The Ethics and Legalities of Medication Error Disclosure
Medication Error Disclosure: Ethics and Law
“Mistakes are a facet of life,” wrote Nikki Giovanni. Not the error, but how you respond” (Goodreads, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Whenever you make a prescription error, you must evaluate the ethical and legal repercussions, no matter how minor. You may be afraid of the repercussions and feel compelled to keep quiet. Regardless, you must evaluate the consequences of non-disclosure. Your response to the prescription error will impact you, the patient, and the hospital. This Assignment examines the ethical and legal issues of personal error disclosure.

Consider this scenario:

You work as an APRN in a community health clinic. You misprescribe a medicine to a patient. You don’t think the patient knows you made a mistake, and it wasn’t deliberate.


Considérer the ethical ramifications of transparency vs

Find out about APN laws in your state. Considérer les legal ramifications de divulgation et non-disclosure for you and the

Consider what you would do as an APN in this situation, including disclosing your error.

Review the Institute for Safe Medication Practices webpage. Consider writing prescriptions. Consider ways to avoid medication mishaps.

Answers to questions

2–3 page document addressing the following:

Distinguish between the moral and legal implications of disclosure. Make careful to check your state’s laws.

In this case, an advanced practice nurse should decide whether or not to reveal an inaccuracy.

Provide rationale.

How to Ace my homework – Write Prescriptions and Avoid Medication Errors

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Research Helper
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