
From our lectures, you have learned about how to develop a strong controlling idea with topic sentences that are supported by evidence (credible research). From your textbook readings you have learned about the basics of writing and responding to argument, and about counterarguments and rebuttals ; about inductive/deductive reasoning and logical fallacies ; and about how to write a position essay.
In particular you have learned about the Toulmin Method of argumentation: 1) claims, 2) grounds, 3) warrants, 4) backings, 5) qualifiers, and 6) counterarguments and rebuttals.

Assignment Objective
Using at least four of these elements, construct a “position” essay on a marine environmental issue by collecting, generating, and evaluating evidence to support your position on the topic in a concise manner. As you know from reading Chapter 6, your primary goal will be to persuade your readers to “accept your point of view as valid, worthwhile, and true. You are not simply explaining your opinion on a topic or issue.” Rather, you are seeking a distinct and committed response from your audience.

Position essays generally call for extensive research of previously published material. This allows students to learn about one particular topic from multiple points of view. And, of course, position essays must always establish a clear controlling idea, followed by sound logic and reasoning, and credible evidence.
Your essay must have a focused thesis that outlines your perspective on the primary scientific, cultural, financial, societal, and/or political events, trends, and/or perceptions that have shaped the history of these issues. Your essay should be thesis-driven, focused, descriptive, specific, logical, and targeted to academic readers. The paper must also include definitions of key terms and a proposal for resolution of the problem(s) associated with your topic.
Your Essay Must:
Fall within the 4-6 pages range (the Works Cited page does not count for meeting the page requirement)
Formulate a specific, focused, and complex thesis statement
Support your position with compelling topic sentences, followed by detailed and perceptive analysis of evidence
Offer counterarguments and rebuttals
Smoothly frame quotations and use appropriate paraphrasing
Use effective transitions to move from paragraph to paragraph
Develop a reasonable conclusion that provides a satisfying closure
Display an ability to use dynamic sentences and precise words, avoiding errors in grammar, punctuation, and language
Use at least four outside sources from credible sources
Use graphic evidence*
Use Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format
*Graphic Evidence Requirement: Somewhere in the essay, include at least one graphic illustration that provides appropriate evidence for the position you are developing. This graphic evidence can be original or cited from a source. Make sure that the graphic is treated like any other borrowed evidence.
Research Notes:
Get the best quality research you can, as your grade will depend on it. Make sure your research is credible. Use approximately 30% research in your essay, about one source per page, although you may balance your research in any way you deem most effective. Cite all your sources—ideas, numbers, words, summaries, paraphrases, quotes, graphics—both within the essay (in-text citations) and on the Works Cited page.
I need help writing my essay – research paper underline your claim (thesis statement) and topic sentences
Do not use dictionaries or Wikipedia

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