The goal of this assignment is to theorize a thesis using two contemporary theories we have discussed in class. Since the practice of formal writing helps us learn, think critically, and improve writing skills, significant effort will be expected toward improving our ability to express ourselves in written form.

a) To select a topic statement (thesis) for a case study, start with a topic based on a unit of analysis. Some possible units of analysis include, but are not limited to:

an event (ranging from first man on the moon to the Chargers leaving San Diego)
an organization (such as the company you work for)
a subculture (such as the xolos, strongly preferred one about which have first-hand knowledge)
a policy (such as federal mandatory minimum sentences for drug offences)

The above are mere examples; please pick your own topic, preferably one about which you plan to—or have already written about in—your capstone thesis project. Based on this project think of a question, a significant one that gives you a research question that puzzles our society that may be related to this topic (e.g. Why do we all remember where we were on 9/11? Why do some workers in my organization given “flexible” work schedules?). Your goal in this paper is to use two of our theories to help us explain one or two answers to this question.

I need help writing my essay – research paper note: you are not required to do any formal research. This assignment requires no use of outside sources on empirical case studies, only material from the text, though additional theoretical reading is encouraged. Your goal for this paper will be, instead, a theory paper—what may become a theoretical or introductory section to your thesis. To that end, you state one or two possible answers to this question, and then “test” how one or two of our social theorists guide you to your topic statement about that puzzle (admittedly, this is just a hypothesis). The first page of your paper should allude to a topic, a puzzle, and one or two answers—a topic statement. The bulk of your paper should go on to explain how one or two theorists help one come to one or two answers to this puzzle. Throughout your paper, you should theorize the explanation to your puzzle by referring back to the theorists and the text we have read, and perhaps secondary theoretical sources posted on the book or suggested by the instructor during early parts of this assignment.

For Part 5, you will complete Final course paper (at least nine pages long). Students will incorporate my suggestions for revision—and some of your peers’— in order to theoretically expand and develop your paper. In addition to edits about your use of the first theory, you will also add a second, contemporary theory/ist from weeks 3-4. Again, the goal is to demonstrate how your case supports and expands, or challenges and revises that theory, though this time also comparing and contrasting the two theories. You must also submit this paper to Blackboard, as well as turn in a paper copy with your original paper with my comments attached to this paper. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a cover sheet to the final course paper tracking and explaining which of the major advised changes you have made. This assignment will be graded based on how significant of an improvement you will make. If you did not do well on Part 3, this is your chance to do better. If you turned in a strong Part 3, this is your chance to grow as a writer and sociologist.

Guidelines for all writing assignments: Assignment should be typed; in Times New Roman 12 pt font with 1” margins double-spaced; and include your name, the assignment name, and page numbers. The rough draft should be a best draft of your work, meaning that you have read through the finished product at least once and:

corrected any grammatical or typographical errors to the absolute best of your ability,
ensured that the introduction and conclusion belong to the same paper and make the same point (sometimes our intentions drift as we get writing),
and made sure each part of the essay makes sense and contributes to the whole.

You must cite any sources you consult, and properly quote anything you use in your essay. These citations should be formatted according to ASA, Ace homework tutors – APA, or Chicago style requirements.

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