Team Goal: Case Analysis 1 -Page Outline

(for Initial Direction from Instructor)

DUE on BB Team Links: Wednesday April 13th @11:59 PM

Make a one-page outline on your Case Analysis Assignment. The

outline is a guide document that you will discuss with your Instructor to

get feedback on direction and things that can help you before you

present. It could be bullet points but be prepared to discuss briefly:

1. Two or three problems you identified from the case.

2. What OB concepts do you plan to use to analyze the case? Name

the concepts only for this 1-pager.

3. Any Recommendations you have?

Make sure you upload the one-page plan on the ‘Team Links – File

Exchange’ provided on BB (ONLY ONE PER GROUP) by the deadline

(4/13 @11:59 PM) before your Team meets with the Instructor in class

next day.


Team Objective: Case Analysis 1 – Page Outline

(for Initial Instructor Direction)

DUE on BB Team Links: Wednesday, April 13th, at 11:59 p.m.

On your Case Analysis Assignment, create a one-page outline. The

An outline is a guide sheet that you will discuss with your instructor to help you write your paper.

Before you start, gather comments on your direction and items that can benefit you.

present. It could be bullet points but be prepared to discuss briefly:

1. Two or three problems you identified from the case.

2. What OB concepts do you plan to use to analyze the case? Name

the concepts only for this 1-pager.

3. Any Recommendations you have?

Make sure you upload the one-page plan on the ‘Team Links – File

Exchange’ provided on BB (ONLY ONE PER GROUP) by

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Write Papers
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