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POST 1:Before WriteLab Even though there are many television shows avalible that depict what it is like to be on an ambulance company, fire department, or police department, I feel that one of the best is Nightwatch on A&E Network. I have been a voulenteer firefighter, was an EMT for twenty years, and have rode with the local police departments. This show seems to show what it is really like out on the streets. Most shows over dramatize scenes to make their ratings go up so people would watch them more. This show gives a real time prospective of how things are in real life. On the ambulance, most calls are usually only under an hour from time of call to the ambulance is dri=opped off at the hospital and the paperwork is done. On any given 12 hour shift, a single ambulace crew could do twelve runs. This isn’t a lot of time to get to know your patients. Sometimes EMT crews arrive at the hospital without knowing who your patients name is, other times they meet a patient who stays in the back of their minds for the rest of their life due to the extent of injury or just something that the patient said. The episode always ends with a recap of that happened to the patients, suspects, or people who were on the show. This is really a true thing that happens. As someone who worked on the Fire Engine and Ambulance, I can tell you that it is nice to know how someone did after the call. The best one that I can rember is a person who had a heart attack right after a Ohio State University football home game on a walk bridge over a river. About a 100 people were on the bridge and saw him go down. Two nurses stopped and did CPR. By the time the ambulance I was on got there, they had a pulse back and we took him to the hospital against a flow of 50,000 people leaving the game. Three months later he walked into the firehouse to thank us. I thought that was so cool. After WriteLab Even though there are many television shows available that depict what it is like to be on an ambulance company, fire department, or police department, I feel that one of the best is Nightwatch on A&E Network. I have been a volunteer firefighter, was an EMT for twenty years, and have rode with the local police departments. This show seems to show what it is like out on the streets. Most shows over dramatize scenes to make their ratings go up so people would watch them more. This show gives a real time prospective of how things are in real life. On the ambulance, most calls are usually only under an hour from time of call to the patient is dropped off at the hospital and the paperwork is done. On any given 12-hour shift, a single ambulance crew could do twelve runs. This isn’t a lot of time to get to know your patients. Sometimes EMT crews arrive at the hospital without knowing who your patients name is, other times they meet a patient who stays in the back of their minds for the rest of their life due to the extent of injury or just something that the patient said. The episode always ends with a recap of that happened to the patients, suspects, or people who were on the show. This is a true thing that happens. As someone who worked on the Fire Engine and Ambulance, I can tell you that it is nice to know how someone did after the call. The best one that I can remember is a person who had a heart attack right after an Ohio State University football home game on a walk bridge over a river. About a 100 people were on the bridge and saw him go down. Two nurses stopped and did CPR. By the time the ambulance I was on got there, they had a pulse back and we took him to the hospital against a flow of 50,000 people leaving the game. Three months later he walked into the firehouse to thank us. I thought that was so cool.WriteLab Experience I have used WriteLab before on another class and will have to say that I forgot about it until now. It is a very useful tool that I will have to use in the future. Another tool that I use regularly is Grammarly as it helps me when I am just typing along and mess something up that I may have missed. I did not use Grammarly for the initial draft, and I did notice that WriteLab did not want to correct some of my spelling issues, and I had to do that before I posted my revised discussion on this post. Some of the things that Grammarly wanted me to change was: Agreement errors. In the second paragraph, it wanted me to change the word shift to shifts. It also asked me what I was doing to back the word true in the third paragraph. It also asked me about clarity. Could I use better words where I used been, was, I, and are? I definitely will use WriteLab before I post my final discussion post in this class and will use it in the future classes I take.POST 2:Original paragraphsCon Air is an action packed film surrounding the transportation of some dangerous prisoners across the U.S. One man, having served his time, is being released upon the completion of the flight. He faces unbelievable odds while trying to reach his final destination, home. Much of the film’s action, takes place on a plane while in route. The plan is hijacked, forced to land, and a number of ruthless men are on the loose. As Cameron Poe, played by Nicholas Cage, tries to make his way home, he is faced with one obstacle, after another. His fellow cons, on the plane, proves to be challenging, as well. Through all his adversity, he does manage to accomplish his ultimate goal, seeing his little girl, whom he hasn’t seen for 8 years. While on the plane, before all of the drama, you learn a little bit of background history about each man on the plane. Cameron Poe, the main character, is sent to prison for defending his wife and killing a man while drunk. He is then sentenced to 8 years in prison. Cyrus the Virus is a character in the movie that is chained in a compartment, by himself, on the plane, with a face shield, similar to Dr. