Over years, retention of ship officers onshore has proven a task. The nature of a ship officer job is often seen as the main reason for the observed trend. The current trend of early retirement of ship officers can be explained by the working conditions at hand for the seafarers. Retaining shipboard officers is however advantageous to the shipping industry to a greater extent. This study therefore revolved around three objectives that is, retention of shipboard officers onshore, early retirement of ship officers and the working conditions in onshore. The methodology used to carry out analysis on this study was theoretical analysis. It considered the manpower 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer update: The worldwide demand for and supply of seafarers, report on exploring the range of retention for seafarers on global shipping, study on EU and UK seafarers employment and The report by The Maritime Charities Funding Group Research Programme on the needs of the UK seafaring Community. Theoretical analysis on these four areas worked as our guide in analysing our objectives. Secondary data was the main source of data used to carry out the study. Later analysis on finding, discussion on the findings and finally a summary and recommendation for further to fill the gap of employment in the shipping industry was given.

Abbreviation of Terms

CBT Computer Based Training
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
EC European Councils
EU European Union
GMO Global Maritime Organization
ISM International Safety Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
ILO International Labour Organization
MCFG Maritime Charities Funding Group
NGO Non Governmental Organization
QoSL Quality of Shipboard Life
UK United Kingdom

Abstract i
Abbreviation of Terms ii
List of Figures viii
1.4 AIM 4
1.7 SCOPE 5
1.10 Thesis Structure 6
2.4.1 Criminalisation of Seafarers 11
2.4.2 Industry Regulation and Seafarer Welfare 13
2.4.3 Workplace health and Safety Issues on Board Ships 13
2.4.4 Piracy 14
3.2 TOOLS 16
3.3 TESTS 16
3.6 MANPOWER 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer UPDATE: THE WORLDWIDE DEMAND FOR AND SUPPLY OF SEAFARERS 17
5.1 Introduction 25
5.5.1 Criminalisation of Seafarers 31
5.5.2 Legitimate frameworks shift 31
5.5.3 Carelessness 31
5.6.1 Unsettled Lifestyle 32
5.6.2 Tumultuous Life 33
5.6.3 Locally available legislative issues 33
5.6.4 Absence of Social Life 33
5.6.5 Far from the Family 34
5.6.6 Individual/Family Problems 34
5.6.7 Ascend in Maritime Piracy 35
5.6.8 Wellbeing Issues 35
5.6.9 Lessening shore takes off 35
5.6.10 Absence of Shore Jobs 36
5.6.11 Lessening group individuals 36
5.6.12 Stringent Maritime Laws 36
5.6.13 Workplace health and safety issues on board ships 37
5.6.14 Piracy threat 37
5.6.15 Provision of better working conditions on board 38
5.7.1 Oversee Employee Turnover 39
5.7.2 Savoir-faire 40
5.7.3 Keep up Performance and Productivity 40
5.7.4 Improves Recruitment 40
5.7.5 Expands Morale 41
6.1 HIRING 42
APPENDIX A Seafarers Statistics 59
APPENDIX B Age Profile 60
APPENDIX C Demand Supply 61
APPENDIX D Global Seafarer Supply by Broad Geographical Area 62

List of Figures
Figure 1: Stages in seafarer career (Caesar et al. 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). 18
figure 2:Age distribution of UK active Seafarers 33
Figure 5: Total number of seafarers active at sea in 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service 34

Retention of employees in the shipping industry is an issue of concern due to benefits associated with it. Limited studies have explored the area despite the worrying trend of early retirement, numerous needs for provision of good working conditions on board, and benefits of retaining shipboard officers have not been appreciated. Improved strategies that enable employees to benefit from company profits as well as encouraging positive attitude to the job mediate retention of employees (Mackay&Wright, 2011). It is vital to have policies that are friendly to the seafarers for them to enjoy their job as a way of preventing early retirement.
Workers who are considered good are cumbersome to find; therefore, it is vital for firms to eliminate factors that impede or hinder retention of employees. The most suggested approach is innovating means of using benefits as well as compensation mechanisms to motivate reliable employees not to retire early. The benefit package should be designed for each individual or group of employees (Taylor& McGraw2004). For example, factors that motivate senior officers are different from junior employees and the same hold true for gender.
Shipping industry experiences predicament in retaining talented workers considering that the labour market is currently highly competitive due to globalized economy. Apart from increasing financial remunerations which has not shown significant impact on retaining employees, many companies consider improving working conditions to prevent early retirement. It is indispensable to revise the management of human resource and evaluate organizational culture (Idris, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Therefore, there is a critical demand to investigate the mechanisms that determine employee retention, early retirement of on board ship officers, as well as the benefits of employee retention to the maritime sector (Ananthan and Sudheendra, 2011). The study aimed at evaluating the long-term benefits of ship officers’ retention with regard to current trends of early retirement as well as provision of good working condition.
Working as a seafarer is understood to be one of the most hazardous occupations associated with poor working condition, undesirable employment terms, exposure to diseases, and trauma caused by accidents or exposure to either carcinogenic or toxic material. These factors contribute to early retirement of senior or experienced ship officers. In spite of the limited studies in the shipping industry, the available evidence suggests that labour intensification is a serious problem that discourages seafarers. Ship officers are compelled to work for many hours without rest to fill the gap of employing a crew with few members. Labour intensification is usually at its peak during economic slump because there is collapse in the freight rates and ships have to carry beyond their capacity, to compensate the decrease in trade volume. Such situations result in ship officers quitting work in the shipping industry to search for best paying jobs in other sectors. Currently ships depend on the casual labour after wasting a lot of resources in training on board ship officers who retire early to join other occupations. Poor working conditions have been associated with flagship of convenience because ships change registry, withdraw from collective bargaining agreements, and look for cheap labour (Bloor, 2000).
Exit of ship owners from the previous collective agreements and seeking cheap labour from countries considered to be seafarers’ supply; for example, the Philippines which supplies at least half a million workers in the international ship industry trade, has resulted in poor working conditions. The most experienced or senior ship officers prefer to retire early instead of working in the shipping industry. Ships are also not owned by international companies specialized in ship management, but by global value chains comprised of multiple enterprises and their shareholder or corporations consortia. The value chains have failed to provide good working conditions on board because crew are outsourced instead of being trained by specialists, decreased labour power which intensify work for a few officers available, officers are compelled to pay fee for their training, employed on short-term agreements, and their career progression depends on recommendations from unreliable sources. Such problems result in lack of good working conditions, early retirement, and the shipping industry do not get benefits of retaining shipboard officers.
The outsourced seafarers are subjected to difficult work due to limited labour power. Therefore, although alternative employment opportunities are scarce in the countries that are new suppliers of ship officers, seafarers are the main support to their families, and they are likely to retire when get jobs with lucrative employment terms. Most crew members are not trained to work in difficult situation because the maritime training institutions comply with the international standards. Such ship officers cannot be retained in the shipping industry and they tend to retire at the earliest opportunity because of problems such as reduced number of crew officers, adoption of current technology as well as managerial strategies that increase surveillance while reducing rest time, and regulation burdens that aim to make labour intensive.
Employee engagement with ship owners is fundamental in ensuring retention of ship officers. In the advent of globalization, the need to retain competent employees in the maritime sector has increased because employees with high performance confer the benefits of competitive advantage. Experienced ship officers are vital in increasing income, creativity, effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation. Human resource management is necessary to prevent early retirement of ship officers, create good working conditions, and enable the shipping industry to enjoy the benefits of retaining shipboard officers. Changes in the environment for global maritime transportation have not let the turnover and employee retention of ship officers unscathed. Globalization has challenges of technical management, registration, commercial operations, crewing, ownership, and manpower management. Such challenges have impacted negatively on the ship industry with shortage of on board ship officers, and the problem is escalating due to high rate of early retirement. There is a gap in the strategies for ensuring retention of ship officers as well as motivating them to increase efforts towards achieving company goals, reinforcing or supporting cultural values, being focused and vigilant, and making a positive difference to the shipping industry. The goal of the paper is to fill the gap by studying retention of ship officers and its long-term benefits in the maritime sector.

