an external site.)
1. What is the impact of exposure to childhood trauma?
2. What are some examples of childhood trauma?
3. What was the name of the study that changed her career?
4. According to Dr. Harris, what are the two most important findings from the study that changed her career?
5. How do ACE’s impact the brain and brain development?
6. Why does Dr. Harris think we don’t take childhood trauma more seriously?
7. Briefly describe how you think the information in this video could be used to enhance theories about criminal behavior.


This project introduces you to research that is currently being used in a variety of criminal justice settings. Adverse Childhood Experiences, or “ACEs,” are a term for this.
For this first assignment, watch a video and then respond to questions about it.
The long-term effects of childhood trauma on health | Nadine Burke Harris (This is a link to another website.)

1. What are the consequences of childhood trauma?

2. What types of childhood trauma are there?

3. What was the name of the study that had a significant impact on her career?

4. What are the two most crucial discoveries from the study that transformed Dr. Harris’ career, according to her?

5. What are the effects of ACEs on the brain and brain development?

6. Why does Dr. Harris believe we don’t take care of ourselves?

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