Ioannis Theotokas
University of Piraeus
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Communication, Internet access and seafarer loyalty in the shipping industry
The aim of this paper is to examine the availability of and access to communication facilities on board ships as a key
Factor contributing to the binding of seafarers to the profession. Understand communication opportunities
A survey of the on-board personnel was carried out on board ships and regarding the attitude of seafarers. More
Over 500 seafarers answered a specially designed questionnaire to gather information on various topics
work-related issues and job satisfaction, with particular emphasis on the role of communication services and their
On board availability, type of access to communication facilities and cost of access for seafarers. The
Analyzes of the results have shown that the respondents perceive the separation from the family and the inappropriateness
Communication with family and friends at sea as the main obstacle to staying in the sea
Job. Seafarers appear to be satisfied with their choice of profession when asked about it
The reasons why they would give it up, they consider the most important thing to be insufficient communication with
Family and friends. This is clear evidence of the role that communication plays in increasing the retention rate
within the seafaring profession.
Key words: communication, internet access, customer loyalty, seafarers, social media.
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1 Introduction
The term employee retention refers to the ability of a company to retain its employees. A successful bond
Strategy and thus reducing the fluctuation rate is what every employer should aim for
Such performance can actually reduce training and recruitment costs and prevent loss or loss
Emptying important skills and specific organizational knowledge that arise from this turnover. Employees voluntarily
leave organizations for personal reasons (change of family, further education, new job offers etc.) or organizational reasons
(unfair treatment, moral issues, etc.). A high turnover, which is the opposite of retention, costs both
Individuals and organizations (Mitchell et al., 2001). In order to retain their employees, managers have to comply
their needs without deviating from the original corporate goals by using retention strategies and creating them
An optimal situation that is beneficial for both the company and the employees. A strategic option for all companies
that could actually improve their overall retention rate is the implementation of certain retention concepts / strategies and
Find ways to help them become attractive employers by offering certain amenities to their employees
Employees who meet their needs.
Although there is sufficient literature on the factors that cause fluctuation (Cotton & Tuttle, 1986;
Tett & Meyer, 1993; Griffeth et al., 2000 and more), actually little can be found about retention factors that focus on a
certain industry. A recent study by Hausknecht et al. (2009), based on a content analysis of the answers
of workers who gave the reasons for staying with their current employer also identified 12 such retention factors
Job satisfaction is the most important thing in terms of importance, closely followed by external rewards
Attachments and more through organizational commitment, but all of them are placed on a meaning below
Retaining seafarers to the international shipping industry is an important issue that affects most shipping companies today
Ship management companies stand. The global financial crisis has hit the shipping industry hard. Despite the
Crisis and the economic slowdown that affected the employment and training of as many seafarers
The shipping companies reacted by abolishing seafarers (Cahoon et al., 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer), the lack of qualified seafarers and
the imbalance between supply and demand persisted. The latest BIMCO / ISF Manpower Study (BIMCO, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer)
stated that there is an overall shortage of civil servants, which has increased slightly by around 2% (supply / demand balance)
compared to that of 2005, but with these percentages that are estimates, it does not necessarily mean that shipping
Companies have no recruitment problems. At the same time, the trend towards the substitution of seafarers is emerging
traditional maritime nations of seafarers from low-wage countries is strong. The decline in the number of European
Seafarers, mainly on ships that have been proven in a relevant study (EK, 2011; Task Force, 2011),
confirms this trend. Even the entry of seafarers from low-wage countries is not expected
To overcome the deficiency completely, at least for some officers. A tightening of the latter is expected
in the following years, which creates the need for measures that will continue the growth of the number of
Seafarers, especially officers, and reducing industrial waste (BIMCO, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). It is mentioned in the
At the same time, recruiting new seafarers will not be an easy task, considering that life at sea is as
be unattractive, insecure and insecure ”(Cahoon et al., 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer).