The trends of employee turnover as well as retention of ship officers have indicated an increase. The situation has denied companies the long-tern benefits of employee retention, and if it is not controlled it could escalate to rendering companies incapable of achieving their targets. The rationale of the study is to find a solution to the high rate of employee early retirement with the aim of mitigating the loss of experienced resourceful employees, and ensuring that long-term benefits of retention are attained in the maritime sector. The study is justified because through evaluation of retention of ship officers and its long term benefits, the problem of early retirement would be resolved. Provision of good working conditions is expected to retain ship officers who are searching for lucrative opportunities, motivate employee engagement, derive satisfaction, save the financial cost wasted in recruiting new officers, increase productivity, and innovate effective approaches to improve retention of on board ship officers. The justification and rationale of the thesis are supported by the literature reviewed in the introduction and background of the study section that identifying a gap that should be filled.
1.4 AIM
The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term benefits of ship officer retention on board the ship.
1. To analyse the current trend of early retirement of ship officers
2. To identify the needs for provision of a good working condition on board
3. To evaluate the benefits of retaining shipboard officers
1. What is the current trend of early retirement of ship officers?
2. What are the needs for provision of a good working condition on board?
3. What are the benefits of retaining shipboard officers?
The study was to investigate the retention of ship officers and its benefits on the maritime sector. However, the scope focused on the on board ship officers in the shipping industry. It looked at the current trends of early retirement of ship officers, the needs for provision of a good working condition on board, and the benefits of retaining shipboard officers. The study explored these issues to resolve the problem of increased early retirement of seafarers which result in shortage of high performing workers, extra financial expenses for recruiting new seafarers, and reduced productivity. The problems experienced by ship officers as well as possible approaches to finding viable solutions is also the scope of the study. However, it emphasised on the aspects of employee retention as well as the long-term benefits of retaining on board ship officers.
The study was limited by logistics in the process of the study such as transport, communication, and access to the on board workers in the shipping industry. The researcher had scarce resources, for example, finance, time, and a guide seafarers would trust. The limitations were overcome in a manner that did not compromise the quality of the study. For instance, financial problems were resolved through assistance sought from guardian, friends, and well-wishers. The finance was used in procuring transport means, communication gadgets, and securing access to seafarers. The contents of the study could be questioned regarding validity, reliability and application of the findings because it used a qualitative method. It relied on the information provided by ship officers and a few managers or ship employers; therefore. It could be inaccurate, biased, inadequate, and exaggerated to favour a particular stakeholder. In order to overcome the issues, the researcher analysed collected information critically to not only ensure its authenticity but also to provide evidence based conclusions that would not be disputed easily.

The study relied on data collected from employees and employers in the shipping industry; hence, collection, analysis and presentation of the findings were done in a manner that would not compromise ethical principles. The result of the study were expected to assist in designing policies, strategies, as well as precautionary measures that would ensure retention of on board ship officers. The researcher adhered to principles of ethics because the outcome would influence issues related to human beings, in particular, employees and employers in the shipping industry. It was indispensable to perform the study with optimal care to prevent the chances of bias or inaccuracy; furthermore, the researcher ensured that the study was carried out with integrity, responsibility, and caution to alleviate any research misconduct prohibited by the ethical code of conduct in a scientific study of acceptable quality or standards. The study was original, reporting without ethical insufficiency, duplications, and respecting conditions of permission granted to carry out research. Permissions were acquired from relevant authorities such as the university, local and national governments in order to avoid contravening laws; and complete signed and filled ethical forms were submitted. No participant was either coerced or provided with incentives to participate in the study. The researcher declared any conflict of interest that could alter the outcome of the research.
1.10 Thesis Structure
The structure of the thesis adhered to the university dissertation guideline. It comprised of the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, analysis, discussion, conclusion, and reflection chapters, in addition, to miscellaneous sections such as the title page, abstract, acknowledgements, abbreviations and figures, contents, references, and appendices. The introduction comprises of topic overview, background of the research, rationale and justification, aim and objectives, scope of the study, limitations, as well as the structure of the paper. The literature review deliberated on the previous studies that investigated the topic of the thesis. The chapter on methodology explained the steps undertaken logically, research design as well as methods used. Results chapter provided outcome of the study, and the analysis section digested the results to answer the research questions. The discussion section compared the findings of the study to the rest of knowledge around the topic, particularly, the research explored in the literature review chapter. The conclusion presents the thesis in brief, gaps identified, the avenues for further studies, as well as recommendations on resolving the problem of early retirement of on board ship officers.
The study researched on the retention of on board ship officers and its benefits in the maritime sector. Retention of seafarers has encountered numerous challenges resulting in the shortage of on board ship officers. Some of the problems are related to technical management, registration, working conditions, safety and security, commercial operations, crewing, ownership, and manpower management; which have caused early retirement of ship officers at a high rate. The background of the study indicated that employee retention in the shipping industry would have benefits, for example, reducing turnover of ship officers who are searching for lucrative opportunities, motivate employee engagement and performance, derive satisfaction and industry, save the financial cost wasted in recruiting new officers, increase productivity, and devise effective approaches to increasing income, creativity, effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation. The rationale and justification was therefore to understand the problem of early retirement in the maritime sector in order to promote the benefits of retaining on board ship officers.
Retention is the continuance of employees with current organization and refers to the “systematic effort by employers to create and foster an environment that encourages current employees to remain employed by having policies in place that addresses their needs” (Mckeown, 2002).
The retention of ship officers on board ships remains a problem in the maritime sector, as reported in statistics that one in ten ship officers leaves the marine industry prematurely (BIMCO/ISF, 2005).The global shipping industry is experiencing a shortage of ship officers, which is set to increase in the future as the world economy collapses. The shortage is also attributed to the high rate of attrition among ship officers (Caesar and Canoon, 2013 and Nguyen et al. 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Pekcan et al. (2003) suggests that few seafarers used to stay less than 10 years at sea, and those who remain usually stay until retirement. However, nowadays such people are becoming rare, as a result of various working conditions on board. Taking into account that it takes an average of 4 years in producing junior officers and an additional 6 years making them senior officers, the statistics of seafarers leaving the maritime industry within 10 years is quite alarming, as most of them do not become ship masters, whereby adding to the labour crisis for master positions (Caesar et al. 2013; Eler et al. 2009; Shiptalk, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers; and Ljung, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Figure 1 provides an overview of various points of attrition of a seafarer’s career. The beginning stage when seafarer’s exit occurs during the period of cadetship, normally in the first 14 months due to the following factors (Caesar et al. 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay):
Classroom learning difficulties
Inability to cope with the strenuous nature of life at sea
Inhumane and unsupportive attitude from mentors at sea
Figure 1 shows certain stages in the seafaring career that adds unto other factors which make it difficult for cadets and junior officers to become senior officers; hence, encourages them to leave for landside jobs (Caesar et al. 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). At such period, the seafarers may be in their late 20s and early 30s, where various situations are impacting their retention issues, such as becoming married, beginning a family or being concerned about ageing parents.

Figure 1: Stages in seafarer career (Caesar et al. 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay).
Caesar et al. (2013) termed the movement of ship officers to shore based jobs as “wastage” since the financial cost associated with training seafarers can be high, as well as every departing seafarer cost the organisation time and money. Replacement cost can be high, especially senior officers. Apart from the mandatory STCW (Standards of Training Certification and Watch keeping) courses, companies spend significant amounts on impacting additional training, required by the maritime industry. Cost are also sustained on account of the flag state documents, visas, and medical examinations. All these resources are lost once the seafarer leaves the company. Delays in communication with new workers create chances for error, and it is naturally difficult to build and communicate a positive safety culture if the arrangement of the employees is regularly changing. Turn over causes the greatest loss in the form of loss of ‘company knowledge’. Shipping companies follow a strict Safety Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment System dictated by the International Safety Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment (ISM) code that control ship board operations. These systems and procedures take time to learn, and all that was learnt is lost once a seafarer leaves the company.
Awareness with ship board procedures is a major concern for ship owners operating tankers, be they oil, chemical or gas, as oil majors carry out strict requirements regarding the level of experience officers have with the company as well as in rank, which is one of the most difficult conditions to fulfil (Exxonmobil, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). The lack of senior, qualified officers with continued services with the shipping company is already exerting severe pressure on the crewing policies of tanker operators. Retention of officers, especially senior officers remains a concern for ship owners. The maritime industry needs to recognise, analyse and address the reasons seafarers leave their employment as well as the industry.
The ten most commonly mentioned issues recognised were poor management, lack of career growth and advancement opportunities, poor communications, salary, poor senior leadership, lack of training, excessive workload, lack of tools and resources and lack of teamwork. Branham & Hirschfield (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer) found lack of confidence and trust in senior management, insufficient training, feedback, recognition and self-worth, work related stress and work-life balance, to be retention risk factors.
In the maritime domain, a reasonable amount of work has been done on the subject of seafarer attrition and retention, as well as the reasons for shortage of officers (Caesar et al., 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay), and the following were the most commonly reported barriers to retention: poor HR practices, work-life balance, contractual employment, poor shipboard working conditions, high workload and stress levels, insufficient shore leave, lack of shore support, career progression and isolation from friends and families.

