Assessment Plan
The following outlines the assessment requirements for this cluster. You are required to complete all assessment requirements outlined below to achieve competency for this all units in this cluster.
Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Ace my homework – Write them in the table below.
Assessment Tasks Due Date
1. Assessment Task 1 – Written Questions
2. Assessment Task 2 – Ethical and Legal Obligations
3. Assessment Task 3 – Work Activities According to Legal and Ethical Obligations
4. Assessment Task 4 – Contribute to Improved Practices
5. Assessment Task 5 – Complete Work Activities in Line with Philosophy
6. Assessment Task 6 – Authenticated Third-Party Report

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
The following assessment tasks use a simulated childcare centre called Early Learning Centre. In order to complete the assessment tasks, you will need to access information, templates, policies and procedures associated with This can be done in one of two ways: either your assessor will provide you with copies of the appropriate documents, or they will provide you with login details for s website. Navigate to, select ‘Log in and enter your username and password prior to completing your assessment tasks. You should familiarise yourself with what does, the services it provides, the employees and organisational structure of the centre.
This is an open book written assessment.
There are 21 questions, and some questions have sub-parts.
You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a satisfactory outcome for this task.
RESOURCES AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ? Access to your learning materials
? Access to a computer, printer and internet
? Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)
WHERE AND WHEN THIS TASK WILL BE COMPLETED ? You will complete this task in your own time, or you may be provided with time in class to complete it (where applicable)
? You will be advised of the due date for this task.
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU GET SOMETHING WRONG? If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect or insufficient, they will make arrangements with you for resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS • Your answers for each question
TASK INSTRUCTIONS ? This is an open book written assessment – you can use your learning materials as reference.
? You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a satisfactory outcome for this task.
? Refer to the Glossary of Instructional Task Words for descriptions of instructional words to guide you in the level of response required in each question.
a) Identify the legal requirement of protecting children and family s identity and personal information in service.
b) Using your own words explain the purpose and basic requirements of this law.
c) Using your own words outline the key components of this law.
Today is your first day working at Early Learning Centre. You are very pleased about your new job as an administration support officer. You have a background in administration, and you are a very methodical and organised person. This morning you meet with Kim who will be showing you around the office. As you enter the office you notice that it is very untidy. Kim tells you that the manager, Karen, has been on annual leave and the office is always a bit of a mess when she is away. On the desk you see enrolment forms, medical information, staff files and recent observations piled-up in no particular order. Next to you is a large filing cabinet that is open with its many drawers spilling out their contents on the nearby floor. Just then the phone rings and Kim answers. As she takes the telephone call, she scrounges around for a little piece of paper to write notes. Then, she writes down a few dot-points about a child s recent asthma attack on the weekend as the parent on the other end of the phone gives her a full recount of this medical emergency. Karen then pins this note to a large and very overcrowded corkboard. You can see that the office is currently very disorganised and although you are feeling a bit overwhelmed about the situation you are keen to start work immediately and get the office organised!
Respond to each question below in relation to the scenario.
a) There are child enrolment forms and staff personal files piled-up on the desk in a haphazard manner. Explain how staff and family s personal information must be stored and archived from a legal requirement.
b) In relation to the accessibility of information such as enrolment forms. What procedures should be followed and who should have access to this information?
c) Name security procedures that should be in place for confidential information stored in computer programs.
d) Name five different legislative requirements regarding information management that apply to a centre/ service.
a) Using your own words explain the purpose of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
b) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child consists of 54 articles and is guided by four fundamental principles. Identify these four fundamental principles, as well as their related articles.
a) Using your own words explain the purpose of the National Quality Framework (NQF).
b) List the four components of the National Quality Framework (NQF).
c) Name the three legislative documents that set out the legal conditions, operational requirements and quality standards for the operation of an authorised children s service. Also, state where these three legislative documents can be accessed.
d) The National Law identifies the objectives and guiding principles for the National Quality Framework (NQF). Name four other important aspects/areas that this law sets forth.
a) The National Law identifies seven different key operational requirements to align with the National Quality Framework (NQF) one such operational requirement is staffing arrangements. List what is covered under the operational requirement of staffing arrangements.
You are working with your centre director to identify staffing requirements for the Bur Oak Room, in the room children aged 2–3 years that attend the childcare centre on Fridays. On those Fridays, you have 15 toddlers for which you must provide care. Your childcare centre is based in the state of Victoria.
Respond to the questions below in relation to the scenario.
b) When planning staffing arrangements on Fridays for the Bur Oak Room, what four key aspects must you consider?
c) In the state of Victoria, how many educators require first aid qualifications and training in anaphylaxis and emergency asthma management at any one time?
d) In relation to the scenario, are two educators required to be on duty at all times under the National Law and National Regulations?
e) Under the National Law and National Regulations, which requirements and qualifications must an educator who is providing care by themselves to 15 or fewer children over preschool age hold?
f) Describe the National Law and National Regulations
Using your own words, outline the role of local state/territory regulatory authorities play in relation to regulating early childhood education and care services.
a) Briefly describe an educator s duty of care.
b) Identify under which legal concept and domain you would find Duty of Care?
c) Analyse if the matter of duty of care is legal or ethical or both?
a) Which document has been designed especially for early education and care environments and is based on the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991); reflects current pedagogical research and practice; and provides a framework for reflection about the ethical responsibilities of early childhood professionals?
b) Using your own words, describe the function this document serves.
c) How could an educator commit to act in line with this document throughout their day-to-day practice? Give four such examples to illustrate your response.
d) Which six guiding principles does this document support?
e) Using the table below write in the definition for each of the following terms as per the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics.
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics Terms: Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics Definition of Terms:
A code of ethics
Core principles
Childhood Professional
Using the table below, write the basic requirements for each of the seven different Quality Areas in the National Quality Standards (NQS).
Quality Area Requirements
QA1: Educational program and practice
QA2: Children s health and safety
QA3: Physical environment
QA4: Staffing requirements
QA5: Relationships with children
QA6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
Q7: Leadership and service management
a) Using your own words, briefly explain assessment and quality ratings undertaken by local state/territory regulatory authorities.
b) Outline the steps in the assessment and quality rating process.
Using you own words, name two different approved learning frameworks and explain their role.
Jennifer, Fabian and May have just finished their studies in early childhood education and care. Jennifer has been employed by Early Learning Centre as an educator, Fabian has found a job working in out of school hours care and May has accepted a position in out of school hours and care at local school.
Respond to the question below in relation to the scenario.
a) Briefly summarise the three students typical roles and res