To increase recruitment and reduce waste, improve selection processes, perception of career and career
It is suggested to understand the factors that affect retention (BIMCO / ISF, 2005). This is very important
the issues of working and living conditions and employee satisfaction, both directly related to the
Maintaining the seafaring profession, as the literature research has shown (Kokoszko and Cahoon, 2007; there
Silva et al., 2011; Thai et al., 2013; Caesar et al., 2013; Fei and Lu, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). These two topics are related
page 4
Providing the infrastructure and tools (ILO,
2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers; Nguyen et al., 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Despite its importance in this sense, communication has not been a retention factor
get enough attention from researchers. Thus there is increasing interest from industry
special topic ( Shiptalk Recruitment, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers; ISCW, 2011; Stark Moore MacMillan, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap; Futurenautics Research,
2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) it is only discussed in a limited number of research and industrial studies (Davies and Parfett, 1998; Collins
and Hogg, 2004; Kahveci, 2011).
The aim of this paper is to examine the availability of and access to communication facilities on board ships as a key
Factor contributing to the binding of seafarers to the profession. The retention of seafarers in shipping
Industry and access to communication as a retention factor are discussed in Section 2. The research methodology
is described in Section 3 while the research results are discussed in Section 4
Conclusions and the limits of the study.
2. Employee retention in shipping
To understand the retention problem in the shipping industry, the unique characteristics of the
the profession of seafarer and the reasons why seafarers quit their jobs. The work environment
and the tasks that seafarers have on board differ significantly from those at land-based workplaces
(Kristiansen, 2005). There are completely different physical conditions such as climatic conditions (temperature,
Humidity, air speed, heat, radiation and other weather conditions) while a ship is moving from one port to another
B. high noise and vibration levels, and the “around the clock” functions. In addition, working and living
The environment on board remains cautious. Parallel to this is the high level of formalization of work and
Routine also creates a narrow space in terms of social interactions (Progoulaki and Theotokas, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Stringent work
Schedules that include clocks, port operations, loading and unloading (unloading), and a variety of loads
other ships caused operations and emergencies and the transition from “sea passage” to a voyage
The “stay in port” leg, the inadequate loss of rest and sleep between the watches and the resulting excessive tiredness all contribute to this
a variety of psychological stresses. A reduction in the size of the crew due to the cost reduction policy of the
Shipping lines also contribute to fatigue, as Bloor et al. (2000). Last but not least, the long periods of
Absence from home and absence / lack of contact with family members influence attitudes of a
Seafarer (Theotokas, 2011).
Since Silva et al. (2011) examines the factors that determine the attachment of seafarers to the profession
emphasize the importance of an employee-friendly corporate culture, the improved long-term career opportunities
and the fair recruitment processes. The improvement of working and living conditions for seafarers with the
It has been found that the provision of suitable communication facilities is an important factor in increasing the bond
Rates among Vietnamese seafarers. The provision of these facilities increases the loyalty of seafarers to their employer
(Nguyen et al., 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Remuneration and the promise of high wages are a factor influencing the decision to join the EU
Seafaring profession (Fei and Lu, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay), as well as staying in it ( Shiptalk Recruitment, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers; 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap).
Taking into account the fact that the separation of family and home was identified as a stress factor (Oldenburg et al.,
2009; Carotenuto et al., 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap) who influenced decisions to shorten planned time at sea or even change a career
Providing an infrastructure that facilitates family communication helps seafarers mitigate the negative impacts
of sea life on family life and contributes to keeping seafarers at work (Thomas et al., 2003). It has
Communication was found to be of significant importance for both seafarers and their wives
Reasons related to seafarers’ stress, morale, and relationships with their children (Thomas et al., 2003). Another
page 5
Evidence of the impact of prolonged separation from the family and the associated concern about the growth of children and
The education is expressed in the perception of the profession by the Chinese students and their decision to end their studies early
Seafaring career (Fei and Lu, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay).
There are also numerous studies that focus on choosing an employer of choice to improve recruitment
and seafarer bonding (Kokoszko and Cahoon, 2007; Thai et al., 2013). This strategy is important
Satisfying employee needs. Caesar et al. (2013; 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) link professional ties and fluctuation with the
Existence or breaking of the psychological contract with special consideration of factors such as job satisfaction, employee
Loyalty, life satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Miia Haka et al. (2011) identified the motivators and demotivators that determine Danish
Decisions by seafarers to stay in or leave seafaring and conclude that the factors that affect them
Decisions are mostly psychosocial. Given the above, some of the reasons why seafarers give up their activities
Work includes the separation of home and family, excessive workload, fatigue and work-related stress
Lack of shore leave, social isolation and instability in family life, lack of communication on board
Facilities (internet not available on most ships) and so on.