2.4.1 Criminalisation of Seafarers
The major issue connected to the working life of a modern day seafarer is criminalisation. Criminalisation of seafarers is very important within the global shipping circle due to the negative impact it has on the recruitment and retention of ship officers. In recent reports, there have been many unlawful arrests of seafarers, especially officers (Kirby, 2011, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Mitroussi (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers) discovered that by criminalising seafarers regarding marine pollution, runs the risk of exposing them to media criticism as well as discouraging the disclosure needed for feedback regarding the accidents in order to prevent future reoccurrences. Research suggests that Criminalising seafarers will rather lead to negative repercussions for the image and safety of the seafarers (Dekker 2003, 2011). Couper (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap) suggests that seafarers who experience neglect from their employers during a situation like marine pollution are vulnerable to both the general public and media.
Cases of neglect and imprisonment of ship officers have been recorded within the literature, for example, Gold (2004). In a compilation of the ten major maritime pollution cases recorded between 1989 and 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap within the worldwide shipping industry, the literature Gold (2004), ISF (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer)and Seafarers (2011) summarise that in all ten cases, the ship masters were arrested and imprisoned for an average of 7.5 months before being released (Caesar et al. 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Some officers spent 18 months in jail, and the most recent sentence in the Costa Concordia’s case being 34 months (ABC, 2013). In some cases, the seafarers would have their license temporarily suspended after been released. There are also cases whereby the entire crew was neglected and detained. Employers neglect their employees due to the increased cost of crewing arising from criminal sanctions and insurance associated with the criminalisation of seafarers (Mitroussi 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers; Martin 2011). Also, lack of a genuine link between the ship owners and seafarers due to the usual connection of manning companies in the process of hiring may trigger neglect from shipping companies when seafarers are arrested.

The criminalisation of ship officers can potentially demoralise efforts intended to retain seafarers. Criminalisation creates a syndrome of fear and caution among lower ranking seafarers which may lead to negative impacts for retention. Since criminalisation negatively impacts on the confidence of all categories of seafarers, such as cadets, junior and senior officers, according to Mitroussi (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers) and Kirby (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). It could be a serious reason in making choices related to remaining to work on board or moving towards getting a landside job. Serving time and challenges of cadets
According to the STCW-95 and the 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer Manila amendments, the training and transfer of skills for seafarers are considered insufficient until having completed 12/6 months compulsory training on board (Bonnin et al. 2004 and Yabuki 2011). Yet, the on board training phase for seafarers is not deprived of challenges that negatively influences on the efforts intended in improving retention at sea. Gould (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p. 280) described the experience of cadet as “physical confinement, restricted diet, distanced from family, unsupportive attitude and hostility from mentors on board”. These practises mostly contribute to cadet attrition as they do not expect such treatment, which therefore leads to breaking of the physiological contract (Caesar et al. 2013 and Gekara, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers, 2009)). Some cadets find working and living condition on board unbearable, which makes them eventually withdraw from the training programmes early. In some countries, the difficulty in securing placements on board through ship owners and crewing agencies, which sometimes takes about 13 months, could be a turnoff. Reports indicate that some cadets and redundant seafarers in Nigeria, China, Philippines and India respectively, undergo a lot of inhumane treatment as well as exploitation in the hands of crewing agencies (Gekara, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers, 2009). Thus, the trend is that cadet and other seafarers find it difficult in securing jobs on board ships and also face challenges on board after securing the job. These situations may well contribute to the decision of seafarers leaving their jobs at sea in pursuit of landside jobs.

2.4.2 Industry Regulation and Seafarer Welfare
Regulations are part of the culture of seafarers (Couper, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). In recent times, the shipping industry has been observing an exceptional outbreak of conventions and regulations (Shantanu, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Even though regulations have a positive aspect, their increasing existence in the shipping industry negatively influences on the seafarers welfare and thus their retention on board ships (Graham, 2009). For instance, the regulations related to maritime security were found to intensify isolation among seafarers (Graham, 2009). In the particular terror incident of the 9/11, security regulations made it difficult for seafarers to take shore leaves, especially in the United States ports. However, several regulations may eventually serve as a limitation to seafaring careers since they influence negatively on the welfare of ship crew. The increment in movement to land based jobs among the seafarers may well be revealing based on the decreasing welfare standards on board which may need further investigation. Alternative concern with increased regulations is that it has increased the workload for ship officers on board, as they now have to meet the terms of the many international maritime conventions. This was found to significantly discourage ship officers and eventually lead to their exit, since increased workload raises fatigue and the panic of being fined if the rules are unconsciously ignored (Bhattacharya, 2009; Knudsen, 2009; and Haka 2011). Likewise, Cremers (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer) explains that excessive paper work may be unfavourable to the retention of young seafarers to whom ship officers occasionally give clerical jobs.
2.4.3 Workplace health and Safety Issues on Board Ships
Workplace health and safety issues also contribute to the issue relating to the working life of a seafarer, and hence there are several worries in this regard that may perhaps influence their movement to land based jobs (Oldenburg et al. 2013). The apprehension as regards to the health of seafarers has long been a concern as the ship remains one of the most dangerous work place. Thus, seafaring is considered one of the utmost hazardous occupations in the world, which is associated with abuse of seafarer’s rights, high risk of shipboard exposures such as the engine room sounds and vibration, and the noise created by direct and indirect shipboard operations (Oldenburg and Jensen, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Such ship operations effect in disruption of the rest period of seafarers on board and intensifies fatigue. A comprehensive understanding of the causes of health hazard among seafarers is necessary if shipping industry employers are to bring together measures to efficiently handle health related concerns that retiring seafarers may raise as their reasons for moving from sea to shore. Stress from busy and long hours of work schedule has become a common feature in the operation of modern vessels with the consequent irregular sleep pattern among seafarers, which possibly will have health Implication for seafarers or increase the possibility of accident and on board injuries
2.4.4 Piracy
Piracy is one of the numerous challenges threatening the shipping industry. It is a pointed matter that is of key concern for seafarers, their families and the international maritime community (Mitropoulos, 2011). It is also a major source of health risk among seafarers (Jeżewska and Iversen, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Koh (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap) concludes that piracy discourages existing seafarers from enduring a career in seafaring. Piracy could therefore be one of the probable predictors of high ship-to-shore movement among seafarers.
The literature available on the topic of study indicate that retention level of officers are low with the majority not finding employment conditions beneficial to long term service with their current organisations. Improving the retention of seafarers involves various methods that pertains to resolving the problems identified in the literature. Some suggestions have emerged from existing literature as measures that labour stakeholders within the shipping industry and some ship management companies can engage to specifically address the problem of high mobility among ship officers and improve retention of seafarers in general. The most common ones include: improving welfare and working conditions, funding of training and skill development as well as planning a long term career plan for seafarers and providing attractive wage and suitable motivation. It must be reminisced that due to unsatisfactory work experiences, quality officers not only leave the shipping company, but also the industry which loses out on the years of gathered familiarity to the detriment of the company as well as the industry. Furthermore, improved management of the relationship between ship owners and seafarers is needed to improve retention. Inviting young people into the maritime industry needs improvement in the working conditions on board ships in order to meet the expectations of the present generation of jobseekers.
According to the literature reviewed, resolving problems of seafarers’ retention should basically focus on strenuous working conditions, unsupportive attitude, and difficulties in learning, lack of progression opportunities, plateauing of salary, organizational policy, poor working conditions, and separation from families, piracy, criminalization, and personal reasons. Working conditions at sea on board ships may conflict with the expectations of seafarers and reasons why people take up a career in seafaring. Therefore, shipping industry employers need to be aware of the people they recruit in order to effectively achieve their expectations, and this requires a thorough understanding of the reasons and factors influencing people to enter into the maritime industry. The literature demonstrated that there is insufficient attention accorded to improving the retention of ship officers; therefore, the researcher studied retention of ship officers and its benefits. The outcome of the study was expected to fill the gap encourage improving employee retention, in the shipping industry.

