The Opening Vignette which discusses about why did UBER pay $245 Million to Waymo. Read through the case and familiarize yourself and then go ahead and answer the following questions:
1. Identify the legal issues involved in thiss case.
2. Why do you think Waymo agreed to take Uber’s shares instead of money?
3. What is the meaning of intellectual property in this case?
4. Briefly describe what you can learn from this Vignette in two short paragraphs of not more than six lines in each paragraph.
I am aware that all students have a Grammarly account. I, therefore, request you all to use Grammarly to check your paper before you upload it to iLearn; failing to do so will cause you to lose some points. The essence of doing this is to ensure that your paper is free from grammatical errors, conjugation, and spellings.
Reference: Sharda, R., Delen, Dursun, and Turban, E. (2020). Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support. 11th Edition. By PEARSON Education. Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-519201-6
TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Professional Philosophy Assessment
TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Professional Philosophy Assessment TCHR5010 Theory to practice: Competency and capability of Preschoolers Assessment One: Portfolio Length: 1500 words Professional Philosophy Task 1 An educational philosophy working with preschool students is based in the policies, approaches, and the EYLF principles. However, the most important principle is that children’s lives are defined by […]