The need for good communication options on board is seen as an obvious factor for success
Coping with the negative experiences of younger seafarers when family and friends are absent
(Hult and Ljung, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Similarly, one of the findings of the focus group of young seafarers is that of the
International Transport Federation and Intertanko was that living conditions and communication are at home
Inclusion in the main topics that interest young seafarers in a lifelong seafaring career (ITF-Intertanko, 2009).
As already mentioned, communication as a retention factor was not explicitly examined in the academic field
Literature. Communication has always been a key factor in life at sea. It is an integral part of
the daily operation of a ship and serves the exchange of information between:
• One sailor to another to exchange verbal or written instructions and perform certain tasks or
Work orders that enable organized and efficient use of ships;
• From ship to country and vice versa, including communication between ship and headquarters, ship to local, national or
international maritime authorities to third parties or to the crew with them
Families, friends or third parties;
• A ship to another ship (or to other ships) for various reasons, including distress, collision avoidance,
Gathering information or even a random greeting.
All of this cannot be achieved without proper communication. Because this study focuses on
communication as a motivator and a binding factor, some other points need to be addressed.
Life at sea has always been about living in an isolated small community, regardless of the type or size of ship.
While seafarers usually have the opportunity to interact and communicate in their daily activities,
This possibility has become scarce due to the use of modern on-board technologies (e.g. monitoring and automation)
Systems such as UMS unmanned machine room systems, ARPA etc.). The introduction of these technologies
While this is helpful, it has reduced the crew requirements and thus increased the remaining ships
Workload of the crew. The multicultural character of the modern occupation also has to reduce the
Opportunities for communication and socializing, and encouraged the development of a more tense work
Surroundings. In addition, the reduction in handling times has reduced the ship’s stay in port and
page 6
therefore minimized opportunities for rural holidays and the possibility for the crews to socialize (Kahveci,
1999). Obstacles such as those mentioned above prevent the seafarer as an individual from being inherently interactive, communicative and open-minded
Make contacts, which leads to social isolation that only worsens during the seafarer’s vacation time when he tries to do so
Prepare yourself for the fast-paced and interactive society on land in a short time between two successive events
Employment contracts. Even if social isolation can have a serious impact on a seaman’s health
This social problem tends to be underestimated by policy makers in the maritime industry
(Sampson & Thomas, 2003).
To address this problem, the ILO (International Labor Organization) has recommended in its Maritime
2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers Labor Convention (ILO, 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers), which provides all seafarers with access to communication as one of them
the possible remedial measures for social isolation (as described in Rule 3.1 – Accommodation and Leisure)
Facilities, Guideline B3.1.11 – Leisure facilities, postal and ship visiting regulations, 4 (j)), if this is clear
stated: “It should be considered to provide the following facilities to the seaman free of charge if
practicable: “and j)” adequate access to telephone connections from the ship to the mainland as well as to e-mail and internet facilities,
where available, with reasonable fees for using these services. ”
The progress that has been made in recent years in relation to the above guide is noisy
The data from numerous studies are not impressive, but they are stable ( Shiptalk Recruitment , 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers; Stark Moore
MacMillan , 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap; Future research, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay; Kahveci, 2011). This progress confirms that it is an Internet connection
to finally be seen as a critical factor for recruitment . The next generation of seafarers or generation “Y” will be the
Source of employment for which social media and interaction via the Internet are as common as
the means by which the possibility of imparting transferable skills through further training at sea can be created
can be achieved (Cahoon & Haugstetter, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). It can be concluded that it is unrealistic to expect young seafarers to participate
Sea for months without contact with the outside world (Lloyd’s List, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Providing internet access for them
Access to social networks affects their motivation and productivity. Available data show that senior
Officers have broader access to Internet facilities and the hierarchical structure is considered one of the factors
This should be taken into account when examining access to communication (Kahveci, 2011).