Theoretical research methodology is a method important in deducing information to analyze and draw conclusion from available data and improve on current research theories and insights. The method was considered appropriate to this study due to limitations earlier stated. To analyze the current trend of early retirement of ship officers, identify the needs for the provision of a good working condition on board and evaluate the benefits of retaining shipboard officers’ theoretical methodology was used as the method. It considered offering clear insight on variety of issues in the employment of seafarers
In this analysis secondary data from four research and reports previously carried out and other supportive information from articles, journals and books were considered.
For analysis purpose descriptive techniques are used to check frequency and demographic findings of the data from the various research and reports. This is useful in analysis and getting result on indicators of early seafarers’ retirement, need for provision of good working condition onboard and the benefits of retaining ship board officers
Research on ship officers’ retention, according to Caesar (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service) generally depends on a variety of factors that include cadetship, succession planning, work-life balance among seafarers and the issues that affect retention of ship officers onboard. Their work focused on the various factors leading to their conclusion that when the stated factors aren’t properly managed ship officers tend to exist earlier from service. Livingstone Divine, Stephen and Jiangang (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service) in their report further viewed that for shipping officers’ retention in service several factors needed to be considered. Their finding was supported by earlier research reports by other researchers. Ship officers spend most of their time off land hence fewer hours spent with relatives another actor likely to impact on their exist and preference for landside jobs (Thomas et al.2003). Fei (2013) viewed that when seafarers are faced with various challenges they often result to seeking other jobs on land.
According to the Depart of Transport UK statistical release January 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online on Seafarer Statistics, the total number of UK seafarers active at sea stood at 23,380, an increase of 2% in comparison to 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay. In appendix 1 a clear analysis of seafarers serving, and those certified is shown from the year 2002 to 2005. The trend is uneven marked by small change in the number of employee in service over the period. The trend declines from year 2011 to 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service hence the need to analyse the factors that are contributing to the trend. Appendix 2 illustrates age employment trend of ship officers in the UK which was useful in offering result of the study.
3.6 MANPOWER 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer UPDATE: THE WORLDWIDE DEMAND FOR AND SUPPLY OF SEAFARERS
BIMCO/ISF manpower update provides the relationships that exist between the demand and supply of seafarers. As per the 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer update the number of seafarers supply stood at 624000 officers and 747000 ratings and the global demand was at 637000 officers and 747000 ratings. These update further analyzed the BIMCO/ISF deducing sensitivity to fleet growth demand and supply curve that explains the cold scenario, benchmark and hot scenario in seafarer employment to 2020 Appendix 3 gives a screen shot of the analysis. The result is that there exists a gap in the employment of seafarers per the update report. This update was described as more reliable compared to other updates since it included more nations that on earlier updates were not involved in the study.
The most inclusive study on the worldwide supply of and demand merchant seafarers is the
BIMCO/ISF Study it was produced for the first time in 1990 and it is updated regularly after five years. The 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer update remain the most reliable update as a tool of valuation of universal ship officer’s employment. The study offers insight on useful view on future trends in supply and demand of seafarers. The study has been used as a tool by governments and private practitioners in their decision in recruiting cadets and enhancing training and development of seafarers. Current trends on supply of seafarers are indicated clearly and so are future projections into the supply of seafarers in the shipping Industry. The study gives an analysis of five geographical areas including Eastern & Central Europe, Africa/Latin America, OECD, Far East, and Indian Sub-continent. The study specifically tries to cut across the globe and is not limited to a specific area. The demand for seafarers into the future was deduced through complicated process made available by the Warwick Institute for Employment Research. It took into consideration size of national fleets by taking age blocs into account, age of shipping officers, and age of new-entrants. These areas were studied for the five regions. Its inclusion of a wide range of factors into the study explains why it was considered highly reliable. This study is quit restrictive that it’s hard to deduce data for specific nations and the study parameters often differ from nation to another.
The Maritime Charity Funding Group (MCFG) carried out its research in 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers.their study remains very relevant to date as they focused on issues that are unlikely to change in their area of study. They focused on the needs and aspirations of the seafaring community. In their study they studied for groups that serve as seafarers. The groups included older seafarers and their dependants, working age seafarers, dependants and families of working-age seafarers and young people in maritime youth groups. Through questionnaires these groups of people participated in the research. However, focus for this study was specifically drawn to their study on separation and isolation of seafarers, continuous cycles of dislocation and readjustment, self reliance and how they affected seafarers.
The above four studies give insight to our objectives on trends of early retirement of ship officers, why there exist needs for provision of a good working on board and why it is important to retain shipboard officers. From the case study on research about retention issues to seafarers in global shipping it is evident that early retirement of ship officers arises from a range of issues ranging from unsatisfactory working conditions, limited career progression opportunities, sea conditions like criminalization of seafarers and piracy, challenges faced by cadets.
The study on UK seafarer employment indicates reducing number of seafarers 2011 Appendix 1 further it is observed that from 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers the number of certified ship officers has declined remaining almost at a constant rate up to 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service. Appendix 2 gives age analysis of serving seafarers. It is evident that generation Y (People born in the 1980’s and 1990’s) have not significantly taken up jobs in shipping compared to generation X (People born around 1966 to around 1976) defined by Stephen &Hilary (2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers). This indicates that as much as retention of ship officers remains a dilemma the number of entrants is low and the future may not anchor well for qualified seafarers.
The worldwide demand for and supply of seafarers update 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer further clarifies the gap that exists in employment of seafarers. The deficit over the years after this study is seen to increase rather than decrease. Appendix3 further illustrates deficit in the supply of seafarers by 2020 through the sensitivity to fleet growth demand and supply curve. The report by the MCFG gives insight into various factors that affect the service of seafarers the factors in the study included a isolation of seafarers at sea, continuous cycles of dislocation and readjustment, self reliance and autonomy, separation and isolation, physical and emotional hazards. The studies and reports considered covered wider scope on seafarers but the analysis was considered based on the objectives of the specific study of this paper.


5.1 Introduction
Observance of decline in the number of available seafarers in the shipping industry tend to give the impression that many seafarers exit the service before their retirement and that less people study to take on this profession. Onshore working conditions that often are strenuous to employees offer no incentive for seafarers to remain in the career. Retaining shipboard officer is useful in the industry to meet the high demand. It is also noticeable that with the low number of certified seafarers ship officers with required skills are not enough to serve the industry consequently, there are a number of uncertified ship officers in the industry.
In literature review retention was defined as systematic effort by employers to create and foster an environment that encourages current employees to remain employed by having policies in place that addresses their need (Mckeown, 2002). Focus was then drawn to analyse various contributions by different scholars. In their studies they attributed retention in the shipping industry challenge as one brought about by the nature of the job and various factors that play a major role to the observed trend.
The review showed that the global shipping industry experiences shortage of ship officers. Caesar and Canoon, 2013 and Nguyen et al. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) attribute it to high attrition trends among seafarers and especially the cadets. Pekcan et al. (2003) also observed that seafarers tend to stay for very less years onshore. The review continues to analyse factors that lead to low retention of seafarers analysing cadets, junior offices, senior officers and ship masters. Various working conditions including Strenuous working condition at sea, unsupportive attitude, difficulties in learning Lack of progression opportunities, plateauing of salary, organisational policy Poor working conditions, separation from family, piracy and criminalisation and personal reasons.

