Music research paper format I need done.
Topic: The effect of commercialism on Hip Hop music

Genre: East Coast Hip Hop from 1980-1990

What to include: How does the repertoire I have chosen relates to issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, or other definers of identity? Bear in mind that while lyrics and performance are important, you must address musical issues as well. Last include example/music list and authors that excelled in east Coast Hip Hop from 1980-1990

Reference please note that you are not limited to below scholarly listed below. This is bare minimum.
Chang, J., & Watkins, S. C. (2007, Nov). IT’S A Hip-Hop World. Foreign Policy, , 58-65.
Frazier, D. (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). Cuban Hip-Hop: The Promoted and Commercial Revolution1. Wadabagei : A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora, 11(2), 65-94.
Morgan, M., & Bennett, D. (2011). Hip-Hop & the Global Imprint of a Black Cultural Form. Daedalus, 140(2), 176-196.


I require assistance with a music research paper format.
The impact of commercialism on hip hop music is the subject of this paper.

From 1980 through 1990, East Coast Hip Hop was popular.

What to include: How does the music I’ve picked relate to concerns of racism, class, gender, sexuality, or other identifiers? Keep in mind that, while lyrics and performance are crucial, musical difficulties must also be addressed. Finally, there is a list of examples/music and authors who excelled in east coast hip hop from 1980 to 1990.

Reference I need help writing my essay – research paper keep in mind that you are not confined to the scholarly resources listed below. This is the absolute minimum.

J. Chang and S. C. Watkins (2007, Nov). IT’S A HIP-HOP WORLD OUT THERE. 58-65 in Foreign Policy.

D. Frazier (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). Cuban Hip-Hop: The Promoted and Commercial Revolution1. Wadabagei : A Journal of

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