The survey
The chosen methodology
The aim of this investigation was to examine the availability of and access to communication facilities on board ships
a key factor contributing to the attachment of seafarers to the profession.
In the context of this particular research, it was important to collect information and collect data in a relatively new form
and under-researched area. For this reason, it was difficult to make a hypothesis because there was relatively little
Public information and the rather inadequate understanding of the topic in the early stages of
Research study. For this reason, it was concluded that induction is the more suitable research approach.
especially on an “exploratory” study like this. ‘Exploratory’ is a study aimed at finding out
especially in poorly understood situations; look for new insights; Ask questions; To evaluate phenomena in a new light
and to generate ideas and hypotheses for future research ”(Robson, 2011). An exploratory study is linked to
More flexible research design that typically includes (but can also include) the collection of non-numeric data
The acquisition of quantitative data occurs during the data acquisition and is often referred to as a qualitative strategy
(Robson, 2011).
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The research team decided that the most appropriate method for data collection was to do a literature search
and a questionnaire survey. The approach to and the results of the literature search were discussed in the section
2. The design and distribution of the questionnaire survey are discussed in the following section.
Survey design and pad
The specific objectives of the survey were:
• Identify the key factors that contribute to employee retention;
• Analysis of the role of communication as a motivator and as a retention factor;
• Assessment of the current situation in terms of communication options for seafarers as well as the
the propensity of seafarers for accessibility on the Internet and social networks on board;
• Identifying gaps in the provision of communication facilities on board ships;
• Obtain information about the obstacles to communicating with family and friends at sea.
Both a paper and an online questionnaire were developed. The characteristics of the population and the pursuit
Efficiency is one of the reasons for choosing to conduct both a conventional and an online survey. Online studies
are appropriate if the population examined is spread over a large geographical region (Van Selm and
Jankowski, 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers). In addition, online surveys have many advantages when done properly. Flexibility,
Convenience, the ability to get large samples, control the order of answers, the completion of responses, and
The variety of questions is one of the strengths of online surveys. The main potential weaknesses include
Lack of online experience among respondents, unclear answer instructions and low response rates (Evans and Mathur,
The questionnaire consisted of 42 questions divided into three sections. The first section contained 9 questions
Study of job satisfaction among respondents. The second section included 21 questions about the role of
Communication services and their availability on board, the type of access to communication facilities and the cost
Access for seafarers. The third section consisted of 13 questions focusing on the demographic characteristics of
the surveyed.
The link to the online questionnaire was posted in various forums on the subject of seafaring
funded exclusively by Shiptalk, Spinnaker Consulting and the International Workers’ Federation. Social media
Applications like Twitter and LinkedIn have also been used to promote the survey.
The online survey was uploaded to the SurveyMonkey platform and was still available to the entire population of
Seafarers worldwide from April to July 2013. The answers collected were exported to a data sheet
using MS Excel 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer. Data from both conventional and online surveys were combined in one MS Excel file.
After the data was checked and the coding was performed, the analysis of the survey results was carried out using the
Statistics package for social science software (SPSS20). Cross table to study the relationship between
selected variables and statistical tests to assess the statistical significance of the results
Square tests were also carried out.
4. Analysis and discussion of the results
A total of 511 valid questionnaires were collected. From the respondents who answered the question about themselves
Gender (437), the vast majority (96.6%) were men. Female seafarers made up 3.4% of the respondents
page 8
representative of their share of the world population of seafarers and close to the share mentioned in Kahveci (2011). The
The majority (52.8%) of the respondents were between 26 and 35 years old. Represented the age groups of 18-25 and 36-25 years
13.2% and 13%, respectively. Sailors from 23 nationalities took part. The fact that 40% of the
The respondents came from Greece in terms of the representativeness of the sample. In terms
Rank 32.4% were senior officers, 41.4% junior officers, 2.7% non-commissioned officers, 16.7% ratings and 5.6% cadets. in the
In terms of marital status, 57.1% of the respondents were single, while 63.3% had no children. In terms of maritime transport, the
The vast majority had a six-month (54.2%) or seven-month (31.6%) contract while it was valid by ship
Type, oil and product tankers (40.5%) and bulk carriers (28.6%) dominated. Features related to the contract
Duration of respondents and types of ships served to show that the vast majority of them go on board ocean serving
Statistical analysis of the data in relation to the availability of communication facilities on board and the access of
Respondents to them and the way in which they influence professional ties were also carried out. Analysis of the data
was supplemented by examining the connection and the significance of the difference between the two
selected variables. Nationality, age, marital status, children, current rank and highest level of education
tabulated and further tested using the Pearson Chi Square statistical test, with the following twelve (12) selected
Categorical variables that correspond to certain questions in the research tool:
Q14. Was it your first choice to become a seafarer when choosing a career?