The review further analyzed the importance of retention of employees. Wastage was the term used by Caesar et al. (2013) to define cost associated with the hiring of new seafarers. They basically argued it to be a finance cost that need not necessarily be incurred. This can be explained by the cost associated with training of cadets. The cost is not only on money but also the time spent in training them and loss of skills within the industry. They thus saw the need to retain this serving officers other than incur such costs that are often high.
Analysis of the pattern of seafarers number at sea in UK it is evident that retaining officers at sea would be important to fill the gap that exist on demand of seafarers
Quality of Shipboard Life (QoSL) assumes an essential part with respect to a seafarer. The boat is both their workplace and home for amplified time frames. QoSL incorporates the personal satisfaction on load up, recreational and correspondence offices, on shore living conditions, and shore take off (Thompson 2002)
It has been broadly said that shipboard life is similar to a jail, with the additional danger of suffocating. Hailing out of boats, multinational groups, lessened running levels have all changed the nature of shipboard life for the more awful. Be that as it may, in todays’ cost sparing world, group lodging are getting to be littler and “institutional” in look and feel, with no distinction between the work place and ‘home’. Diversion offices are restricted to watching movies, that as well if the welfare spending plan permits. Leonard (2003) is of the view that numerous organizations have no or insignificant welfare spending plans, numerous charge seafarers’ pay rates for welfare and diversion benefits, all without consent. Indeed, even on extravagance liners, the group needed to pay rent to watch DVD’s and read books! Most tanker organizations have gone “dry” and don’t permit the infrequent jar of brew to permit the team to relax now and again. The way that such cover bans power teams to conceal alcohol is another issue, loaded with perils. Helped by the vicinity of up to six to eight nationalities on board, this totally takes out any social collaboration. Thus, every seafarer remains focused in pretty much aggregate seclusion, with no outlet for individual issues ( Robinson 2004). The main outlet is phone calls to families which may not generally be accessible, or at an extensive expense to the group. ITF’s overview (2011) found that 52% of seafarers, and 68% of appraisals, had no entrance to email on board.
The execution of the ISM Code brought such a bended spotlight on wellbeing that the customary ‘stroll on deck’ by the team or notwithstanding sitting and talking on deck after work has halted, as it is normal that at whatever time group go on deck it must be in full security gear. The Maritime Labour Convention obliges Ship-owners to give recreation centres’ and so forth., which they obediently did. Lamentably with boats, housing not having enough space, these are normally dumped in any space that can hold the gear, whether they can be utilized not being the worry.
The most recent decade has seen refusal of shore leave to seafarers on the grounds of “security” despite the fact that this is a standout amongst the most longstanding standard practices in delivery, and in addition one of the primary attractions of a nautical profession. Today this privilege is being trampled upon and seafarer welfare enslaved to port state security, demonstrating that standard privileges of the seafarer are not essential to universal exchange. Absence of freedom affects the security and wellbeing of seafarers. This refusal of shore leave is one of the significant obstacles to an ocean profession (ICONS, 2000). SIRC found that 64% of seafarers did not get shore-leave for an extensive period of time, 36% had shore leave enduring around two hours, and the lion’s share of these were not ready to go more remote than the closest telephone box. A large portion of the delivery organizations are not willing to burn through cash to orchestrate freedom for boats teams from far off billets. The review discovered 48.5% officers content with the personal satisfaction on board. Around a third (36.7%) found the recreational offices tasteful, 38.6% were content with correspondence offices, while just 19.9% concurred that their organizations tried any endeavors to secure shore leave for them.
Feeling esteemed is the sentiment being viewed as a vital part of the association. This variable shows itself through reasonable treatment, auspicious help, and treatment at shore office, grievance redress, and giving more than the absolute minimum stipulated by regulations. Sadly, once the seafarer leaves the workplace to join a boat, all individual contact is lost till he completes his residency and rejoins. This negligible contact is insufficient to “connect with” the seafarer, esteem his work or make him feel part of the organization.
Auspicious reliefs and tending to any grievances make the seafarer feel that he is more than an easygoing worker or only a pawn in the amusement (Knudsen, 2005). The pervasive perspective held via seafarers is that their work, life and commitments are neither comprehended, nor acknowledged, and even underestimated via ‘sod huggers’, in this way downgrading their exceptionally seamanship. The late propensity to remotely micromanage shipboard operations likewise does not offer much, some assistance with creating a “them” against “us” situation which does not advantage the association. Acknowledgment of good work and vocation arranging is uncovered as the third component and incorporates as acknowledgment of endeavours, association in choice making, profession opportunities, and legitimacy based progression.
Pay is as often as possible referred to as one of the fundamental driver of worker turnover; be that as it may it is more about the reasonableness of the pay framework as opposed to the pay itself. Unless pay contrasts are noteworthy, most seafarers are unwilling to switch managers as they need to again acclimate themselves with the operations of the new business. There is however disappointment if pay is distinctive for various nationalities, the work being same and is seen as an out of line framework.
The fifth component detached is the vicinity of a ‘No Blame’ culture, a predecessor of engagement and a vital reason for representative turnover. Despite the fact that all organizations emphatically uphold a no accuse society, ground substances show up completely distinctive, to the degree this has for all intents and purposes dispensed with all inventiveness, development and activity in a calling which had these as its extremely premise.
Professional stability is the last variable and alludes to the insecurity in vocation conditions. The lion’s share of livelihood on boats is contractual in nature and makes sentiments of instability amongst seafarers. Employer stability is an essential driver of representative engagement, as well as a component of inspiration that drives maintenance. An absence of business security can prompt demonization. Employer stability seemed, by all accounts, to be critical to officers as 66% demonstrated their inclination for general occupation. It would seem unexpected that ship-proprietors expect maintenance when the premise of the job is contractual.
The maintenance of sea vessels is high and seafarers take care of what they have been entrusted. Officers utilized by boat proprietors and boat administrators demonstrate that proprietor utilized officers have somewhat higher maintenance levels than those utilized by supervisors. The connection however was low and not extremely noteworthy. These conflicts with the ordinary view of officers that ship proprietors are preferable bosses over boat administrators. This can be a wellspring of stress for boat proprietors as they ought to have the capacity to profit by their goodwill to have more drawn in officers.
Senior officers have higher maintenance levels than youngsters. Here likewise the connection was powerless and unimportant. Senior officers must be more acquainted with the SMS and are generally unwilling to move boss without justifiable reason. Be that as it may, this ought not to be the explanation behind their continuation; it ought to be their engagement profiting all.
Representative engagement, and its relationship with expanded maintenance, has been convincingly appeared to be indispensable for any association looking for upper hand. The study finds that maintenance levels of officers are low with the dominant part not discovering job conditions helpful for long time administration with their present associations. There are numerous zones where ship proprietors and chiefs can enhance which can expand seafarer engagement and in addition their maintenance levels. Zones which can be enhanced without exhausting assets would incorporate making a workplace where fault is not allotted, giving professional stability by changing over to a ceaseless business framework, and by increasing pay bundles by including advantages which can give better results.
On the hierarchical front, managers ought to perceive the part seafarers play in the bigger picture by welcoming their work, regarding them as esteemed individuals, and treat them genuinely giving them their due. To expand representative fulfilment and maintenance, organizations make more picks up by attempting to enhance whether individuals feel a feeling of accomplishment, acknowledgment, ability and development, whether there are decisions about how function completes and whether workers feel regarded by administration. These can be effortlessly accomplished by better treatment while in shore workplaces, preceded with communication while on leave, organizing opportune alleviation and so forth. The personal satisfaction on load up boats ought to be enhanced by giving open to living quarters, efficient offices for corresponding with their family and companions, suitable recreational offices that really improve personal satisfaction, and placing endeavours in securing sufficient shore leave wherever practicable.
The majority of the above can be accomplished just by adjusting HR hones and changing authoritative society; extra financial assets are not required. These practices will likewise upgrade engagement levels of seafarers and give extra profits as enhanced wellbeing, execution, and benefits. It must be recalled that because of inadmissible work encounters, quality officers leave the transportation organization, as well as the business which misses out on the years of collected information to the disadvantage of the organization and in addition the business. Shipping organizations, similar to seafarers, ought to take the bigger view and guarantee that their activities for transient advantages don’t harm the long haul hobbies of the business all in all.
Early retirement of ship officers is shown by the number of few officers serving within the industry above the age of 45 years. Retirement at early years is as a resort of various factors that are analyzed as follows
5.5.1 Criminalisation of Seafarers
Criminalisation of seafarers is significant, especially within the shipping industry this is due to the role it plays in retention of workers. Issues like unlawful arrests, marine pollution that is criminalized against seafarers, imprisonment of officers. Such acts of criminalization lead to tainted image of seafarers and their safety is no longer guaranteed. Due to these seafarers may leave their position and find landside jobs.
It is vital for seafarers to do everything they can to abstain from bringing about contamination of the marine environment. Now and then business weights place seafarers in troublesome circumstances and in spite of the fact that the organization may not teach the group to take alternate routes, this might be the best way to keep to due dates. In the momentum atmosphere, any activity that could harm the earth, whether deliberate or coincidentally, can prompt seafarers assuming the fault and being dealt with as crooks.
5.5.2 Legitimate frameworks shift
Every nation has its own legal framework, and not all apply strategies with which you might be natural or expect in your nation of origin. For instance, the privilege to stay noiseless, privacy of data, shields covering capture and detainment, access to legitimate counsel and representation, a reasonable trial, and procedures for removal will differ between nations. If all else fails, make sure to get counsel from your union and/or from your organization.
5.5.3 Carelessness
Another European Directive criminalizes contamination brought about unexpectedly. It utilizes a dubious idea of ‘genuine carelessness’, outside of European law, and neglects to shield the privileges of seafarers got up to speed in occurrences of marine contamination. An industry coalition has exhibited a lawful test to the legitimacy of the EU Directive on Ship Source Pollution – a judgment is expected in 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers.
What happens when there is mishap?
On the off chance that your vessel is included in a sea mishap, there are universal rules to guarantee that you are dealt with reasonably if there is an examination or on the off chance that you are kept after the mischance.
Know that data given in the examination of a sea mishap could be utilized against you as a part of a criminal arraignment. Along these lines, If it happens that you are addressed around a mishap including your vessel, request an attorney if essential, and contact your union and/or organization for exhortation and help. The state under which your boat is hailed has the directly under universal law to establish lawful procedures asking for the prompt arrival of any seafarers kept after a mischance or contamination occurrence adrift. Sadly, Flags of Convenience (FOC) states are infamous in neglecting to seek after this privilege for the benefit of teams of boats under their banners.
Your ship-owner and the boat’s back up plans ought to give you legitimate backing and exhortation on the off chance that you are captured or confined, and bolster any welfare needs that emerge. Global Maritime Organization (GMO)/International Labour Organization (ILO) rules on the reasonable treatment of seafarers in the case of a sea mishap are accessible for review, utilizing the connection on the privilege of this page.
According to Bonnin et al. (2004) and Yabuki (2011) as cadets begin training for their careers they encounter challenges at this very early stage of their 12/6 months compulsory training on board. They face such adversities like physical confinement, restricted diet, distanced from family, unsupportive attitude and hostility from mentors on board as analyzed in the literature review. Attrition is thus common among these cadets. The result is that the number of those who finished training is lower than that of those who enrol as cadets.
5.6.1 Unsettled Lifestyle
This is the most well-known and clear reason as nowadays more seafarers need “settled” occupations on shore. Toward the begin of the vocation, a seafarer would wouldn’t fret having a “migrant” sort of way of life, but rather after specific years, particularly post marriage, he aches for a more steady way of life, particularly with his gang. This is certainly not another explanation for seafarers stopping ocean occupations; however it is still one of the prime purposes behind expert disappointment.
5.6.2 Tumultuous Life
One can’t deny the way that life on board ships has turned out to be to a great degree rushed. With more stringent oceanic regulations coming up every year, life as a seafarer has turned out to be progressively feverish, arduous, and repetitive. Increment in research material, propelled preparing rules, new codes, and thorough wellbeing and ecological laws have made the lives of seafarers to a great degree tumultuous on board ships. Additionally, numerous seafarers have likewise expressed poor administration of labour on board ships as an explanation behind expansion in work load. Obviously, the effectively feverish life on boats is turning out to be significantly wilder consistently.
5.6.3 Locally available legislative issues
