Question description
I need help with writing a three pages essay based on a chapter of reading on the book. The reading is about Chapter nine, The Second World War in Southeast Asia. I have highlighted some parts on the reading for myself.
Your essay should comprise a main thesis or theses,
stated at the beginning, and an extended, but concise discussion of
supporting evidence. Be analytical, not just descriptive. At all
cost, avoid being vague and too general in your argumentation; the clearer you
state your own position and your own analysis, the better. Pay attention to the
details of the essay question; stay focused on the topic. Be specific.
For supporting evidence, the use of concrete historical examples from
the readings, incl. the novels, hand-outs, documentaries, and/or lectures is
recommended; consistent citations style is expected. The response paper needs
to be type-written, double-spaced, with margins 1 inch all sides, common 12 pt.
font. Proof-read for spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc.! Please use Chicago Style citation.
Reflect on the transformative effects the Japanese
occupation of most of Southeast Asia during World War 2 had on the course of
Southeast Asian history: How dependent was the gaining of independence of the Philippines (1946) and Burma (1948) on the Japanese interlude?
To what degree, if any, were the armed struggles for independence in Indonesia (1945-1949) and Viet Nam (1945-1954) enabled by the
Japanese presence during the first half of the 1940s?
In your essay, focus on three of the four countries mentioned.