Q15. How satisfied are you with your choice?
Q20. Do you feel discriminated against in your profession?
Q23. How important is communication to you?
Q24. Do you think that the communication options on board play a crucial role?
Q26. Please underline the importance of communication on board.
Q27. How often do you communicate with your family / friends and others on board?
Q29. What percentage of your monthly salary do you spend on communication fees?
Q34. Are you an active social media user?
Q38. Do you consider the availability of internet access and social media applications on board ships to be critical?
Factor that would cause you to expand your service on a ship with such amenities?
Q40. How do you feel about paying a certain predetermined amount of money to have internet?
Access while working on board?
Q41. Is access to the internet and the availability of social media on a ship a crucial factor for your employer?
Selection process (shipping company)?
Crosstabs provide the data that the researcher can use to decide whether a relationship exists or not
between two or more variables. The significance is determined by a statistical test. The Chi-square test
Page 9
The meaning increases if the numbers deviate from this uniform distribution. The lower the P values (<0.05), the more
more possible to reject the null hypothesis (null hypothesis = no statistical dependency between variables).
Characteristics related to job satisfaction are considered important because they reveal the attitude of the respondents
towards their profession. For 71% of those questioned, it was the first choice to become a seafarer. More
It is important that more than 70% were satisfied or very satisfied with their choice. The main reason for choosing the
The job was the high salary. This is in line with other previous studies and publications in different
national contexts (ITF-Intertanko, 2009; Fernadez-Gonzalez et al., 2013; Thai et al., 2013). If the factors are
Respondents would be considered as motivation to change their careers or quit their jobs
as the main driver to identify improper communication with family and friends, the separation of family and family
Living conditions on board. This finding confirms findings from other studies already mentioned in Section 2 (Thomas
et al., 2003; Oldenburg et al., 2009; Carotenuto et al., 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap; Fei and Lu, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) report on the role of family and
access to communication facilities in the professional choice of seafarers.
Table 1: Factors influencing the decision of seafarers to change their careers or give up their jobs
Hrs deviation
Improper communication with family & friends / social isolation
Separation from the family
living conditions
Insufficient rest periods
Excessive workload / insufficient compensation
Over a longer term of the collective agreement
Excessive workload
Short stay in ports
Diverse / multicultural crew composition
Social IT includes all information technologies that can be used to improve social wellbeing on board.
It can be television, radio, news and entertainment, satellite phones and of course the Internet. The Internet
Includes – Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – email, web browsing and surfing, and the ability to download videos and music. Modern sailors have
Better access to digital technologies than ever before. They use the internet at home and most of them
Visit social networks (Kahveci, 2011). However, such communication options are a matter of course
Accessibility on board remains restricted. As in a study of career mapping in the
Maritime industry, adequate and cost-effective access to sufficient broadband bandwidth at sea that would make it possible to use it
social media and would support education, remains at best 5-10 years away (Dearslay, 2013).
Page 10
People have an inherent need to communicate and make contacts. As discussed in Section 2, the emotional disadvantage
this can be demonstrated by seafarers who come from long periods of social isolation and separation from family and friends
affect their morale, reduce their performance and efficiency and increase the risk of accidents. Therefore
The availability of adequate communication, especially via social media, is a means to motivate seafarers
not only with friends, but also with land operations. Demanding communication is, as already analyzed in
Section 2, vital to the wellbeing of crew members. This opinion is largely shared by the respondents.
