Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade.

Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:

Your name
Your student ID number
The exam number
Your email address
To successfully complete this course, you must write a research essay based on information found in your textbook, Psychology and Your Life, by Robert S. Feldman, and three outside sources. You’ll choose one of the three topics below and write an essay of six complete paragraphs for or against the question being asked. After presenting both sides of the debate, you’ll make three claims to support your thesis and convince the reader why your opinion is correct.

Media Violence: Does media violence cause violent behavior?
Eyewitness Testimony: Is eyewitness testimony reliable in the court of law?
The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who overprescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?
Note: You’re to select only one topic for your paper.

Your essay must include the following:

A title page
Introduction paragraph and thesis statement
Topic background paragraph that presents both sides of the debate
Body consisting of three claim paragraphs and supporting evidence
Conclusion paragraph
APA style reference page
The Title Page
The first page of your essay will be the title page. Provide the following information:

The title of your research essay
Your name and student ID
“C04V: Introduction to Psychology”
Exam number
Current date
Format your essay following American Psychological Association (APA) style using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Set your paragraph line spacing to 2.0, double-spacing. Use 1 inch margins. Include a header with a shortened title in ALL CAPS on the left and the page number on the right. In-text citations and the reference page must be in APA style. On this page list websites, journals, and all other references used in preparing the submission. Also include a cover page and in-text citations. For assistance with this project and APA in-text citations and references, please see the Biology page in the Virtual Library.

Remember that grammar counts! Be sure to reread, revise and proofread your essay for polished English grammar, spelling, capitalization, spacing, and mechanics.

C04V: Introduction to Psychology
Research Essay Evaluation

Student ID:

• The student clearly stated his/her opinion on a chosen topic.
• The student used at least three different sources and listed
these sources on an APA-style reference page.
• The student presented both sides of the debate.
• The student wrote three claims to support the thesis.
• The student cited evidence to support each claim. 70–64 63–58 57–50 49–0
• The student used correct grammar, spelling, mechanics,
punctuation, and sentence structure.
• The student formed six complete paragraphs. 15–13 12–11 10–9 8–0
• The student’s title page contains all the required information
(title; name and student number; course title and number; exam number, and current date) and includes a header with page numbers.
• The student used Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and 1-inch margins.
• The student included APA style in-text citations and a reference page. 15–13 12–11 10–9 8–0
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: C04V: Essay Rubric
This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.
Criterion Score
70 points
• The student clearly stated his/her opinion on a chosen topic.
• The student used at least three different sources and listed
these sources on an APA-style reference page.
• The student presented both sides of the debate.
• The student wrote three claims to support the thesis.
• The student cited evidence to support each claim.

63 points
• The student clearly stated his/her opinion on a chosen topic.
• The student used at least three different sources and listed
these sources on an APA-style reference page.
• The student presented both sides of the debate.
• The student wrote three claims to support the thesis.
• The student cited evidence to support each claim.

57 points
• The student clearly stated his/her opinion on a chosen topic.
• The student used at least three different sources and listed
these sources on an APA-style reference page.
• The student presented both sides of the debate.
• The student wrote three claims to support the thesis.
• The student cited evidence to support each claim.

49 points
• The student clearly stated his/her opinion on a chosen topic.
• The student used at least three different sources and listed
these sources on an APA-style reference page.
• The student presented both sides of the debate.
• The student wrote three claims to support the thesis.
• The student cited evidence to support each claim.

/ 70
15 points
• The student used correct grammar, spelling, mechanics,
punctuation, and sentence structure.
• The student formed six complete paragraphs.

12 points
• The student used correct grammar, spelling, mechanics,
punctuation, and sentence structure.
• The student formed six complete paragraphs.

10 points
• The student used correct grammar, spelling, mechanics,
punctuation, and sentence structure.
• The student formed six complete paragraphs.

8 points
• The student used correct grammar, spelling, mechanics,
punctuation, and sentence structure.
• The student formed six complete paragraphs.

/ 15
15 points
• The student’s title page contains all the required information
(title; name and student number; course title and number; exam number, and current date) and includes a header with page numbers.
• The student used Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and 1-inch margins.
• The student included APA style in-text citations and a reference page.

12 points
• The student’s title page contains all the required information
(title; name and student number; course title and number; exam number, and current date) and includes a header with page numbers.
• The student used Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and 1-inch margins.
• The student included APA style in-text citations and a reference page.

10 points
• The student’s title page contains all the required information
(title; name and student number; course title and number; exam number, and current date) and includes a header with page numbers.
• The student used Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and 1-inch margins.
• The student included APA style in-text citations and a reference page.

8 points
• The student’s title page contains all the required information
(title; name and student number; course title and number; exam number, and current date) and includes a header with page numbers.
• The student used Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and 1-inch margins.
• The student included APA style in-text citations and a reference page.

/ 15
Rubric Total Score
/ 100

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