Name: __________________________________ Class: ________________________ Time: ______________ (In: and (
70 points
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This assignment is worth 70 points.
These questions are designed to stimulate your cognition towards and understanding of the materials read about and viewed during the duration of this course. Please take time to generate your answers, and check the logic of your sentence structure. No answer to a particular question requires more than a few words or sentences. Your answers should reflect your ability to communicate your understanding of those materials.
Please make sure your name class/time and date are included in the subject line as well as on the submission.
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Section 1:
1. The three primary components of Piaget’s theory of genetic epistemology are:
2. How do the components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology relate to the model of brain and mind discussed in video-lecture, text, and videos? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
3. Which components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology are related to the Nature Hypotheses discussed in video-lecture, text, and video, and how? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
4. Which components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology are related to the Nurture Hypotheses discussed in video-lecture, text, and video, and how? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
5. How are the components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology related to the execution of behavior during critical/sensitive periods as discussed in video-lecture, text, and video and how? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
6. Please describe variables that YOU think should be included in the environment to enable successful execution and development of mental processes during the stages Piaget defined and discussed in video-lecture and your text. Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
7. How are components of MIND involved in Natural Selection as defined and discussed in video lecture and text?
8. How are components of MIND as defined in text and video lecture involved in expression of APRIORI behavior and mental processes?
9. How are components of MIND as defined in text and video lecture involved in expression of APOSTERIORI behavior and mental processes?
10. What components of MIND as defined in text and video lecture are involved in the ability of the external stimulus to execute appropriate responses?
11. What components of MIND as defined in text and video lecture are involved in the ability of the internal stimulus to execute appropriate responses?
12. What components of MIND as defined in text and video lecture are involved in acquisition of knowledge?
13. How does MIND as defined in text and video lecture produce variation in behavior executed towards a specific situation?
14. How is MIND as defined in text and video lecture related to the NATURE hypothesis described in your text and in video lecture?
15. How is MIND as defined in text and video lecture related to the NURTURE hypothesis described in your text and in video lecture?
16. How is MIND as defined in text and video lecture related to the dis- and continuous models of critical/sensitive periods described in your text and in video lecture?
17. How are components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology deployed to achieve the goals described by Erikson’s stages of development as discussed in the text and video lecture? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
18. How might you structure the environment to increase the likelihood of that a of a person (specify age) engages the intervening events Piaget suggested occur to enable transition through the sensitive periods described by Erikson (specify stage). Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
19. How might knowledge produced by the developmental psychologists concerned with structure of behavior and mental processes and their ability to change as discussed in video-lecture, read about in text, and observed in videos relate to your career goals? Please cite specific examples. Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
20. How might knowledge produced by the developmental psychologists concerned with structure of behavior and mental processes and their ability to change as discussed in video-lecture, read about in text, and observed in videos relate to your academic goals? Please cite specific examples. Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
Section 2:
1. What is the definition of Critical/sensitive Period used in class:
1a. What is the relationship between critical/sensitive periods and the discontinuous and continuous models of development as discussed in video-lecture and text?
1b. What is the relationship between critical/sensitive periods and the concept of stages of development as discussed in video-lecture and text?
2. What state(s) must the organism be in for successful initiation of a critical period to occur?
3. What state(s) must the organism be in for successful completion of the critical period to occur?
4. What behavior(s)/competency (ies) must be inherent property (ies) of the organism for successful initiation, transition, and completion of a critical period to occur? AND WHY?
5. What is the problem state possessed by the organism prior to the initiation of the critical period?
6. What must be present in the environment for the organism to successfully complete the critical period to occur?
7. What biological strategy is applied to solve the problem encountered at the beginning of the sensitive period?
8. What does the definition of sensitive period suggest “emerges” during an “optimal” time? From where?
9. What mental process(es) does the inclusion of “optimal” in the definition of sensitive period require the organism perform prior to that “emergence”?
10. What mental process(es) does your definition of sensitive period suggest occurs in the organism to make that organism “especially responsive to environmental influences”?
11. What mental process(es) does the inclusion of “especially” in the definition of sensitive period require the organism perform prior to becoming “responsive to environmental influences”?
11a. What concepts discussed in video-lecture and text are suggested to be responsible for changing the responsivity of the organism to environmental influences?
12. How is the MIND as defined and discussed in video-lecture related to the behaviors occurring at the initiation, execution, and completion of the critical/sensitive period?
13. 2 examples of critical periods are:
14. Please number and list the steps taken by the organism to successfully initiate-perform- and complete the critical period.
15. Prior to the execution of any behavior the organism must ____________________
with its environment and make a ______________________________ about its present circumstances so the energy expended is conserved and efficiency is increased.
16. What is produced in the organism upon successful completion of the critical period?
17. What properties must be inherent to the organism for it to successfully complete the sensitive/critical period?
18. Please describe how the MIND as defined and discussed in class and as described by Piaget is related to the topics of Fit and adaptation and learning during the critical/sensitive period.
19. What variables need to be present (internally and externally) for proper engagement and execution of MIND and mental processes?
20. Please describe how MIND as defined in video-lecture and text and Natural Selection as described in video-lecture and in text are related during the organism’s interaction with the environment and execution of an appropriate response.
21. Please describe how information in the text and in lecture might be used by a student to improve their academic experience.
22. Please describe how information in the text and in lecture might be used by a clinician to better understand symptoms presented by their patient.