97.3% of respondents agree that on-board communication facilities play a vital role in the well-being of seafarers. To the
In the vast majority of respondents (83.6%), this aspect of communication is related to their ability to communicate
with her family. Dimensions related to communication with friends (51.9%) are also considered to be supportive for the
Well-being by the majority of the respondents. In terms of importance, communication with the family was rated as
74.3% of the respondents and 17.50% of the respondents rated it as very important. If the marital status
Taking into account the proportion of respondents, the percentage of extremely important cases for married people increases to 82.9%
drops to 66.7% for single.
The importance and frequency of communication with the family, but also with friends and others, is greatly affected
by nationality, marital status, existence or non-existence of children, age and level of education. More
In particular, the importance of communication with the family varies depending on nationality (<0.001) and age
(0.013) and the existence of children (<0.001) in our sample. P values <0.005 also indicate significant independence
between the frequency of communication with the family and nationality (<0.001), gender (0.002) and marital status
(0.002). Important reference to the distinction between the level of education and the importance and frequency
The degree of communication with others is indicated by a p-value of 0.27 or 0.012 (Table 2).
Table 1: Significant independence between nationality / age / marital status / children / highest level of
Education and communication with family / friends / others
Pearson Chi Square
Nationality * Communication with the family 1
Nationality * Communicate with friends 1
Nationality * Communication with others 1
Nationality * Communication with the family 2
Nationality * Communication with friends 2
Nationality * Communication with others 2
Gender * Communication with the family 1
Age * Communicate with friends 1
Age * Communication with the family 2
Marital status * Communication with the family 1
Marital status * Communication with friends 1
Do you have children? * Communication with family 2
Highest level of education * Communication with others 1
Highest level of education * Communication with others 2
Notes: 1 importance of communication (q26); 2 Frequency of communication (q27)
The second part of the questionnaire dealt with the means of communication and samples available on board
used by respondents. The analysis of this section focuses on the communication patterns with their families.
Page 11
Personal cell phones (65.9%), on-board satellite phones (60.3%), cell phone SMS (43.8%) and on-board emails (42.9%)
dominant means of communication for seafarers who want to communicate with their families. Under in
Note that the cost of using satellite phones is very high and that mobile phones allow access to communication when
The ships are close to the coast, these results are not surprising.
The importance that respondents attach to communicating with their family during their stay is obvious
by the fact that they spend a certain percentage of their salary on communication fees every month. 58.3% of
Respondents spend less than 10% of their salary, 31.7% of respondents spend an amount equal to 10%.
20% of their salary, while 10% of them spend more than 20% of their salary. It should be noted that, if estimated, on
Based on an average salary, the results are comparable to those found in other studies (Stark Moore MacMillan,
2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap; Futurenautics, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay).
Based on the above results, independence between nationality and the percentage of
The monthly communication fee salary showed significant statistical independence (0.012) between them
two factors.
Respondents were asked to identify the means of communication available on the company’s ships
she currently employs. 187 respondents (36.6%) indicated that internet access was available, 259 respondents
(50.7%) that access to email was available and 347 respondents (67.9%) who used the phone for crew calls were available.
The results for the Internet and e-mail are similar to those of a survey carried out almost a year later (Futurenautics,
2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay).
An important topic that was further investigated was the access of the respondents to emails. Only 29.8% of
Respondents have access to their private email account. There was no access for 27.7% of the respondents. The
A lack of access may be due to the lack of relevant facilities on board the ship they operate or the fact that they exist
may not use these facilities. The majority of those who have access face various restrictions
Data protection or data usage. Only three out of ten respondents have access to email via their private email account.
Respondents expressed privacy concerns in similar studies ( Stark Moore MacMillan , 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap;
Futurenautics, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay).