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. Each of the characters in the movie have their own agendas to play out.Some of the other noted actors in the film include: Ving Rhames as Diamond Dog, David Chapelle as Pinball, and M.C. Gainy as Swamp Thing. Each person in the film, represented their character well. The film ended with an iconic love song being played as he reunites with his wife and little girl. The audience is left with the impression that goodness wins in the end. If action and adventure movies are on your list of favorites, then this movie is for you.Revised paragraphsCon Air is an action packed film surrounding the transportation of some dangerous prisoners across the U.S. Cameron Poe, having served his sentence, will be free on completion of the flight. His life is changed as he faces unbelievable odds while trying to reach his final destination, home. Much of the film’s action, takes place on a plane while in route. The plan is hijacked, forced to land, and some ruthless men are on the loose. As Cameron Poe, played by Nicholas Cage, tries to make his way home, obstacle afer obstacle block his way. His fellow cons, on the plane, proves to be challenging, as well. Through all his adversity, he does manage to accomplish his ultimate goal, seeing his little girl, whom he hasn’t seen for 8 years. While on the plane, before all the drama, you learn a little bit of background history about each man on the plane. Cameron Poe, was sentenced to prison for defending his wife and killing a man while drunk. He is then sentenced to 8 years in prison. Cyrus the Virus is a character in the movie that is chained in a compartment, by himself, on the plane, with a face shield, similar to Dr. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. All of the characters in the movie have their own agendas to play out.The other noted actors in the film are: Ving Rhames as Diamond Dog, David Chapelle as Pinball, and M.C. Gainy as Swamp Thing. Each person in the film, represented their character well. The film ended with an iconic love song he reunites with his wife and little girl. The ending fade-out leaves audience with the impression that goodness wins finally. If action and adventure movies are on your list of favorites, then this movie is for you.POST 3:Write a page paper – Describe and explain your review process. How did you review your rough draft for logical fallacies, citation errors, and potential plagiarism (e.g., Turnitin)? I ran my rough draft through several of the free resources available to us and those were Turnitin, Writing Center and Write Lab (aka Grammarly). I wanted to see the different variations of feedback that each resources offered me. Writing center really helped me because the tutor broke down my paper and left comments with suggestions. I did not realize I was listing more than one point in a paragraph. I also realized I was adding more points of discussion that were not in my introduction. I had to delete a lot of my work and re-pick which points I was going to go with. I still have a ton more to do over this next week. I was glad I submitted my paper because I was not quit on the right path. I highly recommend submitting your paper through the Writing Center. Write lab helped me with getting my concision down from six marks to two and my clarity was hard to lower down from twelve to seven. I will continue to add and revise until I feel 100% about my paper. Grammarly helped me with any grammatical errors in my paper. You don’t realize how much you can miss after looking at a screen for a while. Discuss any specific questions you have regarding your essay structure.My essay structure will be worked on based off the feedback from the Writing Center tutor. I wanted to make sure I got something posted in time and got peer review as well. I could work on this paper forever, but knowing I don’t have that time allotted I will try my best to gather the topic evidence to help support my argument. TysonPOST 4:Original paragraphsCon Air is an action packed film surrounding the transportation of some dangerous prisoners across the U.S. One man, having served his time, is being released upon the completion of the flight. He faces unbelievable odds while trying to reach his final destination, home. Much of the film’s action, takes place on a plane while in route. The plan is hijacked, forced to land, and a number of ruthless men are on the loose. As Cameron Poe, played by Nicholas Cage, tries to make his way home, he is faced with one obstacle, after another. His fellow cons, on the plane, proves to be challenging, as well. Through all his adversity, he does manage to accomplish his ultimate goal, seeing his little girl, whom he hasn’t seen for 8 years. While on the plane, before all of the drama, you learn a little bit of background history about each man on the plane. Cameron Poe, the main character, is sent to prison for defending his wife and killing a man while drunk. He is then sentenced to 8 years in prison. Cyrus the Virus is a character in the movie that is chained in a compartment, by himself, on the plane, with a face shield, similar to Dr. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. Each of the characters in the movie have their own agendas to play out.Some of the other noted actors in the film include: Ving Rhames as Diamond Dog, David Chapelle as Pinball, and M.C. Gainy as Swamp Thing. Each person in the film, represented their character well. The film ended with an iconic love song being played as he reunites with his wife and little girl. The audience is left with the impression that goodness wins in the end. If action and adventure movies are on your list of favorites, then this movie is for you.Revised paragraphsCon Air is an action packed film surrounding the transportation of some dangerous prisoners across the U.S. Cameron Poe, having served his sentence, will be free on completion of the flight. His life is changed as he faces unbelievable odds while trying to reach his final destination, home. Much of the film’s action, takes place on a plane while in route. The plan is hijacked, forced to land, and some ruthless men are on the loose. As Cameron Poe, played by Nicholas Cage, tries to make his way home, obstacle afer obstacle block his way. His fellow cons, on the plane, proves to be challenging, as well. Through all his adversity, he does manage to accomplish his ultimate goal, seeing his little girl, whom he hasn’t seen for 8 years. While on the plane, before all the drama, you learn a little bit of background history about each man on the plane. Cameron Poe, was sentenced to prison for defending his wife and killing a man while drunk. He is then sentenced to 8 years in prison. Cyrus the Virus is a character in the movie that is chained in a compartment, by himself, on the plane, with a face shield, similar to Dr. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. All of the characters in the movie have their own agendas to play out.The other noted actors in the film are: Ving Rhames as Diamond Dog, David Chapelle as Pinball, and M.C. Gainy as Swamp Thing. Each person in the film, represented their character well. The film ended with an iconic love song he reunites with his wife and little girl. The ending fade-out leaves audience with the impression that goodness wins finally. If action and adventure movies are on your list of favorites, then this movie is for you.