23. What is acquired upon successful application of MIND?
Section 3:
For each of these stages:
1. Basic trust v mistrust: Trust: Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability; confident expectation of something; hope.
a. The primary goal of this stage is:
b. What stimulus (IV) needs to be present to initiate behaviors (DV) inferring successful completion of this stage?
c. What mental processes does occurrence of the behavior (DV) described above infer intervened to support successful completion of this stage?
2. Autonomy v shame/doubt: Autonomy: Independence, as of the will of one’s actions; self governing.
A. The primary goal of this stage is:
B. What stimulus (IV) needs to be present to initiate behaviors (DV) inferring successful completion of this stage?
C. What mental processes does occurrence of the behavior (DV) described above infer intervened to support successful completion of this stage?
3. Initiative v guilt: Initiative: A step leading to action; readiness and ability to initiate action, enterprise; one’s personal responsible decision.
A. The primary goal of this stage is:
B. What stimulus (IV) needs to be present to initiate behaviors (DV) inferring successful completion of this stage?
C. What mental processes does occurrence of the behavior (DV) described above infer intervened to support successful completion of this stage?
4. Industry v inferiority: Industry: Energetic, devoted activity at any work, task, diligence.
Skill: Ability to do something well, arising from talent, training, practice. Special competence.
A. The primary goal of this stage is:
B. What stimulus (IV) needs to be present to initiate behaviors (DV) inferring successful completion of this stage?
C. What mental processes does occurrence of the behavior (DV) described above infer intervened to support successful completion of this stage?
5. Identity v confusion: Identity: Sameness of essential or generic character in different instances. A distinguishing character or personality of an individual.
A. The primary goal of this stage is:
B. What stimulus (IV) needs to be present to initiate behaviors (DV) inferring successful completion of this stage?
C. What mental processes does occurrence of the behavior (DV) described above infer intervened to support successful completion of this stage?
6. Intimacy versus isolation: Intimacy: associated with close personal relationships, warm friendships, familiar and affectionate personal relationships. Ability to fuse one’s identity with that of another without fear of loosing that identity.
A. The primary goal of this stage is:
B. What stimulus (IV) needs to be present to initiate behaviors (DV) inferring successful completion of this stage?
C. What mental processes does occurrence of the behavior (DV) described above infer intervened to support successful completion of this stage?
7. generativities. : a concern for people besides self and family that usually develops during middle age; especially : a need to nurture and guide younger people and contribute to the next generation—used in the psychology of Erik Erikson.
Stagnation is the state of being still, or not moving, like a sitting puddle of water where stagnation attracts mosquitoes. The root of stagnation is the Latin word for “standing water,” stagnatum.
A. The primary goal of this stage is:
B. What stimulus (IV) needs to be present to initiate behaviors (DV) inferring successful completion of this stage?
C. What mental processes does occurrence of the behavior (DV) described above infer intervened to support successful completion of this stage?
8. Integrity: Uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical principles; honest versus Despair: the complete loss or absence of hope.
Despair: the complete loss or absence of hope.
A. The primary goal of this stage is:
B. What stimulus (IV) needs to be present to initiate behaviors (DV) inferring successful completion of this stage?
C. What mental processes does occurrence of the behavior (DV) described above infer intervened to support successful completion of this stage?
9. Please explain which aspects of the infrastructure of Piaget’s model you implemented to answer these questions.
10. Please describe variables that YOU think should be included in the environment to enable successful execution and development of mental processes during Maslow’s stages defined and discussed in video-lecture and your text. Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
Section 4:
Please list and define the terms that describe the problem and goal states for each:
A. Maslow’s Physiological
The Problem state is:
The Goal state is:
The behaviors and mental processes needed to transition from problem to goal state are:
If these behaviors are inherent properties of the organisms, than what stimulus (independent variables) needs to be present to initiate these responses (dependent variables)?
B. Maslow’s Safety
The Problem state is:
The Goal state is:
The behaviors and mental processes needed to transition from problem to goal state are:
If these behaviors are inherent properties of the organisms, than what stimulus (independent variables) needs to be present to initiate these responses (dependent variables)?
C. Maslow’s Love & Belonging
The Problem state is:
The Goal state is:
The behaviors and mental processes needed to transition from problem to goal state are:
If these behaviors are inherent properties of the organisms, than what stimulus (independent variables) needs to be present to initiate these responses (dependent variables)?
D. Maslow’s esteem
The Problem state is:
The Goal state is:
The behaviors and mental processes needed to transition from problem to goal state are:
If these behaviors are inherent properties of the organisms, than what stimulus (independent variables) needs to be present to initiate these responses (dependent variables)?
E. Maslow’s Self-Actualization
The Problem state is:
The Goal state is:
The behaviors and mental processes needed to transition from problem to goal state are:
If these behaviors are inherent properties of the organisms, than what stimulus (independent variables) needs to be present to initiate these responses (dependent variables)?
Section 5:
1. Please Identify and distinguish the theoretical approaches discussed in text and video lecture that are used to study human developmental psychology
2. Please Identify and distinguish strengths and weakness of scientific method discussed in text and video lecture as used to examine issues in developmental psychology
3. Please Identify and distinguish primary models discussed in text and video lecture that describe topics examined in developmental psychology
4. Please apply theory and models in Human development and from psychological science to a real world issue of your choice concerned with topics discussed in class and video and text
5. Please write a seven sentence paragraph describing why you choose on the primary topic of interest to you that was your choice in the question above.