Respondents were asked to describe the type of Internet access if they work on board ships
that offer internet access. Access was free for 57.3% of the respondents, based on a predetermined number of
Leisure time (32.5%) or a given amount of data (25.2%), a result that is higher than that in
Futurenautics (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). The 42.3% were calculated for the use of the Internet. You were also asked to find out how
they often access the Internet on board. It appears that 32.7% of respondents have no internet access
Internet. Those who access the Internet daily correspond to 27.2% of those surveyed, while those who do: a
a few times a week corresponds to 14.9%.
page 12
Fig. 1 Are you an active social media user? (%) (N = 441)
Fig. 2 If yes, please indicate which social media platforms / websites you are visiting. (%) (N = 376)
In the age of connectivity, 85.3% of the sample used social media (Figure 1), with Facebook playing the biggest role
popular social media platform. 50.35% of the seafarers have a Facebook profile, 23.9% a Google+ and less
Use Twitter and LinkedIn (Figure 2). It should be noted that seafarers do not stop being active users of these social networks
Media platforms on board. Comparing the results in Figure 2 and Figure 3, it can be concluded that almost all
Seafarers remain active on board.
Fig. 3 Which of the following social media platforms / websites do you stay active on board? (%)
(N = 376)
Other social media
Page 13
The importance that seafarers attach to the availability and access to communication on board
This is evident from the fact that access to the Internet and the availability of social media on board as
Factors that can extend the contract duration of the respondents, ie increase job satisfaction and
contribute to remaining in the job (Figure 5). It has been observed that the lower the age of the group,
The percentage of those willing to extend the length of their service is increasing.
The above statement is also confirmed by the considerable independence between the availability of Internet access
and social media applications on board ships as a critical factor that would lead to the expansion of service on a ship
with such amenities and the age of the sailor (P-value = 0.007)
Fig. 4 If your company does not have access to the Internet on board ships, you want these provisions to be complied with
installed in the near future? (%) (N = 378)
Fig. 5 Do you consider the availability of Internet access and social media applications on board ships to be critical?
Factor that would cause you to expand your service on a ship with such amenities? (%) (N = 439)
Given that costs are an important barrier to on-board communication, respondents said
They were asked if they were willing to pay a certain predetermined amount of money to access the Internet
Access while working on board. Three out of ten seafarers would like to pay for access security, six for departure
out of ten, this decision depends on the cost. As expected, the proportion of those who said they could not afford it
Payments were higher for the ratings. In addition, a higher rank of officers corresponded to a lower percentage of
those who couldn’t pay. At the same time, the higher the age of the respondent, the lower the percentage of respondents
those who would like to pay to have internet access, a result that confirms the importance of modernity
Communication opportunities for the recruitment and retention of Generation Y (Cahoon and Haugstetter, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). It should
Page 14
Note that only 1.4% of respondents on board do not want to have access. (Figure 6). For 64.6% of the
respondents, access to the internet and the availability of social media on a ship count as factors
When choosing employers, take into account what additional proof of the importance of
Communication options on board (Figure 7). This result is similar to that of the Futurenautics study.
According to this, 69% of the respondents state that access to communication influences the choice of their employer
(Future research, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). The salary, fair treatment, health care and benefits were
This is appreciated by those who do not attach great importance to access to communication facilities (see Table 3).
Fig. 6 What about your attitude to paying a certain predetermined amount of money in order to have internet?
Access while working abroad? (%) (N = 440)
It is worth noting that there is significant evidence against the hypothesis that there is no difference within the series
and willingness to pay a predetermined amount of money in advance to access the Internet
Work on board that shows a p-value of 0.003.
Fig. 7 Is access to the internet and the availability of social media on a ship a decisive factor for your employer?
Selection process (shipping company)? (%) (N = 444)
I would like to pay for that
Depends on the cost
I can’t afford to pay for it
I do not want to access the internet on board
Page 15
Table 3: If this factor is not so important, which critical factors can influence such a decision?
Mean hours
Flags of the registry
Fair sailor
5.03 0.925
ship equipment
health care
4.98 1.08
career opportunities
Bonuses (re-entry, seniority, etc.)
4.63 1,249
retirement provision
Insurance plans added
4.63 1,216
Types of ships in the fleet
Company reputation
4.55 1.132
Average age of the fleet
Welfare on board (social media,
Internet access etc.)