Regardless of how hard you attempt to avoid proficient or individual legislative issues on board ships, it will get to you eventually. Governmental issues and clashes on boats make it hard to function as well as to associate inside of the officially little gathering of individuals on board. Also, there is a slight line in the middle of expert and individual life on boats. This makes it much harder to maintain a strategic distance from and in addition manage legislative issues or clashes emerging as an after-effect of contrasts in feelings. One needs awesome determination, tolerance, and aptitudes to manage troublesome individuals on board ships, particularly in the wake of having proficient/individual contentions.
5.6.4 Absence of Social Life
Practically everybody who joins boats is raised in a social domain since conception. At the point when such individuals are abruptly presented to limited spaces of boats with verging on insignificant social life, negative impacts, for example, disappointment, dejection, and pining to go home begin taking a toll on them. Life on boat won’t appear terrible at the beginning, but rather over the long haul, a feeling of vacancy begins inching in. Absence of connection with individuals and impediments on physical development make life more hopeless on board. It takes a ton of strength and mental relentlessness to keep a quiet and centred personality on boat. Numerous seafarers in the long run quit due to this reason.
5.6.5 Far from the Family
In spite of the fact that the greater part of the seafarers can process the truth of avoiding companions for couple of months when cruising, separating far from the family for quite a long time together destroy their hearts. Some may have quite recently begun their wedded life while others would have as of late experienced parenthood, missing those valuable minutes with their friends and family, for whom they mind the most, is the thing that damages seafarers. No seafarer needs to miss investing energy with his wife or see his child or little girl develop old without him being around. It is then that seafarers understand the significance of “family life” and “friends and family”. The torment of staying ceaselessly for a considerable length of time is additionally one of the primary reasons seafarers quit ocean employments.
5.6.6 Individual/Family Problems
One can’t stay centred at work when pestered by family or individual issues. Seafarers frequently confront this issue when they leave their family issues at shore. Nonetheless, not ready to take care of the individual issue and its blocking negative consequences for the family, incites a consistent condition of stress which lessens the capacity to concentrate on one’s obligations. It’s to a great degree hard to work when you are physically on the boat yet rationally back at home. Additionally, what harms more to seafarers is the failure to take care of any crisis circumstance or occurrence in their family back home. Such circumstances lead to amazing dissatisfaction, uneasiness, restlessness, and anxiety among seafarers. Numerous seafarers have stopped cruising in view of this reason.
5.6.7 Ascend in Maritime Piracy
In spite of the fact that few stages have been taken of late to battle robbery adrift, occurrences including privateer assaults and high-jacking of boat’s group happen verging on consistently. The danger of robbery assaults is regularly expanding and seafarers are clearly terrified disregarding accessibility of weapons to battle them. Nobody needs to hazard their lives or place themselves in risk by cruising on boats which utilize in theft influenced regions. The apprehension of privateers is likewise expressed as one of the numerous reasons via seafarers for leaving ship occupations.
5.6.8 Wellbeing Issues
Cruising on boats requires meeting stringent medicinal and wellbeing necessities. As strict as the tenets to be meet before joining the boat are, it’s an incongruity that life on board boat is off by a long shot to solid. Whimsical dozing plan, over the top working anxiety, antagonistic environment, inaccessibility of new nourishment, and deficient therapeutic offices radically influence seafarers’ wellbeing. Besides a few seafarers likewise need to stop cruising once they are determined to have conditions which may require prompt consideration in times of medicinal crisis. Numerous likewise grumble about the expanding distinction in the middle of work and rest hours, disregarding laws requesting appropriate circulation of them.
5.6.9 Lessening shore takes off
One of the fundamental reasons individuals join shipper naval force is the bait to see the world. Be that as it may, in the previous couple of years there has been a sudden lessening in shore leaves that are being conceded to the seafarers. With speedier turnaround time of boats at ports and booked support systems, seafarers are not permitted to go out on ports. Likewise, numerous VLCCs and huge limit ships don’t go to the port for releasing or stacking, allowing to seafarers to revive themselves far from the boat’s surroundings. Such steady cruising with less or insignificant open doors for shore leaves have disappointed a few seafarers who have in the end stopped cruising.
5.6.10 Absence of Shore Jobs
This cause may sound somewhat conflicting; however this is additionally one of the fundamental reasons why seafarers quit the field at a very early stage in their vocation. In spite of the fact that most oceanic organizations and specialists guarantee satisfactory on-shore open doors for seafarers, those needing to move to shore think that it’s hard to land a commendable position. The greater part of the organizations request great measure of involvement with ocean, keeping in mind the end goal to land a position in their on shore office. Also for a decent administrative position on shore, either one needs to do a MBA or take up some identical courses. Seafarers think that it’s hard to return to ponders after certain purpose of time, particularly when they are bound by family obligations. Numerous seafarers are currently ready to anticipate this and in this manner change their course from the get-go in their vocation. Nonetheless, bargaining on the pay is one thing they need to acknowledge at some point or another.
5.6.11 Lessening group individuals
With the budgetary emergency approaching over the business, shipping organizations are using each system conceivable to decrease costs and overhead expenses. While trying to do as such, the quantity of group individuals on boats is being decreased to remunerate the fundamental costs. Accordingly, sailors are encountering significant expansion in work load, with no expansion in compensation. This pattern has been seen practically over all delivery organizations around the globe. The higher interest of work burden with same or irrelevant increment in instalment is likewise making a few seafarers quit ocean employments.
5.6.12 Stringent Maritime Laws
Stringent sea laws have made existences of oceanic experts troublesome, particularly for those at the administration level. Numerous seafarers in the past have been detained, vigorously fined, and suspended as a consequence of such laws. Officers at the administration level are the ones who regularly endure the worst part of these laws and are accordingly always at anxiety while cruising. This has been one of the primary explanations behind the intense lack of sea experts at the administrative level. Aside from the aforementioned reasons, seafarers have expressed a few different variables which constrain them to stop cruising. Be that as it may, the aforementioned ones are the most usually expressed ones by experts over all positions.
5.6.13 Workplace health and safety issues on board ships
Workplace health and safety issues also contribute to the issue relating to the working life of a seafarer, and hence there are several worries in this regard that may perhaps influence their movement to land based jobs (Oldenburg et al. 2013). The apprehension as regards to the health of seafarers has long been a concern as the ship remains one of the most dangerous work place. Thus, seafaring is considered one of the utmost hazardous occupations in the world, which is associated with abuse of seafarer’s rights, high risk of shipboard exposures such as the engine room sounds and vibration, and the noise created by direct and indirect shipboard operations (Oldenburg and Jensen, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Such ship operations affect operations and result to disruption of seafarers on board intensifying fatigue. A comprehensive understanding of the causes of health hazard among seafarers is necessary if shipping industry employers are to bring together measures to efficiently handle health related concerns that retiring seafarers may raise as their reasons for moving from sea to shore.
Stress from busy and long hours of work schedule has become a common feature in the operation of modern vessels with the consequent irregular sleep pattern among seafarers, which possibly will have health Implication for seafarers or increase the possibility of accident and on board injuries
5.6.14 Piracy threat
Piracy is one of the numerous challenges threatening the shipping industry. It is a pointed matter that is of key concern for seafarers, their families and the international maritime community (Mitropoulos, 2011). It is also a major source of health risk among seafarers (Jeżewska and Iversen, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Koh (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap) concludes that piracy discourages existing seafarers from enduring a career in seafaring. Piracy could therefore be one of the probable predictors of high ship-to-shore movement among seafarers.
In spite of the fact that the transportation business has gained incredible ground with hostile to robbery measures in the previous couple of years, more than 50 seafarers are as yet being held prisoner by equipped pose of Somali privateers, in shocking conditions, subject to physical and mental misuse.
Their boats have been seized adrift and they are being held to emancipate for a great many dollars. The human expense to seafarers and their families is huge. Theft is starting to choke key supply courses. Ninety percent of the world’s nourishment, fuel, crude materials and produced merchandise are conveyed via ocean. About a large portion of the world’s seaborne oil supply goes through the privateer invaded western and northern Indian Ocean.
World exchange is still under danger. Robbery costs the worldwide economy £18 billion a year (World Bank) yet notwithstanding when they’re gotten, a hefty portion of the privateers are discharged to assault once more. Prisoner taking can be stopped to restore the opportunity of the oceans. A call to governments to address piracy is important for seafarer employment in the ship industry. More vigorous law implementation, harder resistances, firmer political purpose and more courts and jails have broken the hold of robbery. With such move service of seafarers at sea would be improved
5.6.15 Provision of better working conditions on board
An EC Directive, on seafarers revising Directives 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers/94/EC, 2009/38/EC, 2002/14/EC, 98/59/EC and 2001/23/EC, was issued on 18 November 2013. It proposes giving seafarers the same rights to data as their coastal partners about aggregate redundancies, exchanges of all or part of the organization they work for, business bankruptcy and every one of the issues secured by the data and counsel order.
They would likewise have the privilege to partake in European Works Councils. Offer anglers (that is, anglers who get an offer of the catch as a component of their pay) would likewise be ensured if their manager got to be wiped out and was not able pay their wages; they would have the capacity to apply to the national indebtedness store for remuneration.
The purchasing and offering of vessels is extremely normal in the sea division. The proposition additionally recommends measures to offer EU some assistance with shipping organizations in these profoundly aggressive worldwide markets. For instance, when a vessel is being purchased or sold, Member States could under specific conditions waive the holding up period that typically applies after the warning of arranged aggregate redundancies to the skilled open powers.
It is trusted that the recommendations will upgrade the living and working states of seafarers and advance more attractive rivalry in the division over the EU. The quantity of seafarers is diminishing, and it is likewise trusted that the progressions will expand the engaging quality of the segment to youngsters.
At long last, as there are wide varieties in the size and nature of the Member States’ oceanic segments and in their utilization of the choices to reject seafarers from the mandates, a move time of five years is proposed to permit Member States to transpose the progressions into national enactment and practice.
Like all other professions seafarer retention at sea is very important. It benefits the industry and ensures performance of the industry is not undermined.
5.7.1 Oversee Employee Turnover
Bosses actualize maintenance methodologies to oversee representative turnover and draw in quality workers into the industry. Maintenance programs concentrate on the relationship in the middle of administration and their specialists. Aggressive pay, advantages, worker acknowledgment and representative help projects are all separated of an organization’s endeavour to keep up worker fulfilment (Wilkson&Cahoon 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). HR masters use input they get from post-employment surveys and centre gatherings to enhance representative relations and lessen turnover.
5.7.2 Savoir-faire
An organization can altogether profit by worker maintenance programs as a result of an immediate impact on a business’ primary concern. High turnover can be extremely costly. As per the Society for Human Resources Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment, “representative substitution expenses can reach as high as 50 to 60 percent of a worker’s yearly compensation.” Strategies outfitted towards holding great specialists balances representative substitution costs and lessens the aberrant costs, for example, diminished efficiency and lost customers.
5.7.3 Keep up Performance and Productivity
Worker maintenance rehearses support an association’s profitability. Selecting and preparing new representatives requires some serious energy. An unfilled position implies work is not completing. Regardless of the possibility that a position is filled, there is still an expectation to learn and adapt most representatives must overcome before their work gets to be gainful. Finding a way to keep current specialists fulfilled by their parts will guarantee profitability is not interfered.
5.7.4 Improves Recruitment
Successful maintenance techniques frequently start amid the representative enrolment process. Representatives are more disposed to stay with an organization that satisfies the guarantees made when their vocation offer was amplified. Organizations that give a sensible perspective of their professional workplace, headway opportunities and occupation desires to new contracts can emphatically impact representative maintenance.
5.7.5 Expands Morale
Representatives that appreciate what they do and the environment in which they work will probably stay utilized with their organization. Maintenance systems are imperative since they make a positive workplace and fortify a representative’s dedication to the association. Methodologies that objective representative engagement, for example, group developers and group association, expand organization resolve and give workers a feeling of pride in what they do.
Retention of seafarers at sea depends on very many issues narrowing down to the improvement of current onshore conditions, training employees motivating and including the different player to improve the global shipping industry human resource management. Through consideration of current trends in the market demand and supply of seafarers, provision of good working conditions will help fill the gap. Seafarers training and recruitment should be considered for long term sustainability of employees within the industry.

