Question description

The Task: Please answer the three essay questions below (please see) using college-level writing skills. Be sure that your answers are backed with specific historical evidence drawn from the works we’ve read so far – evidence that convinces me that you’ve read the Foner textbook and all relevant assigned books and documents. In completing this assignment, use no other materials than those assigned in our course. (NO OUTSIDE RESOURCES)Citing Your Sources: Be sure to correctly cite the words you borrow.  If you borrow another author’s words, data, or ideas, use quotation marks to make clear what you’ve specifically borrowed, then immediately give a parenthetical citation telling me the work you’ve used, the author, and the page number. To NOT do this is to plagiarize, and that can lead to failing our class. Using another person’s words or ideas without citing their work or without using quotation marks to identify precisely what you’ve borrowed is plagiarism. Ignorance of the term is no excuse and it will earn you an “F” for the paper and a black mark on your academic transcript – the one that is sent to the college you hope to transfer to. In short, Good Student, do not plagiarize.Other Specs: Each of the three mini-essays must each be, at minimum, 700 words long each.If you wish to exceed the minimum word requirement, please do. In calculating your word total, I will not count your bibliography or title page, only the main body of the mini-essays themselves — your answers. Also know that the essays must be double-spaced throughout, typed, and that you must use Times New Roman. Be sure the file is in rich-text format (.rtf). No exceptions. If I can’t open your document for any reason, you will lose two full letter grades. (If you’re paper would have gotten an “A,” it can now only get a “C,” etc.) When you are done answering the three questions in three mini-essays of, at minimum, 700 words each, please submit them in ONE RTF FILE, not 3 separate ones. Read that again as well. (2100 words in total; 3 1/2 pages)Do the best work you can, start early in drafting your essays, and use your own words. Your answers must use as much historical evidence as possible from as much of the assigned work as possible, so long as it’s relevant. All of the textbook chapters we have covered so far, up to the deadline, should be utilized in framing your answer so long as they are relevant and improve your essay.  Those who ignore the Foner, our main textbook in the class, will lose points. Lincoln observed in 1864 that “we all declare for liberty, but in using the same word, we do not all mean the same things.” He continued to explain what the North meant and what the South meant, and how victory meant a national norm as defined by the North. Clear differences in what liberty meant can be found between the 1.) North and the South, 2.)between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, 3.) between planter and factory-owner. What were those differences in the three groups I’ve just numbered? List at least 4 for each groups and discuss each separately and at length.Each number should have at least 700 words and at least 4 differences.I will send you the all the chapters related to this assignment once I select you as my tutor. Please cite within your answers like so: (Foner, pg. #).This assignment should be 3 1/2 pages long (2100 words, 700 words per question).Thanks!

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