4.49 1.248
Number of ships in the fleet
employee turnover
4.34 1.31
Nationalities of the crew
A mean value close to 6 means that the statement is valid (scale: 1 = not available; 2 = unimportant; 3 = not so important; 4
= Important; 5 = very important; 6 = overriding importance)
5. Conclusions and other implications
The aim of this paper is to discuss the problem of customer loyalty in shipping and to examine its availability
Communication options and Internet access on board are factors that contribute to the retention of seafarers
in shipping. The literature suggests that among the reasons seafarers consider it important when
The decisive factors for leaving the seafaring profession are the separation of family and home, the excessive workload and unemployment
social isolation / lack of stability in life. High fluctuation rates pose a number of risks for the industry and have an impact on them
These theoretical questions were investigated empirically using data from a survey of seafarers
from 23 nationalities. The fact that 40% of the respondents came from Greece was recognized
one of the study’s limitations on sample representativity. The high number of Greek respondents
However, this should not be a cause for concern as it is believed (even if it is not empirically proven) that this is the case
was the same with even larger samples for the other nationalities. Furthermore, given the very large scope
In the survey this should not be seen as a major problem as the answers from
Citizenship and the appropriate number of respondents from each country, both absolute and general
proportionally representative of the total.
The results of the survey conducted for this study provide a number of interesting conclusions regarding the
Communication problem on the one hand and loyalty to the job on the other .
With regard to the communication problem, the vast majority of respondents in this survey consider communication
as extreme or very important and have reported that communication options on board promote well-being
Seafarers, especially if they have the opportunity to communicate with the family. While the respondents think about it
Communicating with friends as important, the priority of communicating with the family is through the
, Frequency with state of them that they communicate. Respondents indicated that they use cell phones to call and send text
News (an option mainly available to seafarers on ships sailing near the coast), satellite
Phones and emails as a means of communication with their families. The communication costs are high if you take
Taking into account the percentage of their salary that they spend on communication fees. This is because while
Internet facilities are available on board, and only around 30% of those surveyed have a set amount of free
Page 16
Access time. While one in three seafarers would like to pay a fixed sum for the internet
Access on board is independent of the amount. The approval of the rest depends on the amount. More
Over 70% of respondents say they have access to the Internet every day at home, while the
The same group works on board. This percentage drops to 32.7%. The vast majority of respondents are active users of
Social media, mostly from Facebook, and they stay active while on board.
When it comes to restraint, seafarers seem happy with their choice of profession
are asked for the reasons why they would give it up and, more importantly, indicate the inappropriate
Communicate with family and friends as any other factor. This is clear evidence of the role of
Communication in every effort to increase the retention rate within the maritime profession. Almost all
want their company to provide Internet access on board the ships, and consider such a convenience one
critical factor that can extend the stay on board. A final proof of the importance of communication facilities
and the free access to them for the retention of seafarers is the fact that two out of three sailors , this would be a
critical factor in choosing an employer.
The results of this study show that communication is to be regarded as a factor that contributes to improvement
Retention in the maritime profession. It should also be noted that this factor need not be considered in isolation, but rather
as part of a well thought out human resource management strategy that is not just about improving the
Working and living conditions on board, but also includes opportunities for lifelong career development
education and training and continuous professional development. Beyond the HR function, if companies are good and
If there are accessible communication facilities, this could have the potential to improve overall operations
Efficiency of shipping companies by reducing not only the personnel costs or the costs of hiring and training new employees
Employees, but also by increasing efficiency in other areas such as control or management systems.
Last but not least, the results of this study have far-reaching effects on the resources of the maritime industry
This applies in particular to the growing shortage of seafaring experts, especially qualified commercial naval officers.
The results of this study are therefore not only important to address the problem of seafarers’ reluctance
Already employed in the industry, but also help to generate strategies for increasing image and awareness
of the maritime industry in general. To this end, this study should be expanded to include the opinions and attitudes of others
Groups that could influence the decisions of seafarers, such as family members or the people of the shipping companies
Resource or crew department employees could be an opportunity to conduct further research in this area.
Page 17
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Research project “KNOWME” funded by the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union
Program RP7 / 2007-2013 under grant agreement number MOVE / FP7 / 265966 / “KNOW-ME
Page 18
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