The influence of Hinduism on art from ancient India

Hinduism is a complex and diverse religion that has influenced the artistic production of India for millennia. Hindu art reflects the Hindu worldview, which is based on the concepts of dharma (righteous living), artha (wealth), kama (love), and moksha (salvation). Hindu art also expresses the pluralism and diversity of Hindu deities, myths, and practices, as well as the sacredness of nature and the human body.

One of the most distinctive features of Hindu art is the use of multiple arms, heads, or faces to depict the deities, especially when they are engaged in cosmic battles or creative acts. This technique conveys the omnipotence and omnipresence of the divine, as well as the unity of opposites and the harmony of diversity. For example, Shiva, the god of destruction and creation, is often shown with four arms holding various attributes, such as a trident, a drum, a rosary, and a flame. He may also appear with multiple heads or faces, such as in his form as Nataraja, the lord of dance, who represents the cosmic cycle of creation and dissolution.

Another characteristic of Hindu art is the representation of sensuous and erotic themes, especially in sculpture and painting. These themes are not considered profane or immoral, but rather symbolic of the divine power of generation and fertility. They also reflect the Hindu ideal of kama, or human and sexual love, as one of the legitimate goals of life. The most famous examples of erotic art in Hinduism are found in the temples of Khajuraho, which depict various forms of sexual union between humans and deities. These images are meant to evoke both aesthetic pleasure and spiritual aspiration in the viewer.

Hindu art also reveals the importance of sacred architecture and iconography in Hinduism. Temples are built according to precise rules and measurements that correspond to the structure of the cosmos and the human body. They are designed to be auspicious and beautiful sites that attract and house the deities. The innermost sanctum of the temple, called the garbhagriha (womb chamber), contains an image or symbol of the main deity, which is worshipped by devotees through rituals and offerings. The temple walls are decorated with sculptures and paintings that narrate the stories and attributes of various gods and goddesses, as well as scenes from everyday life.

Hindu art is thus a rich and diverse expression of Hindu culture and spirituality. It reflects the long history and development of Hinduism, as well as its interaction with other artistic traditions and influences. Hindu art is not only a source of aesthetic enjoyment, but also a means of religious education and devotion.

Works Cited

Dehejia, Vidya. “Hinduism and Hindu Art.” The Metropolitan Museum of Art, February 2007,

“Hinduism – Arts, Rituals, Beliefs.”,

“Hindu Art.”, December 2022,

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