The assessment plan for the cluster on early childhood education and care:

Question 1

a) The legal requirement of protecting children and family’s identity and personal information in service is the Privacy Act 1988.
b) The purpose of the Privacy Act 1988 is to protect the privacy of individuals by giving them control over their personal information. The basic requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 are that organizations must collect, use and disclose personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected, and they must take reasonable steps to protect the privacy of that information.
c) The key components of the Privacy Act 1988 are:

The collection of personal information must be lawful, fair and reasonable.
Personal information must only be used for the purposes for which it was collected.
Personal information must be kept secure and confidential.
Individuals must be given access to their personal information and be able to correct any inaccuracies.
Question 2

a) Staff and family’s personal information must be stored and archived in a secure and confidential manner. The information should be stored in a locked filing cabinet or in a password-protected computer file. Only authorized staff should have access to the information.
b) The accessibility of information such as enrolment forms should be limited to authorized staff only. Enrolment forms should be stored in a secure location and only accessed when necessary.
c) Security procedures that should be in place for confidential information stored in computer programs include:

Using strong passwords
Encrypting the data
Regularly backing up the data
Implementing access controls
d) Five different legislative requirements regarding information management that apply to a centre/service include:

The Privacy Act 1988
The Australian Information Commissioner’s (AIC) Privacy Principles
The Children’s Services (National Law) Act 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap
The Children’s Services (National Regulations) 2013
The Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics
Question 3

a) The purpose of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is to protect the rights of all children, regardless of their race, religion, nationality, or social status. The convention sets out 54 articles that outline the rights of children, including the right to life, the right to education, and the right to be protected from violence.
b) The four fundamental principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child are:

The best interests of the child
The right to life, survival and development
Question 4

a) The purpose of the National Quality Framework (NQF) is to improve the quality of early childhood education and care services in Australia. The NQF sets out a set of quality standards that services must meet in order to be accredited.
b) The four components of the National Quality Framework (NQF) are:

Educational program and practice
Children’s health and safety
Physical environment
Staffing requirements
c) The three legislative documents that set out the legal conditions, operational requirements and quality standards for the operation of an authorised children’s service are:

The Children’s Services (National Law) Act 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap
The Children’s Services (National Regulations) 2013
The Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics
The Children’s Services (National Law) Act 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap sets out the legal conditions for the operation of an authorised children’s service. The Children’s Services (National Regulations) 2013 sets out the operational requirements for the operation of an authorised children’s service. The Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics sets out the ethical standards for the operation of an authorised children’s service.

d) The National Law identifies four other important aspects/areas that this law sets forth:

The role of the Australian Children’s Commissioner
The role of the National Quality Framework (NQF)
The role of the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)
The role of the states and territories
Question 5

a) The operational requirement of staffing arrangements covers the following:

The number of staff required
The qualifications of staff
The experience of staff
The training of staff
b) When planning staffing arrangements on Fridays for the Bur Oak Room, the following four key aspects must be considered:

The number of children attending
The ages of the children attending
The needs of the children attending
The qualifications and experience of the staff available

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