Hiring the young generation is inevitable considering the Australian workforce estimates from Ross (2005: 41). Issues that western countries are facing in terms of employment were put into perspective as
More people in 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers leave the workforce compared to entrants
workforce growth annually is expected to reduce to 0.4% from 0.8% in next decade
Above 20%of senior executives will attain the age of retirement.
As a result such a sector like the shipping industry is likely to face more challenges compared to other many sectors. The IMO is unswerving to ensure that more seafarers go to see since 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers it launched its Go to Sea Campaign partnering with stakeholders from maritime. It is therefore prudent that hiring of younger generation and ensuring they attain relevant certification is prioritized to help in achievement of sustainable long-term employment.
Talent management drives human resource across the globe as organizations compete for highly skilled talents in the market. Training and developing talents is a daunting task for employers as they endeavour to ensure that they capture and retain the best talents in the markets. Seafarers are no exception from the world employees. Training and development acts as a major contributor to the question in the long-run they will remain onshore or venture off shore to pursue landside careers that that might be more fulfilling.
Currently in economies like the UK shipping companies play a significant role in educating cadets compared to the earlier use of traditional training methods. This training is important and officers can hold on to their having been certified to work as qualified seafarers in an economy where there is high demand for shipping officers. They gain practical and academic experience which in it includes other requirements like medical fitness, specified ratings and training requirements for seafarers. Other training developments like introduction of training ships and expansion of the cadet training system enhance training for more seafarers into the industry.
Team preparing assumes an imperative part in the sea area and is a variety of perspectives that have influence in this. The practices are numerous and all are similarly noteworthy.
It is essential for seafarers to value that any deviation from wellbeing systems can put into peril the vessel, the general population chipping away at it and additionally the marine environment with all the significant results. There is a national endorsement or Basic preparing authentication is insufficient to build wellbeing installed. Therefore, to counteract and minimize mischance recurrence, extra instructional classes and intend to add to a security society installed our boats.
Other than the required preparing and affirmations, contribute on non-obligatory preparing, including hazard evaluation courses, occurrence examination, span recreation, and so forth with a perspective to offer seafarers some assistance with developing a more extensive comprehension of what they do and how to react to creating circumstances. In-house acquaintance can be organized in preparing the organization’s premises. After the far off preparing by means of telephone or the web, the seafarer visits the organization to acquaint with the workplace staff; the boat is settled to board and the organization methods when all is said in done. This helps a considerable measure towards achieving a last conclusion whether the seafarer matches organization’s needs and prerequisites.
From the last quarter of twentieth century, ships have turned out to be more current with complex PC run gear. The Shipping business works complex frameworks which depend on cutting edge building frameworks. Mechanization greatly affects team execution also. On the off chance that a part of the chain breaks, then the entire framework will crumple. In this manner, it is imperative team individuals to be sufficiently capable to work the boat and her frameworks productively. With the worldwide utilization of web, E-learning material and certifiable tests can be used. Thusly, cadets, evaluations and officers are given the chance to take a few courses notwithstanding when they are adrift. CBT is another valuable instrument that gives criticism on the seafarer’s expert instruction and offers us some assistance with identifying their shortcomings and requirements. This makes chance to adjust and/or execute better preparing frameworks and practices.
Boats are furnished with completely mechanized frameworks and exceptionally modern motor controls. Having an accomplished motor cadet on board helps a youthful expert to learn and see how those advanced motors work. Likewise, the youthful cadets are relegated basic assignments, which ease support and operational obligations from the building officers. Along these lines, plans have been set to decrease the overwhelming research material of the Master and officers, who are just required to prepare and screen the youthful cadets to perform these undertakings. These practices likewise draw in and train youthful experts and additionally grow our pool.
Refresher courses (compulsory or not) are additionally an incredible approach to guarantee competency and capability – particularly of our senior officers-in upgrades and new frameworks and advances. Every delivery organization can set its own time allotment with respect to refreshers, while different refreshers are compulsory. These courses are prone to change later on because of mechanical headway and it will probably have a refresher each 3 to 5 years.
These are a portion of the strategies and frameworks we use to prepare our group and screen their competency with a perspective to make them more productive in performing their errands, additionally in offering us some assistance with minimizing mischance, deferrals, wounds and harms and at last spare cash. Therefore this holds expense of industry down in this manner advancing more movement and more open door for development. Closing the preparation segment it is sheltered to say that contributing on group preparing is an approach to accomplish duplicated cost investment funds over the long haul while adding to the more noteworthy perspectives essential to the business on the loose.
The absence of qualified and able group (particularly deliver officers) has as of now been recognized as a worldwide issue that will probably continue intensifying. Hence, it is of extraordinary significance to guarantee appropriate preparing as well as to focus on compelling enlistment and maintenance of seafarers that are being prepared, keeping in mind the end goal to secure a settled stream of gifted work in the business with maintenance of skilled group being critical. Accomplishing an abnormal state of maintenance requires inspiration. Representative inspiration can be accomplished through impetus pay and execution administration frameworks. A reward framework might help augmenting the maintenance of the team and in addition their execution on board.
Another approach to show thankfulness and keep degrees of consistency high is by offering rejoining and long-benefit rewards. Other than compensation, a full bundle of money related advantages ought to be produced, perhaps including medicinal protection for the entire family and advantages for seafarers’ family instruction. It is likewise critical to make a feeling that the team can rely on the organization’s assistance when required. This is accomplished through individual correspondence with your team and by having an “open-entryways” arrangement as an organization. Listen to the seafarers’ criticism, concerns and suggestions.
For instance, there are occasions where a senior officer prescribes to the organization another seafarer for business. Such practices work both courses as they help fortifying our connection with our group and grow our pool in the meantime. Advancements locally available offer the organization some assistance with showing its gratefulness towards a seafarer’s endeavours and ability to improve as a benefit. It’s additionally an approach to make open doors for the cutting edge to climb and be propelled as they will see there is space for development in the association they work for. The disposition of a seafarer’s employment is that the boat is his work environment, as well as his home and his method for transportation. Thus, the workplace and the settlement rooms ought to be adequate for the general population keeping in mind the end goal to assume liability of their own security and contribute towards the others and the organization overall. Better convenience accomplishes better standard for dependability for our seafarers and demonstrates that the organization cares.
Additionally, it is imperative to continue enhancing the working and living conditions installed our boats, offering a more secure, not so much upsetting but rather more secure workplace. These days, vessels are furnished with offices, for example, correspondence hardware, satellite TV, rec centre and practice gear to make living condition installed more agreeable. Offering the seafarers some assistance with communicating with their families however much as could be expected offers them some assistance with being cheerful, loose and make them feel closer to their home. This is another approach to expand efficiency and advance viable boat operation.
Without a doubt, the human component is a vital capital for the shipping industry which requires a sensitive tactic. The seafarers work towards to effectiveness, productivity and wellbeing on all levels. Any glitch puts the boat’s operations and all the more critically, its kin in risk. In this manner, it is of real criticalness to concentrate on individuals, comprehend their necessities and attempt to boost their gifts and capacities through legitimate instruction and preparing these things can be secured. By paying consideration on security and human component issues, the shipping industry can spare cash and in the meantime ensure those individuals they have put resources into and in addition nature.
With appropriate administration and taking care of each delivery, organization can appreciate the advantage of having committed and skilled seafarers to work with. This outcome in financially savvy administration of the boats which likens to a superior profile for the ship-owner and more open door for vocation at all level. Consequently, the number of seafarers will rise if such measures are put into place
Good salaries will act as incentives in retention of officers. Considering the conditions under which they operation considerable pay is an incentive that would motivate them in their career. Such nations like the UK have increased the pay from their seafarers and as such there are likely to be more entrants within the career over time. Job satisfaction is not always tied to satisfaction with salaries. Salaries or pay often play a role in bring life satisfaction. Often satisfaction in life is gained from job satisfaction which is directly to salary satisfaction and the overall satisfaction of working environment
A number of seafarers compare being on a like being in prison. It narrows down to the nature of the job. Positive image needs to be advocated for in the shipping industry by stressing on job satisfaction for seafarers. Suppose seafarer job was seen as an adventurous career other than prison these would attract more people from land to sea jobs. Often the job lacks the element of motivation due to such feelings of isolation. These would be considered by providing such great incentives like occasional holidays for seafarers and providing intervals of working onboard.
Isolation normally causes loneliness, depression and as a result may even cause mental problems for the seafarers. A clear insight to seafarers before they embark on onshore careers is a great step towards promising career for them. If they get to understand the nature of their work and appreciate what they are about to pursue then working is easier and chances are that they will work for considerably long service time and this will actually counter early retirement. Knowing what to probably expect at sea is a milestone towards preparation of a strong founded career especially by those who embrace the career with the zeal and person to serve as seafarers
Working conditions onboard are often tough for seafarers such conditions include piracy that is a constant theat. New entrants compared to older serving seafarers find these often as a challenge. Piracy comes with other threats like robberies and assaults especially in the modern day world where terrorism remains a threat to many human activities across the globe. The number of captives onshore by pirates’ increases and such conditions do not anchor well for seafarer career.
Improving on board working conditions will contribute to attaining a better secure and healthy onshore to boost the shipping industry career growth. Measures that can be opted for include
a) Improvement in attraction of shipping industries
This can be obtained by extension of public relations activities within the industry to attract more cadets, government and NGOs contribution to the industry, educating students from early age the importance of shipping industry and the improvement of the status of the shipping industry through practice of CSR other provisions like Ship’s accommodations.
The world should work towards fighting such adversities like terror attacks in the prices combat piracy and other sea evils that prevent people from venturing into this career. When such efforts are raised work related stress will reduce and seafarers will be in a better position to serve and pursue their career
b) Governments implementation of healthy safety policies for workers
It’s the government that will transform their nations. It is therefore relevant that they work towards drawing out policies that encourage their population to pursue this career. Good safety policies that work as incentives allows seafarers to serve knowing that there are no potential hazards that they face
c) Human resource practices that focus on employee satisfaction
Human resource practices that are not tailored more on employee satisfaction pose a challenge when dealing retention of seafarers. Limited opportunities to advance onshore result to employees to seek on land jobs onboard. Other human resource practices like unfair contracts to seafarers the ill treatment, ship owners who pay less attend to their employees, denial of leaves from their jobs, lack of support from fellow employees and more onshore jobs are factors that need to addressed by human resource personnel in the shipping industry to maintain more officers in service and to better working conditions onshore.
d) Support from different stakeholders to ensure seafarers protection and safety in their service delivery
Offering seafarers support from the various stakeholders including governments, ship owners, NGO’s, fellow seafarers among other would go a long way in motivating them. Support encourages employees to feel included in various platforms, recognized subsequently motivated to continue in their service
Succession planning is important to build on knowledge and skills in the shipping industry. It is an all-encompassing management of industry talent from recruiting, training and development. It is not specifically done to target the top management by all levels of employees in the system. Strategic management of available human resource within the organization ensuring that constant talent exists and that the demand is met by available supply. With succession planning when there arise situations of early retirements there is no threat since readily available personnel is available to take on the job. Succession planning is important for the shipping industry especially due to the fact that the industry lacks enough qualified personnel.
The number of trainees is not high and the number of certified seafarers still is small hence succession planning is the best strategy to help in the long-run sustainability of the shipping industry. Succession planning ensures that there is future availability of high number of potential workers, tap intellectual capital within the organization and it also improves the staff morale. A friendly cadet system that encourages cadet training as they begin their career is important. It boosts succession planning from early career years of individuals to later years.

