Review Chapter 3 of your textbook and discuss the topic here with your peers; you should post at least one message here before Wednesday at 11PM and at least two responses to your peers’ notes before the end of the week to contribute to an interesting weekly discussion. Remember that when posting your initial note you should provide, a reliable source (peer reviewed article, reliable webpage [.org, .gov, or international organization]) to support your ideas. Make sure that you use a parenthetical citation in your text and the reference at the end of your discussion using in both cases the APA citations and references style. Use the Library to find your peer reviewed articles and download your article in PDF format so you can also attach it on the bottom of your note after the APA reference so your peers are able to review it too.
The Legal and Ethical Environment
Chapter three discusses the legal aspects and ethical guidelines in the employment relations. It notes that employment-related law has been subjected to numerous legal interpretations and reviews. The employment laws define the rights and key responsibilities that guidelines the workplace in the federal and state provisions, administrative agency procedures, and case law interpretations. Critical federal statutes that affects the overall employment setting includes the Fair Labor Standards Act and HIPAA among others. Chapter 3 evaluates employment-at-will doctrine that has significant implication on HRM. The legal doctrine of employment-at-will usually assumes that the employee and employer have the full rights to terminate the work relationship without any notice or any documented reason.
Moreover, the equal employment opportunity (EEO) is a critical aspect to improve the efforts to allow all person’s access to employment despite their backgrounds and religion among others. It is clear that the equal employment opportunity procedures and legal guidelines relies on affirmative action for implementation. The chapter also evaluates sexual harassment because it has become a key issue in the society today. Civil Rights Act considers sexual harassment as a key human rights violation (Fried, & Fottler, 2017). There are two forms of sexual harassment including quid pro quo and the hostile climate. The HR managers should understand the approaches of eliminating sexual harassment in a work setting
Other critical employment issues included in the chapter incudes the job-related stress, workplace substance abuse, and impaired professionals. It is critical to review the workplace laws to ensure the relevant accommodation of the complexity of workplace. Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage rs should eb able to learn and understand the work environment procedures and regulations and not rely on intuition alone in situation such as whistle-blowing, discrimination, or sensitive circumstances. The managers should be able to obtain knowledge in general areas of the workplace laws and regulations. Therefore, chapter three is able to review ethical and legal issues related to employment agreements and issues.
Fried, B., & Fottler, M. D. (Eds.). (2017). Fundamentals of human resources in healthcare. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press (HAP).