The Input of Technology in Improving Cognitive Skills
Debates have been ongoing on the role of technological advancements in one’s thinking ability. Software developers set out to design programs that would play against human beings in the game of chess. (Thompson 341) IBM’s Deep Blue Supercomputer software of 1997 had the super speed of discerning two hundred moves in a second. Consequently, it beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov in the duel. (Thompson 342) From the game of chess, it is evident that human thinking skills are sharpened through practice. When one goes through a lot of successes or failures, he or she will be in a position to learn the dynamics of a given venture. On the contrary, computers calculate all chances of failure and avoid them. The second positive feature of computers is that they can pile up a huge database of information as compared to the limited capacity displayed by human beings. The third and obvious advantage is that computerized devices are very fast. (Thompson 345)
These superb qualities of the computer made the chess players to brainstorm whether there was a possibility of human beings working hand in hand with the computers. It was surprising that Crampton and Stephen, a duo of amateurs, triumphed over the established chess players recognized all over the world. (Thompson 346) The success of these two new chess players sent a clear signal that the fusion of the computer with our own cognitive skills brought about great results.
A proper knowledge of the digital gadgets at our disposal exposes us to a lot of issues hence we will be in a position to retain more of it. In the process of the human kind interacting with the digital machines, three benefits arise. To begin with, technology has come up with an array of storage devices which we can use to record the day to day occurrences in our lives. Recording leads to a great deal of learning according to the theory of the extended mind. Research has proven that relying of peripheral devices help in the thinking process. (Thompson 349) Secondly, electronics help us to find a connection between different phenomena. One can look up a given concept from various sites and draw conclusions with regard to the information. Thirdly, the computer era has encouraged robust publishing. Various fields known only to a few in previous years are now accessible by the click of a button.
Though the advent of computers has brought about a tremendous change in the way we look at issues, several groups feel it has reduced the capability of people to look critically at issues and deduce conclusions. To begin with, one cannot concentrate on one thing due to the divided attention. The internet has so many avenues that call for one’s attention. There has also been fear that the digital devices could lead to alteration in the physiological functioning of the brain due to the shifty nature of the users. Finally, there has been critic from various quarters that the technology makes us over reliant. Overreliance on something blunts our creativity. (Thompson 359) this assertion is not entirely true because our interaction with robots depicts a different story.
Robots can create more opportunities
During the industrial revolution, many feared that the introduction of machinery would grab them of their jobs. This assertion was baseless since with the boom of machinery, skilled and knowledgeable people operated the machinery. More work was consequently created. (Kelly 303) With today’s vast research and the introduction of robots, many are skeptical that we may lose most of our occupations. The robots are speedy and efficient.
In the recent years, most researchers have come with robots possessing human intelligence. Using stored databases and analyses of statistics, these machines can write stories and compile daily reports of organizations. A workbot called Baxter, for example, can perceive its environment. The robot cannot collide with people at the work and it is courteous. (Kelly 300) Furthermore, this workbot can be trained into accomplishing routinely tasks without necessarily feeding it with huge chunks of codes. Managing these workbots is therefore cheap.(Kelly 304)
From the ongoing, it is clear that robots can play a great role in easing most of our daily operations. Some jobs are better done by robots than humans. Such jobs include weaving, the motor industry and auto-piloting. Other endeavors such as designing sophisticated spare parts are better accomplished by machines alone. The combination of the superb working of the robots and the organizational skills of human beings lead to larger output.
It is therefore clear that robots will create more work for human beings. (Kelly 305)
Technology Improves Writing Skills.
In the above essay, it is clear that technology is here with us and we cannot escape from its influence. One of the digital devices that has had a profound impact on our lives and specifically in the way we reason is the mobile phone. It has bred a common habit that aids in communication. This form of communication is texting. Is texting beneficial or perilous to our writing skills?
Texting has become a common exercise in our surroundings. It has picked up due to the busy nature of most people which makes it difficult to receive phone calls from time to time. (Crystal 60) Many people believe that this habitual activity has had a tremendous effect on the writing skills of many individuals especially the teenagers and youth who use it for their day to day communication. (Crystal 60) Texting generally involves including most aspects of spoken communication into writing. Texts are brief, mostly employing acronyms and shorthand methods of writing. The new term for this kind of writing is text spoken since it involves a large amount of the spoken form.
Due to its brevity, simplicity and the usage of symbols, many have attributed it to the poor spelling and carelessness displayed by most learners. The national Center for Educational Statistics projects that only 25% of the students in senior high school show competence in writing. The organization attributed the poor competencies of the students to imitating the communication skills around them in writing.
Texting affects punctuation since in spoken communication; it is difficult to demarcate the place of the punctuation marks. Texting in a manner to suggest spoken communication does away with the vital punctuation marks. More so, the texting form adopts brevity. Brief pieces of writing do not carry any emotions. It goes without say that the learners will transfer the same to their classroom assignments leading to writings without any form of emotional attachment.(Crystal 63) in another light, due to the simplistic nature of the text messages, the learners will lack in the critical analysis and the logical reasoning skills that are required in advancing an argument.
Despite all these negative views, there is a group that views texting as of value. Texting gives the students a chance to practice their writing skills without any fear of intimidation. The practice makes the aggressive learners correct their mistakes. At the end of the day, their confidence levels will be uplifted. Furthermore, texting enhances creativity since the people involved always strive to come up with novel ways of communicating given concepts to their peers. (Crystal 65) another advantage is that texting will sharpen the abilities of the users to be brief and precise when conveying some information. This concept reduces on wordiness.
Another key advantage of texting is that it enhances originality. Originality comes in that one will write using his own style. Developing one’s way of writing is essential in writing. On a larger scale, the texting community is in a position to come up with their unique structures of communication. With continuous usage, this new form can transform into a language on its own. (Crystal 67)
Works cited.
1. Thompson, K C. Smarter Than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better. , 2013. Print.
2. Kelly, Kevin. What Technology Wants. New York: Viking, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer. Internet resource.
3. Crystal, David. Txtng: The Gr8 Db8. Oxford: OUP Oxford, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers. Print