From the analysis and research findings in this paper early retirement of ship officers cannot be ignored. Various factors as analyzed have been seen to play major roles in discouraging taking up career as seafarers. Provision of good working conditions for filling the demand for seafarers is inevitable in the long-run. If stakeholders prioritize improving working conditions the shipping industry will be in a position to enhance their operations and improve to contribution on nations GDP. Retaining shipboard officers comes with several benefits among them meeting the high demand for certified seafarers.
The shipping industry has often been ignored. Researchers have over the years tried to research within the industry. As we appreciate their contribution to the industry more needs to be done. With the alarming demand and supply of seafarer uncertainty for the future more researchers need to step in. This study concentrated on analysing reports and statistics available in the industry to analyze the three objectives. Primary data sourcing would give a more clear insight to researchers to more data that may not be available in secondary sources used in this study. A research with more primary data at hand would give a clear picture to the objectives of such a study.

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APPENDIX A Seafarers Statistics

Source: Statistical Release Department for Transport , Seafarer Statistics 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service (27th January 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online)
APPENDIX B Age Profile

Source: Source: Statistical Release Department for Transport , Seafarer Statistics 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service (27th January 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online)

APPENDIX C Demand Supply

Source:BIMCO/ISF Estimates 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer

APPENDIX D Global Seafarer Supply by Broad Geographical Area

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