Question description
Week 2: The Historical Foundations of Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment & The Contemporary Workplace
What is an ‘organisation’ and why are managers important to an organisation’s success?
Define the terms ‘Quality and performance excellence’, ‘Global awareness’, and ‘Learning
What is the benefit of seeing an organisation as a ‘system’? What difference would this
view make to you as a manager?
What are some of the opportunities an increasingly diverse and multicultural workforce
offers with respect to potential performance gains in organisations?
Week 4: Information and Decision-Making
What is the difference between an ‘optimising decision’ and a ‘satisficing decision’?
Using examples, explain how ‘risk’, ‘certainty’ and ‘uncertainty’ influence the decisions that
managers make.
Identify the steps in the decision-making process. Use examples to illustrate your answer.
Do an on-line search for the phrase ‘worst business decisions’. Choose TWO (2) examples
and describe what happened. What is your reaction to each example? How could the
managers in each have made better decisions?
Week 6: Planning and Strategic Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
Identify and describe the steps in the five-stage planning process. Use examples to
illustrate your answer.
Write a page paper – Describe the difference between ‘strategic plans’ and ‘tactical plans’.
Using examples to illustrate your answer, describe the types of plans used by managers.
What is a SWOT analysis? Discuss the types of issues and questions that should be dealt
with when conducting a SWOT analysis.
Week 8: Ethical Behaviour and Social Responsibility
What is meant by the term ‘corporate social responsibility’? In your opinion, should
businesses be socially responsible? Support your answer with examples.
Identify the alternative views of ethical behaviour and briefly describe the main emphasis
of each view.
What is an ethical dilemma? Write a page paper – Describe some of the causes of ethical dilemmas in the
management context.
Discuss the ways in which ethical standards may be established and maintained in