TCRIM 225 Diversity and Social Justice in Criminology –– Fall 2020
Instructions for Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Board Use
Note; Avoid PLAGIARISM and copying and pasting you will get ZERO.

Weekly Reading Reflections
For every week of the quarter, you will write a reading reflection of AT LEAST 550 WORDS and post this to the discussion board. 550 words is the absolute minimum requirement – you will fail for the week if you post anything less than 550 words for the initial reflection, so please use the “word count” function and put in sufficient time and effort for each reflection.

For most weeks, I will provide specific discussion topics and guidelines for exactly what you should write your reflection about, but other weeks this will be more up to you and you may reflect more broadly upon the reading(s), video(s), and other materials for the week. In either case, you must write your reflection in a scholarly manner and demonstrate that you have read, understood, and thoughtfully considered ALL of the assigned material. This must entail direct references, quotes, and citations to particular portions of the reading(s) – with page numbers included to make it easier for your peers and professor to evaluate and address your thoughts. Whenever possible, this should also involve relevant references and information you have learned in previous courses, from earlier readings in this course, and from other outside scholarly sources such as journal articles, books, and news stories. As these reflections make up 70% of your final grade, it is in your best interest to spend a good deal of time carefully creating each one of them.

To help guide your thinking in the right direction, some potential ideas for general reflection include:
• What did you find interesting or surprising about the reading? Did anything please or upset you for any reason? If you believe that controversial arguments were made, how do you feel about them?
• Was there anything that you feel you didn’t understand well? Were there certain arguments or ideas that you are unclear about or feel needed to be expanded upon?
• Did you agree/disagree with anything? Are the conclusions or claims made by the author(s) convincing? Why or why not? Did the author(s) present his/her ideas fairly or in a biased manner?
• What issues do the author(s) neglect to consider? What assumptions might they be taking for granted?
• What should be done as a result of the argument or information in the article/chapter? How could you, criminal justice professionals, policy makers, or any members of society use this information? How should people not use this argument or information?

You may choose to answer all or some of the questions listed above. I need help writing my essay – research paper demonstrate critical thinking through a willingness to question your own previous ideas and perspectives on various topics and also by challenging the authors. In other words, questions about and critiques of the authors’ methods, assumptions, conclusions, and perspectives should form within your own mind as you read – try to read between-the-lines and write these thoughts down. Note when you learn something new or surprising so that you can discuss this.

Whenever you address someone’s work, always provide the full name of the source and the author’s name and do so in proper Ace homework tutors – APA format. For outside sources, you may also want to include a link. When you do use outside information, make sure you use appropriate academic sources (such as government websites, journal articles, scholarly books, respectable news media reporting, etc.), unless I specifically ask for other types of materials (i.e. I ask you to find examples of things which come from the mass media like YouTube clips).

Critical Thinking Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Questions
At the end of each reflection, provide AT LEAST TWO questions about the reading that you think would be interesting for the class to discuss. Online assignment help tutors – Discussion questions should be clear, engaging, and answerable questions –try your best to make them as relevant to the topic and reading(s) of the week as possible.

I would also appreciate it if people would please make the section with their discussion questions separate from the rest of their reflection. Including an extra empty line before the discussion questions makes the questions easier to see and read. Also, these discussion questions do NOT count as part of the 550-word minimum for your reflection post.

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Board Grading Rubric

Quality of writing Full Marks
25 points No Marks
0 points

Understanding and integration of all readings and all other materials Full Marks
25 points No Marks
0 points

Depth and quality of analysis and discussion in initial post Full Marks
25 points No Marks
0 points

Inclusion and quality of critical thinking discussion questions Full Marks
25 points No Marks
0 points

Note; Avoid PLAGIARISM and copying and pasting you will get you ZERO.

Reflection 2

Your reflection assignment for week 2 is to write a discussion board post reflecting upon the two required readings (“Five Faces of Oppression” and “Economic Inequality: It’s Far Worse Than You Think”) and two videos (Inequality for All and the income inequality clip) for this week.

1- Five Faces of Oppression.
2- Economic Inequality: It’s Far Worse Than You Think.
3- Inequality for All.

In the film Inequality for All, Dr. Robert Reich (former United States Secretary of Labor and current Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley) raises numerous important questions for you to consider. Considering what you learned in the readings and videos for this week, I want you to also grapple with these same issues.
Here are some questions to consider for this reflection:
1) What is happening today in terms of income distribution and wealth? What do you think the causes are? What steps do you think we need now in order to deal with the issue of inequality?
2) Reich says, “The question is not inequality per se; the question is, when does inequality become a problem?” In your own words, when do you think inequality becomes a problem? Does inequality ever serve a useful purpose…if so, when and how, and if not, why not?
3) What do you think most Americans don’t realize about income inequality? What difference do you think it would make if they did have this information? Reich says, “When we see the contrast between the values we share and the realities we live in, that is the fundamental foundation for social change.” What do you think about that statement? How would you describe the disconnect between American values and the reality that most Americans live? Are you seeing glimpses of social change?
Finally, you must discuss this last question in your post:
4) REQUIRED QUESTION: How does income inequality lead to or exacerbate any or all of the five faces of oppression discussed by Iris Young?
Make sure to reference information from both the videos AND both of the readings for this week in your reflection!
AT LEAST 550 WORDS It does not include the name of the student, the university, the professor, or the name of the class.

Note; Avoid PLAGIARISM and copying and pasting you will get you ZERO.

Review and write according specifically to the instructions.

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