Instructions: For this assignment, submit one Word file. Do not submit Excel file. Copy and paste all graphs, table if any, and descriptive statistics to a Microsoft Word file.The dataset posted in the blackboard list the total assets of 30 largest U.S. banks for 2007 and 2013. Five years after the peak of the financial crisis, has Washington solved the problem of banks “too big to fail”? Are the large U.S. banks larger than pre-recession level? Write a report based on your analysis of these data. Report must include -(1) A separate histogram for 2007 and 2013. (Hint: for 2007 total assets, construct a histogram using 6 classes. Use class intervals 0 to up to 400, 400 to up to 800, …, 2000 to up to 2400. Create a separate column for upper class limits of each class intervals – this column is the bin range in Excel. Do the same for 2013).(2) Generate summary statistics for 2007 and 2013 using descriptive statistics of Excel Data Analysis.(3) Use an appropriate measure of central tendency obtained from summary statistics (question 2) to construct a bar graph.(4) Answer of the question posted on the top paragraph – are the large U.S. banks larger than pre-recession level?P.S.
Travelling Experience
Can you remember your best experince in another country? Last summer (in 2007), I traveled to the United States for working and spending some time with my friends. I stayed two months in that country. I decided to travel because I wanted to do something different. I was bored about all my daily activities, so […]